OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library)
#include <ParallelCyclotronTracker.h>
Classes | |
struct | settings |
Public Types | |
enum | MODE { MODE::UNDEFINED = -1, MODE::SINGLE = 0, MODE::SEO = 1, MODE::BUNCH = 2 } |
typedef std::vector< double > | dvector_t |
typedef std::vector< int > | ivector_t |
typedef std::pair< double[8], Component * > | element_pair |
typedef std::pair < ElementBase::ElementType, element_pair > | type_pair |
typedef std::list< type_pair * > | beamline_list |
![]() | |
enum | { X, PX, Y, PY, T, PT } |
Public Member Functions | |
ParallelCyclotronTracker (const Beamline &bl, PartBunchBase< double, 3 > *bunch, DataSink &ds, const PartData &data, bool revBeam, bool revTrack, int maxSTEPS, int timeIntegrator, const int &numBunch, const double &mbEta, const double &mbPara, const std::string &mbMode, const std::string &mbBinning) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~ParallelCyclotronTracker () |
virtual void | visitRing (const Ring &ring) |
Apply the algorithm to an Ring. More... | |
virtual void | visitCyclotron (const Cyclotron &cycl) |
Apply the algorithm to a Cyclotorn. More... | |
virtual void | visitRFCavity (const RFCavity &) |
Apply the algorithm to a RFCavity. More... | |
virtual void | visitBeamBeam (const BeamBeam &) |
Apply the algorithm to a BeamBeam. More... | |
virtual void | visitBeamStripping (const BeamStripping &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Beam Stripping. More... | |
virtual void | visitCCollimator (const CCollimator &) |
Apply the algorithm to a collimator. More... | |
virtual void | visitCorrector (const Corrector &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Corrector. More... | |
virtual void | visitDegrader (const Degrader &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Degrader. More... | |
virtual void | visitDiagnostic (const Diagnostic &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Diagnostic. More... | |
virtual void | visitDrift (const Drift &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Drift. More... | |
virtual void | visitFlexibleCollimator (const FlexibleCollimator &) |
Apply the algorithm to a flexible collimator. More... | |
virtual void | visitLambertson (const Lambertson &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Lambertson. More... | |
virtual void | visitMarker (const Marker &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Marker. More... | |
virtual void | visitMonitor (const Monitor &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Monitor. More... | |
virtual void | visitMultipole (const Multipole &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Multipole. More... | |
virtual void | visitMultipoleT (const MultipoleT &) |
Apply the algorithm to a MultipoleT. More... | |
virtual void | visitMultipoleTStraight (const MultipoleTStraight &) |
Apply the algorithm to a MultipoleTStraight. More... | |
virtual void | visitMultipoleTCurvedConstRadius (const MultipoleTCurvedConstRadius &) |
Apply the algorithm to a MultipoleTCurvedConstRadius. More... | |
virtual void | visitMultipoleTCurvedVarRadius (const MultipoleTCurvedVarRadius &) |
Apply the algorithm to a MultipoleTCurvedVarRadius. More... | |
virtual void | visitOffset (const Offset &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Offset. More... | |
virtual void | visitProbe (const Probe &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Probe. More... | |
virtual void | visitRBend (const RBend &) |
Apply the algorithm to a RBend. More... | |
virtual void | visitRFQuadrupole (const RFQuadrupole &) |
Apply the algorithm to a RFQuadrupole. More... | |
virtual void | visitSBend (const SBend &) |
Apply the algorithm to a SBend. More... | |
virtual void | visitSBend3D (const SBend3D &) |
Apply the algorithm to a SBend3D. More... | |
virtual void | visitScalingFFAMagnet (const ScalingFFAMagnet &bend) |
Apply the algorithm to a ScalingFFAMagnet. More... | |
virtual void | visitSeparator (const Separator &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Separator. More... | |
virtual void | visitSeptum (const Septum &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Septum. More... | |
virtual void | visitSolenoid (const Solenoid &) |
Apply the algorithm to a Solenoid. More... | |
virtual void | visitStripper (const Stripper &) |
Apply the algorithm to a charge stripper. More... | |
virtual void | visitParallelPlate (const ParallelPlate &) |
Apply the algorithm to a ParallelPlate, it is empty for cyclotrontracker . More... | |
virtual void | visitCyclotronValley (const CyclotronValley &) |
Apply the algorithm to a CyclotronValley.it is empty for cyclotrontracker . More... | |
virtual void | visitVariableRFCavity (const VariableRFCavity &cav) |
Apply the algorithm to a VariabelRFCavity. More... | |
virtual void | visitVariableRFCavityFringeField (const VariableRFCavityFringeField &cav) |
Apply the algorithm to a VariabelRFCavity. More... | |
virtual void | visitVerticalFFAMagnet (const VerticalFFAMagnet &bend) |
Apply the algorithm to a VerticalFFAMagnet. More... | |
virtual void | execute () |
Apply the algorithm to the top-level beamline. More... | |
virtual void | visitBeamline (const Beamline &) |
Apply the algorithm to a beam line. More... | |
void | setLastDumpedStep (const int para) |
set last dumped step More... | |
void | bgf_main_collision_test () |
void | initializeBoundaryGeometry () |
void | setPr (double x) |
Method for restart. More... | |
void | setPt (double x) |
void | setPz (double x) |
void | setR (double x) |
void | setTheta (double x) |
void | setZ (double x) |
void | setBeGa (double x) |
void | setPhi (double x) |
void | setPsi (double x) |
void | setPreviousH5Local (bool x) |
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Tracker (const Beamline &, const PartData &, bool backBeam, bool backTrack) | |
Constructor. More... | |
Tracker (const Beamline &, PartBunchBase< double, 3 > *bunch, const PartData &, bool backBeam, bool backTrack) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~Tracker () |
const PartBunchBase< double, 3 > * | getBunch () const |
Return the current bunch. More... | |
void | addToBunch (const OpalParticle &) |
Add particle to bunch. More... | |
virtual void | visitComponent (const Component &) |
Store the bunch. More... | |
virtual void | visitPatch (const Patch &pat) |
Apply the algorithm to a patch. More... | |
virtual void | visitAlignWrapper (const AlignWrapper &) |
Apply the algorithm to an align wrapper. More... | |
virtual void | visitTrackIntegrator (const TrackIntegrator &) |
Apply the algorithm to an integrator capable of tracking. More... | |
virtual void | visitMapIntegrator (const MapIntegrator &) |
Apply the algorithm to an integrator capable of mapping. More... | |
virtual void | setNumBunch (int) |
set total number of tracked bunches More... | |
virtual int | getNumBunch () |
get total number of tracked bunches More... | |
![]() | |
AbstractTracker (const Beamline &, const PartData &, bool backBeam, bool backTrack) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~AbstractTracker () |
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DefaultVisitor (const Beamline &beamline, bool backBeam, bool backTrack) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~DefaultVisitor ()=0 |
