OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library) 2022.1
Options Namespace Reference


bool echo = false
 Echo flag. More...
bool info = true
 Info flag. More...
int infoLevel = 1
bool mtrace = false
 Trace flag. More...
bool warn = true
 Warn flag. More...
int warnLevel = 1
Random rangen
int seed = 123456789
 The current random seed. More...
int psDumpFreq = 10
 The frequency to dump the phase space, i.e.dump data when steppsDumpFreq==0. More...
int statDumpFreq = 10
 The frequency to dump statistical values, e.e. dump data when stepstatDumpFreq==0. More...
bool psDumpEachTurn = false
 phase space dump flag for OPAL-cycl More...
DumpFrame psDumpFrame = DumpFrame::GLOBAL
 flag to decide in which coordinate frame the phase space will be dumped for OPAL-cycl More...
int sptDumpFreq = 1
 The frequency to dump single particle trajectory of particles with ID = 0 & 1. More...
int repartFreq = 10
 The frequency to do particles repartition for better load balance between nodes. More...
int minBinEmitted = 10
 The number of bins that have to be emitted before the bin are squashed into a single bin. More...
int minStepForRebin = 200
 The number of steps into the simulation before the bins are squashed into a single bin. More...
int rebinFreq = 100
 The frequency to reset energy bin ID for all particles. More...
int scSolveFreq = 1
 The frequency to solve space charge fields. More...
int mtsSubsteps = 1
double remotePartDel = 0.0
bool rhoDump = false
bool ebDump = false
bool csrDump = false
int autoPhase = 6
int numBlocks = 0
 RCG: cycle length. More...
int recycleBlocks = 0
 RCG: number of recycle blocks. More...
int nLHS = 1
 number of old left hand sides used to extrapolate a new start vector More...
bool cZero = false
 If true create symmetric distribution. More...
std::string rngtype = std::string("RANDOM")
 random number generator More...
bool enableHDF5 = true
 If true HDF5 files are written. More...
bool enableVTK = true
 If true VTK files are written. More...
bool asciidump = false
int boundpDestroyFreq = 10
double beamHaloBoundary = 0
bool cloTuneOnly = false
 Do closed orbit and tune calculation only. More...
bool idealized = false
bool writeBendTrajectories = false
int version = 10000
 opal version of input file More...
bool amr = false
 Enable AMR if true. More...
int amrYtDumpFreq = 10
 The frequency to dump AMR grid data and particles into file. More...
int amrRegridFreq = 10
 After how many steps the AMR grid hierarchy is updated. More...
bool memoryDump = false
double haloShift = 0.0
 The constant parameter C to shift halo, by < w^4 > / < w^2 > ^2 - C (w=x,y,z) More...
unsigned int delPartFreq = 1
 The frequency to delete particles (currently: OPAL-cycl only) More...
bool computePercentiles = false
bool dumpBeamMatrix = false

Variable Documentation

◆ amr

bool Options::amr = false

◆ amrRegridFreq

int Options::amrRegridFreq = 10

After how many steps the AMR grid hierarchy is updated.

Definition at line 103 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by AmrBoxLib::computeSelfFields_cycl(), Option::execute(), and Option::Option().

◆ amrYtDumpFreq

int Options::amrYtDumpFreq = 10

The frequency to dump AMR grid data and particles into file.

Definition at line 101 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by AmrBoxLib::computeSelfFields_cycl(), Option::execute(), and Option::Option().

◆ asciidump

bool Options::asciidump = false

◆ autoPhase

int Options::autoPhase = 6

◆ beamHaloBoundary

double Options::beamHaloBoundary = 0

Definition at line 89 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by DataSink::dumpSDDS(), Option::execute(), and Option::Option().

◆ boundpDestroyFreq

int Options::boundpDestroyFreq = 10

◆ cloTuneOnly

bool Options::cloTuneOnly = false

Do closed orbit and tune calculation only.

Definition at line 91 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Distribution::createMatchedGaussDistribution(), Option::execute(), and Option::Option().

◆ computePercentiles

bool Options::computePercentiles = false

◆ csrDump

bool Options::csrDump = false

◆ cZero

bool Options::cZero = false

◆ delPartFreq

unsigned int Options::delPartFreq = 1

The frequency to delete particles (currently: OPAL-cycl only)

Definition at line 109 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by ParallelCyclotronTracker::deleteParticle(), Option::execute(), and Option::Option().

◆ dumpBeamMatrix

bool Options::dumpBeamMatrix = false

◆ ebDump

bool Options::ebDump = false

◆ echo

bool Options::echo = false

Echo flag.

Definition at line 26 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), opalMain(), and Option::Option().

