79 std::string
rngtype = std::string(
Some AMR types used a lot.
int psDumpFreq
The frequency to dump the phase space, i.e.dump data when steppsDumpFreq==0.
double haloShift
The constant parameter C to shift halo, by < w^4 > / < w^2 > ^2 - C (w=x,y,z)
bool writeBendTrajectories
bool enableVTK
If true VTK files are written.
int version
opal version of input file
int minBinEmitted
The number of bins that have to be emitted before the bin are squashed into a single bin.
bool enableHDF5
If true HDF5 files are written.
bool psDumpEachTurn
phase space dump flag for OPAL-cycl
int amrRegridFreq
After how many steps the AMR grid hierarchy is updated.
int numBlocks
RCG: cycle length.
int sptDumpFreq
The frequency to dump single particle trajectory of particles with ID = 0 & 1.
std::string rngtype
random number generator
int minStepForRebin
The number of steps into the simulation before the bins are squashed into a single bin.
bool cloTuneOnly
Do closed orbit and tune calculation only.
int amrYtDumpFreq
The frequency to dump AMR grid data and particles into file.
unsigned int delPartFreq
The frequency to delete particles (currently: OPAL-cycl only)
int scSolveFreq
The frequency to solve space charge fields.
int repartFreq
The frequency to do particles repartition for better load balance between nodes.
bool cZero
If true create symmetric distribution.
int nLHS
number of old left hand sides used to extrapolate a new start vector
int rebinFreq
The frequency to reset energy bin ID for all particles.
int seed
The current random seed.
DumpFrame psDumpFrame
flag to decide in which coordinate frame the phase space will be dumped for OPAL-cycl
int statDumpFreq
The frequency to dump statistical values, e.e. dump data when stepstatDumpFreq==0.
int recycleBlocks
RCG: number of recycle blocks.
The CLASSIC random generator.