virtual void | visitRBend3D (const RBend3D &) |
Apply the algorithm to a rectangular bend. More... | |
virtual void | visitTravelingWave (const TravelingWave &) |
Apply the algorithm to a RF cavity. More... | |
virtual void | visitSource (const Source &) |
Apply the algorithm to a source. More... | |
virtual void | visitFlaggedElmPtr (const FlaggedElmPtr &) |
Apply the algorithm to a FlaggedElmPtr. More... | |
virtual void | visitCorrectorWrapper (const CorrectorWrapper &) |
Apply the algorithm to an corrector wrapper.. More... | |
virtual void | visitCyclotronWrapper (const CyclotronWrapper &) |
Apply the algorithm to an cyclotron wrapper.. More... | |
virtual void | visitMultipoleWrapper (const MultipoleWrapper &) |
Apply the algorithm to an multipole wrapper.. More... | |
virtual void | visitRBendWrapper (const RBendWrapper &) |
Apply the algorithm to an RBend wrapper.. More... | |
virtual void | visitSBendWrapper (const SBendWrapper &) |
Apply the algorithm to an SBend wrapper.. More... | |
virtual void | visitIntegrator (const Integrator &) |
Apply the algorithm to a generic integrator. More... | |
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BeamlineVisitor () | |
virtual | ~BeamlineVisitor () |
Private Types | |
typedef std::function< bool(const double &, const size_t &, Vector_t &, Vector_t &)> | function_t |
Private Member Functions | |
ParallelCyclotronTracker () | |
ParallelCyclotronTracker (const ParallelCyclotronTracker &) | |
void | operator= (const ParallelCyclotronTracker &) |
void | MtsTracker () |
void | GenericTracker () |
bool | getFieldsAtPoint (const double &t, const size_t &Pindex, Vector_t &Efield, Vector_t &Bfield) |
void | dumpAngle (const double &theta, double &prevAzimuth, double &azimuth, const short &bunchNr=0) |
double | computeRadius (const Vector_t &meanR) const |
void | computePathLengthUpdate (std::vector< double > &dl, const double &dt) |
void | openFiles (size_t numFiles, std::string fn) |
@ open / close output coordinate files More... | |
void | closeFiles () |
void | buildupFieldList (double BcParameter[], ElementBase::ElementType elementType, Component *elptr) |
double | calculateAngle (double x, double y) |
double | calculateAngle2 (double x, double y) |
bool | checkGapCross (Vector_t Rold, Vector_t Rnew, RFCavity *rfcavity, double &DistOld) |
bool | RFkick (RFCavity *rfcavity, const double t, const double dt, const int Pindex) |
bool | getTunes (dvector_t &t, dvector_t &r, dvector_t &z, int lastTurn, double &nur, double &nuz) |
Vector_t | calcMeanR (short bunchNr=-1) const |
Vector_t | calcMeanP () const |
void | repartition () |
void | globalToLocal (ParticleAttrib< Vector_t > &vectorArray, double phi, Vector_t const translationToGlobal=0) |
void | localToGlobal (ParticleAttrib< Vector_t > &vectorArray, double phi, Vector_t const translationToGlobal=0) |
void | globalToLocal (ParticleAttrib< Vector_t > &vectorArray, Quaternion_t const quaternion, Vector_t const meanR=Vector_t(0.0)) |
void | localToGlobal (ParticleAttrib< Vector_t > &vectorArray, Quaternion_t const quaternion, Vector_t const meanR=Vector_t(0.0)) |
void | globalToLocal (ParticleAttrib< Vector_t > &particleVectors, double const phi, double const psi, Vector_t const meanR=Vector_t(0.0)) |
void | localToGlobal (ParticleAttrib< Vector_t > &particleVectors, double const phi, double const psi, Vector_t const meanR=Vector_t(0.0)) |
void | globalToLocal (Vector_t &myVector, double const phi, double const psi, Vector_t const meanR=Vector_t(0.0)) |
void | localToGlobal (Vector_t &myVector, double const phi, double const psi, Vector_t const meanR=Vector_t(0.0)) |
void | rotateWithQuaternion (ParticleAttrib< Vector_t > &vectorArray, Quaternion_t const quaternion) |
void | getQuaternionTwoVectors (Vector_t u, Vector_t v, Quaternion_t &quaternion) |
void | normalizeQuaternion (Quaternion_t &quaternion) |
void | normalizeVector (Vector_t &vector) |
void | rotateAroundZ (ParticleAttrib< Vector_t > &particleVectors, double const phi) |
void | rotateAroundX (ParticleAttrib< Vector_t > &particleVectors, double const psi) |
void | rotateAroundZ (Vector_t &myVector, double const phi) |
void | rotateAroundX (Vector_t &myVector, double const psi) |
bool | push (double h) |
bool | kick (double h) |
void | borisExternalFields (double h) |
bool | applyPluginElements (const double dt) |
bool | deleteParticle (bool=false) |
void | initTrackOrbitFile () |
void | singleParticleDump () |
void | bunchDumpStatData () |
void | bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData () |
void | evaluateSpaceChargeField () |
void | initDistInGlobalFrame () |
void | checkNumPart (std::string s) |
double | getHarmonicNumber () const |
bool | isTurnDone () |
Check if turn done. More... | |
void | update_m (double &t, const double &dt, const bool &finishedTurn) |
Update time and path length, write to output files. More... | |
std::tuple< double, double, double > | initializeTracking_m () |
void | finalizeTracking_m (dvector_t &Ttime, dvector_t &Tdeltr, dvector_t &Tdeltz, ivector_t &TturnNumber) |
void | seoMode_m (double &t, const double dt, bool &finishedTurn, dvector_t &Ttime, dvector_t &Tdeltr, dvector_t &Tdeltz, ivector_t &TturnNumber) |
void | singleMode_m (double &t, const double dt, bool &finishedTurn, double &oldReferenceTheta) |
void | bunchMode_m (double &t, const double dt, bool &finishedTurn) |
void | gapCrossKick_m (size_t i, double t, double dt, const Vector_t &Rold, const Vector_t &Pold) |
void | dumpAzimuthAngles_m (const double &t, const Vector_t &R, const Vector_t &P, const double &oldReferenceTheta, const double &temp_meanTheta) |
void | dumpThetaEachTurn_m (const double &t, const Vector_t &R, const Vector_t &P, const double &temp_meanTheta, bool &finishedTurn) |
void | computeSpaceChargeFields_m () |
bool | computeExternalFields_m (const size_t &i, const double &t, Vector_t &Efield, Vector_t &Bfield) |
void | injectBunch (bool &flagTransition) |
void | saveInjectValues () |
bool | isMultiBunch () const |
bool | hasMultiBunch () const |
void | updatePathLength (const double &dt) |
void | updateTime (const double &dt) |
void | updateAzimuthAndRadius () |
void | initPathLength () |
Static Private Attributes | |
static Vector_t const | xaxis = Vector_t(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
The positive axes unit vectors. More... | |
static Vector_t const | yaxis = Vector_t(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) |
static Vector_t const | zaxis = Vector_t(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
FieldList | cavities_m |
set multipacting flag More... | |
const Beamline & | itsBeamline_m |
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void | applyDrift (double length) |
Apply a drift length. More... | |
void | applyThinMultipole (const BMultipoleField &field, double factor) |
void | applyThinSBend (const BMultipoleField &field, double scale, double h) |
void | applyTransform (const Euclid3D &, double refLength=0.0) |
Apply a geometric transformation. More... | |
FTps< double, 2 > | buildMultipoleVectorPotential2D (const BMultipoleField &) |
Construct vector potential for a Multipole. More... | |
FTps< double, 6 > | buildMultipoleVectorPotential (const BMultipoleField &) |
Construct vector potential for a Multipole. More... | |