◆ enableHDF5

bool Options::enableHDF5 = true

◆ enableVTK

bool Options::enableVTK = true

If true VTK files are written.

Definition at line 83 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by BoundaryGeometry::computeMeshVoxelization(), Option::execute(), Option::Option(), and DataSink::writeGeomToVtk().

◆ haloShift

double Options::haloShift = 0.0

The constant parameter C to shift halo, by < w^4 > / < w^2 > ^2 - C (w=x,y,z)

Definition at line 107 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), DistributionMoments::fillMembers(), and Option::Option().

◆ idealized

bool Options::idealized = false

Definition at line 93 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by OpalBeamline::compute3DLattice(), Option::execute(), and Option::Option().

◆ info

bool Options::info = true

◆ infoLevel

int Options::infoLevel = 1

Definition at line 29 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by IpplInfoWrapper::IpplInfoWrapper(), OpalSimulation::run(), and run_opal().

◆ memoryDump

bool Options::memoryDump = false

Definition at line 105 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), DataSink::init(), and Option::Option().

◆ minBinEmitted

int Options::minBinEmitted = 10

The number of bins that have to be emitted before the bin are squashed into a single bin.

Definition at line 51 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), Option::Option(), and ParallelTTracker::setOptionalVariables().

◆ minStepForRebin

int Options::minStepForRebin = 200

The number of steps into the simulation before the bins are squashed into a single bin.

Definition at line 53 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), Option::Option(), and ParallelTTracker::setOptionalVariables().

◆ mtrace

bool Options::mtrace = false

Trace flag.

Definition at line 31 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), OpalParser::execute(), and Option::Option().

◆ mtsSubsteps

int Options::mtsSubsteps = 1

◆ nLHS

int Options::nLHS = 1

number of old left hand sides used to extrapolate a new start vector

Definition at line 75 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), MGPoissonSolver::MGPoissonSolver(), and Option::Option().

◆ numBlocks

int Options::numBlocks = 0

RCG: cycle length.

Definition at line 71 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), MGPoissonSolver::MGPoissonSolver(), and Option::Option().

◆ psDumpEachTurn

bool Options::psDumpEachTurn = false

phase space dump flag for OPAL-cycl

Definition at line 43 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), Option::Option(), and ParallelCyclotronTracker::update_m().

◆ psDumpFrame

DumpFrame Options::psDumpFrame = DumpFrame::GLOBAL

◆ psDumpFreq

int Options::psDumpFreq = 10

◆ rangen

Random Options::rangen

◆ rebinFreq

int Options::rebinFreq = 100

The frequency to reset energy bin ID for all particles.

Definition at line 55 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by ParallelCyclotronTracker::bunchMode_m(), Option::execute(), ParallelCyclotronTracker::initializeTracking_m(), ParallelCyclotronTracker::MtsTracker(), and Option::Option().

◆ recycleBlocks

int Options::recycleBlocks = 0

RCG: number of recycle blocks.

Definition at line 73 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), MGPoissonSolver::MGPoissonSolver(), and Option::Option().

◆ remotePartDel

double Options::remotePartDel = 0.0

◆ repartFreq

int Options::repartFreq = 10

The frequency to do particles repartition for better load balance between nodes.

Definition at line 49 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), ParallelCyclotronTracker::initializeTracking_m(), ParallelCyclotronTracker::MtsTracker(), Option::Option(), ParallelCyclotronTracker::repartition(), and ParallelTTracker::setOptionalVariables().

◆ rhoDump

bool Options::rhoDump = false

◆ rngtype

std::string Options::rngtype = std::string("RANDOM")

◆ scSolveFreq

int Options::scSolveFreq = 1

The frequency to solve space charge fields.

Definition at line 57 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by Option::execute(), ParallelCyclotronTracker::initializeTracking_m(), and Option::Option().

◆ seed

int Options::seed = 123456789

◆ sptDumpFreq

int Options::sptDumpFreq = 1

◆ statDumpFreq

int Options::statDumpFreq = 10

The frequency to dump statistical values, e.e. dump data when stepstatDumpFreq==0.

Definition at line 41 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by ThickTracker::dump_m(), ParallelTTracker::execute(), Option::execute(), Option::Option(), TrackRun::print(), and ParallelCyclotronTracker::update_m().

◆ version

int Options::version = 10000

opal version of input file

Definition at line 97 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(), Option::execute(), TrackRun::execute(), and Option::Option().

◆ warn

bool Options::warn = true

◆ warnLevel

int Options::warnLevel = 1

Definition at line 34 of file Options.cpp.

Referenced by IpplInfoWrapper::IpplInfoWrapper(), OpalSimulation::run(), and run_opal().

◆ writeBendTrajectories

bool Options::writeBendTrajectories = false