26 #ifndef CLASSIC_Stripper_HH
27 #define CLASSIC_Stripper_HH
double opcharge_m
Charge number of the out-coming particle.
virtual bool doPreCheck(PartBunchBase< double, 3 > *) override
Virtual hook for preCheck.
void setOPCharge(double charge)
Member variable access.
virtual void accept(BeamlineVisitor &) const override
Apply visitor to Stripper.
virtual ElementBase::ElementType getType() const override
Override implementation of PluginElement.
double getOPCharge() const
void operator=(const Stripper &)=delete
virtual int getRequiredNumberOfTimeSteps() const override
void setStop(bool stopflag)
void setOPYield(double yield)
void setOPMass(double mass)
double opmass_m
Mass of the out-coming particle.
virtual bool doCheck(PartBunchBase< double, 3 > *bunch, const int turnnumber, const double t, const double tstep) override
Record hits when bunch particles pass.
double getOPYield() const
double opyield_m
Yield of the out-coming particle.
virtual void doFinalise() override
Virtual hook for finalise.
bool stop_m
Flag if particles should be stripped or stopped.
virtual bool doFinaliseCheck(PartBunchBase< double, 3 > *bunch, bool flagNeedUpdate) override
Virtual hook for finaliseCheck.