FTps< double, 2 > | buildSBendVectorPotential2D (const BMultipoleField &, double h) |
Construct vector potential for a SBend. More... | |
FTps< double, 6 > | buildSBendVectorPotential (const BMultipoleField &, double h) |
Construct vector potential for a SBend. More... | |
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PartBunchBase< double, 3 > * | itsBunch_m |
The bunch of particles to be tracked. More... | |
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const PartData | itsReference |
The reference information. More... | |
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const Beamline & | itsLine |
bool | back_beam |
bool | back_track |
bool | back_path |
double | flip_B |
double | flip_s |
Definition at line 47 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
typedef std::list<type_pair *> ParallelCyclotronTracker::beamline_list |
Definition at line 61 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
typedef std::vector<double> ParallelCyclotronTracker::dvector_t |
Definition at line 57 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
typedef std::pair<double[8], Component *> ParallelCyclotronTracker::element_pair |
Definition at line 59 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
private |
Definition at line 456 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
typedef std::vector<int> ParallelCyclotronTracker::ivector_t |
Definition at line 58 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
typedef std::pair<ElementBase::ElementType, element_pair> ParallelCyclotronTracker::type_pair |
Definition at line 60 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
SEO | |
Definition at line 51 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
ParallelCyclotronTracker::ParallelCyclotronTracker | ( | const Beamline & | beamline, |
PartBunchBase< double, 3 > * | bunch, | ||
DataSink & | ds, | ||
const PartData & | reference, | ||
bool | revBeam, | ||
bool | revTrack, | ||
int | maxSTEPS, | ||
int | timeIntegrator, | ||
const int & | numBunch, | ||
const double & | mbEta, | ||
const double & | mbPara, | ||
const std::string & | mbMode, | ||
const std::string & | mbBinning | ||
) |
Constructor ParallelCyclotronTracker
beamline | |
bunch | |
ds | |
reference | |
revBeam | |
revTrack | |
maxSTEPS | |
timeIntegrator |
Definition at line 110 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References BinRepartTimer_m, BUNCH, ElementBase::clone(), DelParticleTimer_m, DumpTimer_m, IpplTimings::getTimer(), initialTotalNum_m, IntegrationTimer_m, itsBeamline, itsDataSink, stepper::LF2, mbHandler_m, mode_m, stepper::MTS, PluginElemTimer_m, stepper::RK4, SEO, SINGLE, stepper_m, TransformTimer_m, stepper::UNDEFINED, and UNDEFINED.
virtual |
Destructor ParallelCyclotronTracker
Definition at line 172 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References bgf_m, FieldDimensions, itsBeamline, lossDs_m, and myElements.
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 2119 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::BEAMSTRIPPING, BeamStripping::checkBeamStripping(), cycl_m, endl(), FieldDimensions, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getT(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNum(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, pluginElements_m, PluginElemTimer_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, IpplTimings::startTimer(), IpplTimings::stopTimer(), turnnumber_m, and PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::updateNumTotal().
Referenced by borisExternalFields(), bunchMode_m(), GenericTracker(), and singleMode_m().
void ParallelCyclotronTracker::bgf_main_collision_test | ( | ) |
Here we check if a particle is outside the domain, flag it for deletion
Definition at line 186 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References bgf_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bin, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::bunchNum, endl(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getdT(), getHarmonicNumber(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getT(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::ID, INFORM_ALL_NODES, Tracker::itsBunch_m, level4(), lossDs_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, BoundaryGeometry::partInside(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::PType, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Q, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, and turnnumber_m.
Referenced by bunchMode_m(), and singleMode_m().
private |
Definition at line 2088 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References applyPluginElements(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bf, computeExternalFields_m(), deleteParticle(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Ef, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getT(), IntegrationTimer_m, Tracker::itsBunch_m, kick(), push(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), and IpplTimings::stopTimer().
Referenced by MtsTracker().
private |
BcParameter | |
ElementType | |
elptr |
Definition at line 1164 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::CYCLOTRON, FieldDimensions, and ElementBase::RING.
Referenced by visitBeamStripping(), visitCCollimator(), visitCyclotron(), visitProbe(), visitRFCavity(), visitRing(), visitSeptum(), and visitStripper().
private |
Definition at line 2715 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References acos(), atan2(), Options::BUNCH_MEAN, calcMeanP(), calcMeanR(), calculateAngle(), computeRadius(), cos(), Physics::deg2rad, dot(), DataSink::dumpH5(), DumpTimer_m, endl(), extB_m, extE_m, FDext_m, FieldDimensions, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::get_meanKineticEnergy(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getT(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNum(), Options::GLOBAL, globalToLocal(), isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, itsDataSink, lastDumpedStep_m, localToGlobal(), max(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, pi, Options::psDumpFrame, Options::psDumpFreq, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, referencePr, referencePt, referencePtot, referencePz, referenceR, referenceTheta, referenceZ, sin(), sqrt(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), step_m, and IpplTimings::stopTimer().
Referenced by initDistInGlobalFrame(), and update_m().
private |
Definition at line 2593 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References acos(), azimuth_m, Options::BUNCH_MEAN, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::calcBeamParameters(), calcMeanP(), calcMeanR(), calculateAngle(), dot(), dumpAngle(), DataSink::dumpSDDS(), DumpTimer_m, extB_m, extE_m, FDext_m, FieldDimensions, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getT(), Options::GLOBAL, globalToLocal(), isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, itsDataSink, localToGlobal(), mbHandler_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, pi, prevAzimuth_m, Options::psDumpFrame, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, Physics::rad2deg, sqrt(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), IpplTimings::stopTimer(), updateAzimuthAndRadius(), and DataSink::writeMultiBunchStatistics().
