33 const Entry entries[] = {
72 for(
const Entry *entry = entries; entry->name != 0; ++entry) {
73 if(aKey == entry->name) {
virtual Channel * getChannel(const std::string &aKey, bool create=false)
Construct a read/write channel.
double getPressure() const
void setPressure(double pressure)
virtual Channel * getChannel(const std::string &aKey, bool=false)
Construct a read/write channel.
PlanarArcGeometry geometry
virtual ElementBase * clone() const
Return clone.
virtual PlanarArcGeometry & getGeometry()
Get geometry.
virtual NullField & getField()
Get field.
A simple arc in the XZ plane.
Abstract interface for read/write access to variable.
Access to a [b]double[/b] data member.
A zero electromagnetic field.