Referenced by initDistInGlobalFrame(), and update_m().
private |
Definition at line 3183 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References applyPluginElements(), Communicate::barrier(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bf, bgf_main_collision_test(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bin, calcMeanP(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::cavityGapCrossed, IpplInfo::Comm, computeSpaceChargeFields_m(), deleteParticle(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Ef, endl(), gapCrossKick_m(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), getQuaternionTwoVectors(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNum(), globalToLocal(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::hasFieldSolver(), injectBunch(), IntegrationTimer_m, isMultiBunch(), isTurnDone(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, itsStepper_mp, mbHandler_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, PreviousMeanP, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, Options::rebinFreq, ParallelCyclotronTracker::settings::scSolveFreq, setup_m, singleParticleDump(), Options::sptDumpFreq, IpplTimings::startTimer(), step_m, IpplTimings::stopTimer(), and turnnumber_m.
Referenced by GenericTracker().
private |
Definition at line 1721 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNum(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, and reduce().
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), bunchMode_m(), computeSpaceChargeFields_m(), deleteParticle(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), and MtsTracker().
private |
Definition at line 1698 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::bunchNum, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNumPerBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, Hypervolume::n, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, and reduce().
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), computeSpaceChargeFields_m(), deleteParticle(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), MtsTracker(), saveInjectValues(), and updateAzimuthAndRadius().
inlineprivate |
x | |
y |
Definition at line 555 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References atan2(), and Physics::two_pi.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), deleteParticle(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), MtsTracker(), saveInjectValues(), seoMode_m(), and updateAzimuthAndRadius().
inlineprivate |
x | |
y |
Definition at line 569 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References atan2().
Referenced by MtsTracker(), and singleMode_m().
private |
Rold | |
Rnew | |
elptr | |
Dold |
Definition at line 1561 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References RFCavity::getCosAzimuth(), RFCavity::getPerpenDistance(), and RFCavity::getSinAzimuth().
Referenced by gapCrossKick_m().
private |
Definition at line 1195 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References endl(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, and reduce().
Referenced by initDistInGlobalFrame().
private |
Close all files related to special output in the Cyclotron mode.
Definition at line 317 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References outfTheta_m.
Referenced by finalizeTracking_m().
private |
Definition at line 3466 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References FieldDimensions.
Referenced by borisExternalFields(), and getFieldsAtPoint().
private |
Definition at line 247 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References allreduce(), Options::BUNCH_MEAN, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::bunchNum, c_mmtns, dot(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNumPerBunch(), isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, Options::psDumpFrame, sqrt(), and sum().
Referenced by updatePathLength().
private |
Definition at line 241 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References sqrt().
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), saveInjectValues(), and updateAzimuthAndRadius().
private |
Definition at line 3376 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bf, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::boundp(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::boundp_destroy(), Options::boundpDestroyFreq, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::calcGammas_cycl(), calcMeanP(), calcMeanR(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::computeSelfFields_cycl(), dot(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Ef, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getChargePerParticle(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getFieldSolverType(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLastemittedBin(), getQuaternionTwoVectors(), globalToLocal(), hasMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, localToGlobal(), PreviousMeanP, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Q, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, repartition(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::setBinCharge(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::setGlobalMeanR(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::setGlobalToLocalQuaternion(), spiral_flag, sqrt(), step_m, and yaxis.
Referenced by bunchMode_m(), and MtsTracker().
private |
Definition at line 2152 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References acos(), allreduce(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bin, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::boundp(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::bunchNum, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::calcBeamParameters(), calcMeanP(), calcMeanR(), calculateAngle(), Options::delPartFreq, DelParticleTimer_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::destroy(), dot(), endl(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLastemittedBin(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNumPerBunch(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getNumBunch(), globalToLocal(), isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, localToGlobal(), mbHandler_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::performDestroy(), pi, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, reduce(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::setLocalBinCount(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::setLocalNumPerBunch(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::setTotalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::setTotalNumPerBunch(), sqrt(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), step_m, IpplTimings::stopTimer(), and sum().
Referenced by borisExternalFields(), bunchMode_m(), GenericTracker(), and singleMode_m().
private |
Definition at line 216 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References OpalData::getInstance(), and turnnumber_m.
Referenced by bunchDumpStatData(), saveInjectValues(), and updateAzimuthAndRadius().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 3327 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References azimuth_angle_m, cos(), ParallelCyclotronTracker::settings::deltaTheta, endl(), outfTheta_m, Attrib::Distribution::R, Physics::rad2deg, setup_m, sin(), and turnnumber_m.
Referenced by MtsTracker(), and singleMode_m().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 3348 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References cos(), Physics::deg2rad, endl(), isTurnDone(), outfTheta_m, Attrib::Distribution::R, sin(), sqrt(), and turnnumber_m.
Referenced by MtsTracker(), and singleMode_m().
private |
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to the top-level beamline.
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 1208 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::accept(), OpalData::APPEND, Options::asciidump, azimuth_m, bgf_m, cavCrossDatas_m, ElementBase::CCOLLIMATOR, endl(), extB_m, extE_m, FDext_m, FieldDimensions, GenericTracker(), RFCavity::getCosAzimuth(), getFieldsAtPoint(), OpalData::getGlobalGeometry(), OpalData::getInstance(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getNumBunch(), RFCavity::getPerpenDistance(), RFCavity::getSinAzimuth(), ElementBase::getTypeString(), isMultiBunch(), itsBeamline, Tracker::itsBunch_m, itsStepper_mp, stepper::LF2, Ring::lockRing(), lossDs_m, mbHandler_m, stepper::MTS, MtsTracker(), opalRing_m, pluginElements_m, prevAzimuth_m, ElementBase::PROBE, restartStep0_m, ElementBase::RFCAVITY, stepper::RK4, ElementBase::SEPTUM, OpalData::setOpenMode(), step_m, stepper_m, ElementBase::STRIPPER, turnnumber_m, stepper::UNDEFINED, DumpEMFields::writeFields(), and DumpFields::writeFields().
private |
Definition at line 3001 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Communicate::barrier(), BUNCH, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::calcBeamParameters(), closeFiles(), IpplInfo::Comm, endl(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getM(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNum(), getTunes(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::ID, isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, lastDumpedStep_m, mode_m, myNode_m, outfTrackOrbit_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, pow(), SEO, SINGLE, sqrt(), turnnumber_m, and UNDEFINED.
Referenced by GenericTracker(), and MtsTracker().
private |
Definition at line 3278 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Physics::c, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::cavityGapCrossed, checkGapCross(), dot(), FieldDimensions, Tracker::itsBunch_m, itsStepper_mp, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, ElementBase::RFCAVITY, RFkick(), and sqrt().
Referenced by bunchMode_m(), and singleMode_m().
private |
Definition at line 1452 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References applyPluginElements(), BUNCH, bunchMode_m(), deleteParticle(), endl(), finalizeTracking_m(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNum(), initializeTracking_m(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, maxSteps_m, mode_m, SEO, seoMode_m(), SINGLE, singleMode_m(), step_m, UNDEFINED, and update_m().
Referenced by execute().
private |
Definition at line 1530 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bf, computeExternalFields_m(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Ef, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::hasFieldSolver(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::ID, and Tracker::itsBunch_m.
Referenced by execute().
private |
Definition at line 1686 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References FieldDimensions, Cyclotron::getCyclHarm(), Ring::getHarmonicNumber(), and opalRing_m.
Referenced by bgf_main_collision_test(), and initializeTracking_m().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1973 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References cos(), cross(), dot(), fabs(), normalizeQuaternion(), normalizeVector(), pi, sin(), sqrt(), xaxis, and zaxis.
Referenced by bunchMode_m(), and computeSpaceChargeFields_m().
private |
t | |
r | |
z | |
lastTurn | |
nur | |
nuz |
Definition at line 1619 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References endl(), for_each(), TUNE_class::lombAnalysis(), sum(), and AbstractTracker::T.
Referenced by finalizeTracking_m().
private |
Definition at line 1743 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References cos(), dot(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, sin(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), IpplTimings::stopTimer(), and TransformTimer_m.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), bunchMode_m(), computeSpaceChargeFields_m(), deleteParticle(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), and MtsTracker().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1776 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References rotateWithQuaternion(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), IpplTimings::stopTimer(), and TransformTimer_m.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1805 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References rotateAroundX(), rotateAroundZ(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), IpplTimings::stopTimer(), and TransformTimer_m.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1826 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References rotateAroundX(), rotateAroundZ(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), IpplTimings::stopTimer(), and TransformTimer_m.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 582 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References isMultiBunch(), and mbHandler_m.
Referenced by computeSpaceChargeFields_m().
private |
Definition at line 2309 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References acos(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bin, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::boundp(), bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::calcBeamParameters(), calcMeanP(), calcMeanR(), calculateAngle(), checkNumPart(), cosRefTheta_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::countTotalNumPerBunch(), Physics::deg2rad, dot(), endl(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::get_sPos(), OpalData::getInstance(), Options::GLOBAL, globalToLocal(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::ID, initialLocalNum_m, initialTotalNum_m, isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, localToGlobal(), mbHandler_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, pathLength_m, pi, Options::psDumpFrame, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, referencePhi, referencePr, referencePsi, referencePt, referencePz, referenceR, referenceTheta, referenceZ, repartition(), saveInjectValues(), sinRefTheta_m, sqrt(), and step_m.
Referenced by initializeTracking_m().
void ParallelCyclotronTracker::initializeBoundaryGeometry | ( | ) |
private |
Definition at line 2892 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References azimuth_angle_m, BUNCH, Physics::deg2rad, ParallelCyclotronTracker::settings::deltaTheta, endl(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getdT(), getHarmonicNumber(), OpalData::getInputBasename(), OpalData::getInstance(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalTrackStep(), IpplInfo::getNodes(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getNumBunch(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getStepsPerTurn(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getT(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), initPathLength(), initTrackOrbitFile(), isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, mbHandler_m, mode_m, openFiles(), pi, Options::rebinFreq, referenceTheta, Options::repartFreq, restartStep0_m, Options::scSolveFreq, ParallelCyclotronTracker::settings::scSolveFreq, SEO, setup_m, SINGLE, spiral_flag, Options::sptDumpFreq, step_m, ParallelCyclotronTracker::settings::stepsNextCheck, ParallelCyclotronTracker::settings::stepsPerTurn, turnnumber_m, and UNDEFINED.
Referenced by GenericTracker(), and MtsTracker().
private |
multi-bunch mode: set the path length of each bunch in case of restart mode
At creation of DataSink the lines are rewinded properly –> the last entry of the path length is therefore the initial path length at restart.
Definition at line 3590 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References isMultiBunch(), itsDataSink, mbHandler_m, and DataSink::setMultiBunchInitialPathLengh().
Referenced by initializeTracking_m().
private |
Definition at line 2287 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References endl(), OpalData::getInputBasename(), OpalData::getInstance(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalTrackStep(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, myNode_m, and outfTrackOrbit_m.
Referenced by initializeTracking_m().
private |
Definition at line 3481 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References endl(), isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, AbstractTracker::itsReference, mbHandler_m, saveInjectValues(), setup_m, step_m, ParallelCyclotronTracker::settings::stepsNextCheck, ParallelCyclotronTracker::settings::stepsPerTurn, and turnnumber_m.
Referenced by bunchMode_m(), and MtsTracker().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 576 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References Tracker::itsBunch_m, mbHandler_m, and PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::weHaveBins().
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), bunchMode_m(), computePathLengthUpdate(), deleteParticle(), execute(), finalizeTracking_m(), hasMultiBunch(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), initializeTracking_m(), initPathLength(), injectBunch(), MtsTracker(), saveInjectValues(), updateAzimuthAndRadius(), updatePathLength(), updateTime(), and visitCyclotron().
private |
Check if turn done.
Definition at line 2847 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References setup_m, step_m, and ParallelCyclotronTracker::settings::stepsPerTurn.
Referenced by bunchMode_m(), dumpThetaEachTurn_m(), MtsTracker(), and seoMode_m().
private |
Definition at line 2068 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bf, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bin, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Ef, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), IntegrationTimer_m, Tracker::itsBunch_m, BorisPusher::kick(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::M, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Q, Physics::q_e, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, IpplTimings::startTimer(), and IpplTimings::stopTimer().
Referenced by borisExternalFields(), and MtsTracker().
private |
Definition at line 1759 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References cos(), dot(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, sin(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), IpplTimings::stopTimer(), and TransformTimer_m.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), computeSpaceChargeFields_m(), deleteParticle(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), and MtsTracker().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1789 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References rotateWithQuaternion(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), IpplTimings::stopTimer(), and TransformTimer_m.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1847 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References rotateAroundX(), rotateAroundZ(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), IpplTimings::stopTimer(), and TransformTimer_m.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1868 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References rotateAroundX(), rotateAroundZ(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), IpplTimings::stopTimer(), and TransformTimer_m.
private |
Definition at line 1310 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Communicate::barrier(), borisExternalFields(), BUNCH, calcMeanP(), calcMeanR(), calculateAngle(), calculateAngle2(), IpplInfo::Comm, computeSpaceChargeFields_m(), dumpAzimuthAngles_m(), dumpThetaEachTurn_m(), endl(), finalizeTracking_m(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNum(), globalToLocal(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::hasFieldSolver(), initializeTracking_m(), injectBunch(), isMultiBunch(), isTurnDone(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, kick(), localToGlobal(), max(), maxSteps_m, mbHandler_m, mode_m, Options::mtsSubsteps, Hypervolume::n, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, pi, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, Options::rebinFreq, Options::repartFreq, repartition(), SINGLE, singleParticleDump(), Options::sptDumpFreq, step_m, turnnumber_m, update_m(), and PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::updateNumTotal().
Referenced by execute().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1903 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References dot(), fabs(), and sqrt().
Referenced by getQuaternionTwoVectors().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1915 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References dot(), fabs(), and sqrt().
Referenced by getQuaternionTwoVectors().
private |
@ open / close output coordinate files
fn | Base file name |
Definition at line 291 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References endl(), and outfTheta_m.
Referenced by initializeTracking_m().
private |
private |
Definition at line 2020 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bin, Physics::c, cavCrossDatas_m, dot(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getT(), IntegrationTimer_m, Tracker::itsBunch_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, RFkick(), sqrt(), IpplTimings::startTimer(), and IpplTimings::stopTimer().
Referenced by borisExternalFields().
private |
Definition at line 1734 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Communicate::barrier(), BinRepartTimer_m, IpplInfo::Comm, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::do_binaryRepart(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, Options::repartFreq, IpplTimings::startTimer(), step_m, and IpplTimings::stopTimer().
Referenced by computeSpaceChargeFields_m(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), and MtsTracker().
private |
Definition at line 1577 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getM(), RFCavity::getMomentaKick(), RFCavity::getPerpenDistance(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getQ(), RFCavity::getRmax(), RFCavity::getRmin(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::ID, Tracker::itsBunch_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, pow(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, and sqrt().
Referenced by gapCrossKick_m(), and push().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1950 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References cos(), dot(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, and sin().
Referenced by globalToLocal(), and localToGlobal().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1963 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References cos(), dot(), and sin().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1927 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References cos(), dot(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, and sin().
Referenced by globalToLocal(), and localToGlobal().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1940 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References cos(), dot(), and sin().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 1889 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References cross(), dot(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), and Tracker::itsBunch_m.
Referenced by globalToLocal(), and localToGlobal().
private |
Definition at line 3516 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References MultiBunchHandler::injection_t::azimuth, azimuth_m, calcMeanR(), calculateAngle(), computeRadius(), dumpAngle(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::get_sPos(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getT(), isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, mbHandler_m, MultiBunchHandler::injection_t::pathlength, prevAzimuth_m, Physics::rad2deg, MultiBunchHandler::injection_t::radius, and MultiBunchHandler::injection_t::time.
Referenced by initDistInGlobalFrame(), and injectBunch().
private |
Definition at line 3066 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References calculateAngle(), cos(), Physics::e, endl(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::ID, IntegrationTimer_m, isTurnDone(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, itsStepper_mp, outfTrackOrbit_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, sin(), Options::sptDumpFreq, IpplTimings::startTimer(), step_m, IpplTimings::stopTimer(), and turnnumber_m.
Referenced by GenericTracker().
inline |
Definition at line 205 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References bega.
inline |
set last dumped step
Definition at line 196 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References lastDumpedStep_m.
inline |
Definition at line 206 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References referencePhi.
inline |
Method for restart.
Definition at line 199 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References referencePr.
inline |
Definition at line 208 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References previousH5Local.
inline |
Definition at line 207 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References referencePsi.
inline |
Definition at line 200 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References referencePt.
inline |
Definition at line 201 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References referencePz.
inline |
Definition at line 202 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References referenceR.
inline |
Definition at line 203 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References referenceTheta.
inline |
Definition at line 204 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
References referenceZ.
private |
Definition at line 3117 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References applyPluginElements(), bgf_main_collision_test(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::Bin, calculateAngle2(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::cavityGapCrossed, deleteParticle(), dumpAzimuthAngles_m(), dumpThetaEachTurn_m(), endl(), gapCrossKick_m(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::ID, IntegrationTimer_m, Tracker::itsBunch_m, itsStepper_mp, outfTrackOrbit_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, Options::sptDumpFreq, IpplTimings::startTimer(), step_m, and IpplTimings::stopTimer().
Referenced by GenericTracker().
private |
Definition at line 2463 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Communicate::barrier(), IpplInfo::Comm, COMM_ANY_NODE, DumpTimer_m, endl(), ERRORMSG, Message::get(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getLocalNum(), IpplInfo::getNodes(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::ID, IPPL_APP_CYCLE, IPPL_APP_TAG4, Tracker::itsBunch_m, myNode_m, TagMaker::next_tag(), outfTrackOrbit_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::P, Message::put(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::R, Communicate::receive_block(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::RefPartP_m, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::RefPartR_m, IpplTimings::startTimer(), and IpplTimings::stopTimer().
Referenced by bunchMode_m(), and MtsTracker().
private |
Update time and path length, write to output files.
Definition at line 2852 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), endl(), PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getTotalNum(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, mode_m, pluginElements_m, Options::psDumpEachTurn, Options::psDumpFreq, SEO, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::setLocalTrackStep(), Options::statDumpFreq, step_m, updatePathLength(), and updateTime().
Referenced by GenericTracker(), and MtsTracker().
private |
Definition at line 3574 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References MultiBunchHandler::beaminfo_t::azimuth, calcMeanR(), calculateAngle(), computeRadius(), dumpAngle(), isMultiBunch(), mbHandler_m, MultiBunchHandler::beaminfo_t::prevAzimuth, Physics::rad2deg, and MultiBunchHandler::beaminfo_t::radius.
Referenced by bunchDumpStatData().
private |
Definition at line 3540 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References computePathLengthUpdate(), isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, mbHandler_m, pathLength_m, and PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::set_sPos().
Referenced by update_m().
private |
Definition at line 3561 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Physics::e, PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::getT(), isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, mbHandler_m, and PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::setT().
Referenced by update_m().
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a BeamBeam.
Not implemented and most probable never used
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 559 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References endl().
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a beam line.
bl |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 1190 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References TBeamline< T >::iterate().
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Beam Stripping.
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 564 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::BEAMSTRIPPING, buildupFieldList(), ElementBase::clone(), endl(), BeamStripping::getPressure(), BeamStripping::getPressureMapFN(), BeamStripping::getPScale(), BeamStripping::getResidualGas(), BeamStripping::getStop(), BeamStripping::getTemperature(), BeamStripping::initialise(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a collimator.
coll |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 601 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References buildupFieldList(), ElementBase::CCOLLIMATOR, ElementBase::clone(), endl(), CCollimator::getWidth(), PluginElement::getXEnd(), PluginElement::getXStart(), PluginElement::getYEnd(), PluginElement::getYStart(), CCollimator::getZEnd(), CCollimator::getZStart(), PluginElement::initialise(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Corrector.
corr |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 647 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getElementLength(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Cyclotorn.
cycl |
To ease the initialise() function, set a integral parameter fieldflag internally. Its value is by the option "TYPE" of the element "CYCLOTRON" fieldflag = 1, readin PSI format measured field file (default) fieldflag = 2, readin carbon cyclotron field file created by Jianjun Yang, TYPE=CARBONCYCL fieldflag = 3, readin ANSYS format file for CYCIAE-100 created by Jianjun Yang, TYPE=CYCIAE fieldflag = 4, readin AVFEQ format file for Riken cyclotrons fieldflag = 5, readin FFA format file for MSU/FNAL FFA fieldflag = 6, readin both median plane B field map and 3D E field map of RF cavity for compact cyclotron fieldflag = 7, read in fields for Daniel's synchrocyclotron simulations
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 385 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References bega, buildupFieldList(), ElementBase::clone(), cos(), cosRefTheta_m, cycl_m, ElementBase::CYCLOTRON, Physics::deg2rad, Physics::e, endl(), PartData::getBeta(), Cyclotron::getBScale(), Cyclotron::getCyclHarm(), Cyclotron::getCyclotronType(), Cyclotron::getFieldFlag(), Cyclotron::getFieldMapFN(), PartData::getGamma(), OpalData::getInstance(), Cyclotron::getMaxR(), Cyclotron::getMaxZ(), Cyclotron::getMinR(), Cyclotron::getMinZ(), Cyclotron::getNumberOfTrimcoils(), Cyclotron::getPHIinit(), Cyclotron::getPRinit(), Cyclotron::getPZinit(), Cyclotron::getRinit(), Cyclotron::getRmax(), Cyclotron::getRmin(), Cyclotron::getSpiralFlag(), Cyclotron::getSymmetry(), Cyclotron::getZinit(), Options::GLOBAL, Cyclotron::initialise(), isMultiBunch(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, AbstractTracker::itsReference, mbHandler_m, myElements, previousH5Local, Options::psDumpFrame, referencePhi, referencePr, referencePsi, referencePt, referencePtot, referencePz, referenceR, referenceTheta, referenceZ, sin(), sinRefTheta_m, spiral_flag, and sqrt().
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a CyclotronValley.it is empty for cyclotrontracker .
cv |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 1102 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Degrader.
degrader |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 657 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getElementLength(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Diagnostic.
diag |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 669 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getElementLength(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Drift.
drift |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 679 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getElementLength(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a flexible collimator.
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 689 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Lambertson.
lamb |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 698 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getElementLength(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Marker.
marker |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 719 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Monitor.
corr |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 730 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Multipole.
mult |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 741 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getElementLength(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a MultipoleT.
multT |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 751 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Ring::appendElement(), MultipoleT::clone(), endl(), myElements, and opalRing_m.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a MultipoleTCurvedConstRadius.
multTccurv |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 783 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Ring::appendElement(), MultipoleTCurvedConstRadius::clone(), endl(), myElements, and opalRing_m.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a MultipoleTCurvedVarRadius.
multTvcurv |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 799 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Ring::appendElement(), MultipoleTCurvedVarRadius::clone(), endl(), myElements, and opalRing_m.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a MultipoleTStraight.
multTstraight |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 767 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Ring::appendElement(), MultipoleTStraight::clone(), endl(), myElements, and opalRing_m.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Offset.
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 703 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Ring::appendElement(), Ring::getNextNormal(), Ring::getNextPosition(), opalRing_m, and Offset::updateGeometry().
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a ParallelPlate, it is empty for cyclotrontracker .
pplate |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 1089 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Probe.
prob |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 815 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References buildupFieldList(), ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getName(), PluginElement::getXEnd(), PluginElement::getXStart(), PluginElement::getYEnd(), PluginElement::getYStart(), PluginElement::initialise(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, myElements, and ElementBase::PROBE.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a RBend.
bend |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 854 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getElementLength(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a RFCavity.
as |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 911 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References buildupFieldList(), ElementBase::clone(), endl(), RFCavity::getAmplitudeModelName(), RFCavity::getAzimuth(), RFCavity::getComponentType(), RFCavity::getCycFrequency(), RFCavity::getFieldMapFN(), RFCavity::getFrequencyModelName(), RFCavity::getGapWidth(), RFCavity::getPerpenDistance(), RFCavity::getPhaseModelName(), RFCavity::getPhi0(), RFCavity::getRmax(), RFCavity::getRmin(), AbstractTimeDependence::getTimeDependence(), RFCavity::initialise(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, myElements, and ElementBase::RFCAVITY.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a RFQuadrupole.
rfq |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 1002 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getElementLength(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to an Ring.
ring |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 327 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References buildupFieldList(), Ring::clone(), cos(), cosRefTheta_m, Physics::deg2rad, endl(), Ring::getBeamPhiInit(), Ring::getBeamPRInit(), Ring::getBeamRInit(), PartData::getBeta(), PartData::getGamma(), Ring::getHarmonicNumber(), Ring::getSymmetry(), Ring::initialise(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, AbstractTracker::itsReference, myElements, opalRing_m, referencePr, referencePt, referencePtot, referencePz, referenceR, referenceTheta, referenceZ, ElementBase::RING, sin(), sinRefTheta_m, and sqrt().
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a SBend.
bend |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 1012 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getElementLength(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a SBend3D.
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 859 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Ring::appendElement(), endl(), and opalRing_m.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a ScalingFFAMagnet.
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 868 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Ring::appendElement(), endl(), and opalRing_m.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Separator.
sep |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 1022 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getElementLength(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Septum.
sept |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 1032 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References buildupFieldList(), ElementBase::clone(), endl(), Septum::getWidth(), PluginElement::getXEnd(), PluginElement::getXStart(), PluginElement::getYEnd(), PluginElement::getYStart(), Septum::initialise(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, myElements, and ElementBase::SEPTUM.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a Solenoid.
solenoid |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 1075 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::hasAttribute(), and myElements.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a charge stripper.
stripper |
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 1112 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References buildupFieldList(), ElementBase::clone(), endl(), ElementBase::getName(), Stripper::getOPCharge(), Stripper::getOPMass(), Stripper::getStop(), PluginElement::getXEnd(), PluginElement::getXStart(), PluginElement::getYEnd(), PluginElement::getYStart(), PluginElement::initialise(), Tracker::itsBunch_m, myElements, and ElementBase::STRIPPER.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a VariabelRFCavity.
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 878 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Ring::appendElement(), endl(), and opalRing_m.
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a VariabelRFCavity.
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 888 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References endl().
virtual |
Apply the algorithm to a VerticalFFAMagnet.
Reimplemented from DefaultVisitor.
Definition at line 897 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.cpp.
References Ring::appendElement(), endl(), and opalRing_m.
private |
the different azimuthal angles for the outfTheta_m output files
Definition at line 314 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by dumpAzimuthAngles_m(), and initializeTracking_m().
private |
Definition at line 286 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpStatData(), execute(), and saveInjectValues().
private |
The reference variables.
Definition at line 241 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by setBeGa(), and visitCyclotron().
private |
Definition at line 228 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bgf_main_collision_test(), execute(), and ~ParallelCyclotronTracker().
private |
Definition at line 337 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by ParallelCyclotronTracker(), and repartition().
private |
Definition at line 224 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
private |
Definition at line 261 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by initDistInGlobalFrame(), visitCyclotron(), and visitRing().
private |
Definition at line 230 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by applyPluginElements(), and visitCyclotron().
private |
Definition at line 339 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by deleteParticle(), and ParallelCyclotronTracker().
private |
Definition at line 335 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), ParallelCyclotronTracker(), and singleParticleDump().
private |
Definition at line 305 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), and execute().
private |
Definition at line 305 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), and execute().
private |
Definition at line 305 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), and execute().
private |
Definition at line 220 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by applyPluginElements(), buildupFieldList(), bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), computeExternalFields_m(), execute(), gapCrossKick_m(), getHarmonicNumber(), and ~ParallelCyclotronTracker().
private |
Definition at line 308 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by initDistInGlobalFrame().
private |
Definition at line 309 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by initDistInGlobalFrame(), and ParallelCyclotronTracker().
private |
Definition at line 334 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by borisExternalFields(), bunchMode_m(), kick(), ParallelCyclotronTracker(), push(), seoMode_m(), and singleMode_m().
private |
Definition at line 222 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by execute(), ParallelCyclotronTracker(), and ~ParallelCyclotronTracker().
private |
Definition at line 226 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchDumpStatData(), initPathLength(), and ParallelCyclotronTracker().
private |
Definition at line 458 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchMode_m(), execute(), gapCrossKick_m(), seoMode_m(), and singleMode_m().
private |
Definition at line 266 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), finalizeTracking_m(), and setLastDumpedStep().
private |
Definition at line 447 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bgf_main_collision_test(), execute(), and ~ParallelCyclotronTracker().
private |
The maximal number of steps the system is integrated.
Definition at line 233 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by GenericTracker(), and MtsTracker().
private |
Definition at line 264 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpStatData(), bunchMode_m(), deleteParticle(), execute(), hasMultiBunch(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), initializeTracking_m(), initPathLength(), injectBunch(), isMultiBunch(), MtsTracker(), ParallelCyclotronTracker(), saveInjectValues(), updateAzimuthAndRadius(), updatePathLength(), updateTime(), and visitCyclotron().
private |
Definition at line 467 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by finalizeTracking_m(), GenericTracker(), initializeTracking_m(), MtsTracker(), ParallelCyclotronTracker(), and update_m().
private |
Definition at line 221 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by visitBeamStripping(), visitCCollimator(), visitCorrector(), visitCyclotron(), visitDegrader(), visitDiagnostic(), visitDrift(), visitLambertson(), visitMarker(), visitMonitor(), visitMultipole(), visitMultipoleT(), visitMultipoleTCurvedConstRadius(), visitMultipoleTCurvedVarRadius(), visitMultipoleTStraight(), visitProbe(), visitRBend(), visitRFCavity(), visitRFQuadrupole(), visitRing(), visitSBend(), visitSeparator(), visitSeptum(), visitSolenoid(), visitStripper(), and ~ParallelCyclotronTracker().
private |
Definition at line 307 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by finalizeTracking_m(), initTrackOrbitFile(), and singleParticleDump().
private |
Definition at line 444 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by execute(), getHarmonicNumber(), visitMultipoleT(), visitMultipoleTCurvedConstRadius(), visitMultipoleTCurvedVarRadius(), visitMultipoleTStraight(), visitOffset(), visitRing(), visitSBend3D(), visitScalingFFAMagnet(), visitVariableRFCavity(), and visitVerticalFFAMagnet().
private |
output coordinates at different azimuthal angles and one after every turn
Definition at line 312 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by closeFiles(), dumpAzimuthAngles_m(), dumpThetaEachTurn_m(), and openFiles().
private |
output file for six dimensional phase space
Definition at line 320 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by finalizeTracking_m(), initTrackOrbitFile(), seoMode_m(), singleMode_m(), and singleParticleDump().
private |
Definition at line 269 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by initDistInGlobalFrame(), and updatePathLength().
private |
Definition at line 223 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by applyPluginElements(), execute(), and update_m().
private |
Definition at line 338 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by applyPluginElements(), and ParallelCyclotronTracker().
private |
Definition at line 287 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpStatData(), execute(), and saveInjectValues().
private |
Definition at line 258 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by setPreviousH5Local(), and visitCyclotron().
private |
Definition at line 256 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchMode_m(), and computeSpaceChargeFields_m().
private |
Definition at line 252 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by initDistInGlobalFrame(), setPhi(), and visitCyclotron().
private |
Definition at line 246 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), setPr(), visitCyclotron(), and visitRing().
private |
Definition at line 251 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by initDistInGlobalFrame(), setPsi(), and visitCyclotron().
private |
Definition at line 247 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), setPt(), visitCyclotron(), and visitRing().
private |
Definition at line 249 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), visitCyclotron(), and visitRing().
private |
Definition at line 248 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), setPz(), visitCyclotron(), and visitRing().
private |
Definition at line 242 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), setR(), visitCyclotron(), and visitRing().
private |
Definition at line 243 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), initializeTracking_m(), setTheta(), visitCyclotron(), and visitRing().
private |
Definition at line 244 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), setZ(), visitCyclotron(), and visitRing().
private |
Definition at line 281 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by execute(), and initializeTracking_m().
private |
Referenced by bunchMode_m(), dumpAzimuthAngles_m(), initializeTracking_m(), injectBunch(), and isTurnDone().
private |
Definition at line 260 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by initDistInGlobalFrame(), visitCyclotron(), and visitRing().
private |
Definition at line 254 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by computeSpaceChargeFields_m(), initializeTracking_m(), and visitCyclotron().
private |
Definition at line 280 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by bunchDumpPhaseSpaceData(), bunchMode_m(), computeSpaceChargeFields_m(), deleteParticle(), execute(), GenericTracker(), initDistInGlobalFrame(), initializeTracking_m(), injectBunch(), isTurnDone(), MtsTracker(), repartition(), seoMode_m(), singleMode_m(), and update_m().
private |
Definition at line 469 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by execute(), and ParallelCyclotronTracker().
private |
Definition at line 336 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by globalToLocal(), localToGlobal(), and ParallelCyclotronTracker().
private |
Definition at line 283 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by applyPluginElements(), bgf_main_collision_test(), bunchMode_m(), dumpAngle(), dumpAzimuthAngles_m(), dumpThetaEachTurn_m(), execute(), finalizeTracking_m(), initializeTracking_m(), injectBunch(), MtsTracker(), and seoMode_m().
The positive axes unit vectors.
Definition at line 236 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by getQuaternionTwoVectors().
Definition at line 237 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by computeSpaceChargeFields_m().
Definition at line 238 of file ParallelCyclotronTracker.h.
Referenced by getQuaternionTwoVectors().