OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library)  2021.1.99
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2008-2018
5 // Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
6 // All rights reserved.
7 //
8 // OPAL is licensed under GNU GPL version 3.
9 //
11 /*
12  Prototypes for accessing Fortran 1D FFT routines from
13  Netlib, and definitions for templated class FFTPACK, which acts as an
14  FFT engine for the FFT class, providing storage for trigonometric
15  information and performing the 1D FFTs as needed.
16 */
21 #include "Utility/PAssert.h"
22 #include "Utility/IpplInfo.h"
24 // FFTPACK function prototypes for Fortran routines
25 extern "C" {
26  // double-precision CC FFT
27  void cffti (size_t n, double& wsave);
28  void cfftf (size_t n, double& r, double& wsave);
29  void cfftb (size_t n, double& r, double& wsave);
30  // double-precision RC FFT
31  void rffti (size_t n, double& wsave);
32  void rfftf (size_t n, double& r, double& wsave);
33  void rfftb (size_t n, double& r, double& wsave);
34  // double-precision sine transform
35  void sinti (size_t n, double& wsave);
36  void sint (size_t n, double& r, double& wsave);
37  // single-precision CC FFT
38  void fcffti (size_t n, float& wsave);
39  void fcfftf (size_t n, float& r, float& wsave);
40  void fcfftb (size_t n, float& r, float& wsave);
41  // single-precision RC FFT
42  void frffti (size_t n, float& wsave);
43  void frfftf (size_t n, float& r, float& wsave);
44  void frfftb (size_t n, float& r, float& wsave);
45  // single-precision sine transform
46  void fsinti (size_t n, float& wsave);
47  void fsint (size_t n, float& r, float& wsave);
48 }
51 // FFTPACK_wrap provides static functions that wrap the Fortran functions
52 // in a common interface. We specialize this class on precision type.
53 template <class T>
54 class FFTPACK_wrap {};
56 // Specialization for float
57 template <>
58 class FFTPACK_wrap<float> {
60 public:
61  // interface functions used by class FFTPACK
63  // initialization functions for CC FFT, RC FFT, and sine transform
64  static void ccffti(size_t n, float* wsave) { fcffti (n, *wsave); }
65  static void rcffti(size_t n, float* wsave) { frffti (n, *wsave); }
66  static void rrffti(size_t n, float* wsave) { fsinti (n, *wsave); }
67  // forward and backward CC FFT
68  static void ccfftf(size_t n, float* r, float* wsave) { fcfftf (n, *r, *wsave); }
69  static void ccfftb(size_t n, float* r, float* wsave) { fcfftb (n, *r, *wsave); }
70  // forward and backward RC FFT
71  static void rcfftf(size_t n, float* r, float* wsave) { frfftf (n, *r, *wsave); }
72  static void rcfftb(size_t n, float* r, float* wsave) { frfftb (n, *r, *wsave); }
73  // sine transform
74  static void rrfft(size_t n, float* r, float* wsave) { fsint (n, *r, *wsave); }
75 };
77 // Specialization for double
78 template <>
79 class FFTPACK_wrap<double> {
81 public:
82  // interface functions used by class FFTPACK
84  // initialization functions for CC FFT, RC FFT, and sine transform
85  static void ccffti(size_t n, double* wsave) { cffti (n, *wsave); }
86  static void rcffti(size_t n, double* wsave) { rffti (n, *wsave); }
87  static void rrffti(size_t n, double* wsave) { sinti (n, *wsave); }
88  // forward and backward CC FFT
89  static void ccfftf(size_t n, double* r, double* wsave) {cfftf (n, *r, *wsave);}
90  static void ccfftb(size_t n, double* r, double* wsave) {cfftb (n, *r, *wsave);}
91  // forward and backward RC FFT
92  static void rcfftf(size_t n, double* r, double* wsave) {rfftf (n, *r, *wsave);}
93  static void rcfftb(size_t n, double* r, double* wsave) {rfftb (n, *r, *wsave);}
94  // sine transform
95  static void rrfft(size_t n, double* r, double* wsave) { sint (n, *r, *wsave); }
96 };
99 // Definition of FFT engine class FFTPACK
100 template <class T>
101 class FFTPACK {
103 public:
105  // definition of complex type
106  typedef std::complex<T> Complex_t;
108  // Trivial constructor. Do the real work in setup function.
109  FFTPACK(void) {}
111  // destructor
112  ~FFTPACK(void);
114  // setup internal storage and prepare to perform FFTs
115  // inputs are number of dimensions to transform, the transform types,
116  // and the lengths of these dimensions.
117  void setup(unsigned numTransformDims, const int* transformTypes,
118  const int* axisLengths);
120  // invoke FFT on complex data for given dimension and direction
121  void callFFT(unsigned transformDim, int direction, Complex_t* data);
123  // invoke FFT on real data for given dimension and direction
124  void callFFT(unsigned transformDim, int direction, T* data);
126 private:
128  unsigned numTransformDims_m; // number of dimensions to transform
129  int* transformType_m; // transform type for each dimension
130  int* axisLength_m; // length of each transform dimension
131  T** trig_m; // trigonometric tables
133 };
136 // Inline member function definitions
138 // destructor
139 template <class T>
140 inline
142  // delete storage
143  for (unsigned d=0; d<numTransformDims_m; ++d)
144  delete [] trig_m[d];
145  delete [] trig_m;
146  delete [] transformType_m;
147  delete [] axisLength_m;
148 }
150 // setup internal storage to prepare for FFTs
151 template <class T>
152 inline void
153 FFTPACK<T>::setup(unsigned numTransformDims, const int* transformTypes,
154  const int* axisLengths) {
156  // store transform types and lengths for each transform dim
157  numTransformDims_m = numTransformDims;
158  transformType_m = new int[numTransformDims_m];
159  axisLength_m = new int[numTransformDims_m];
160  unsigned d;
161  for (d=0; d<numTransformDims_m; ++d) {
162  transformType_m[d] = transformTypes[d];
163  axisLength_m[d] = axisLengths[d];
164  }
166  // allocate and initialize trig table
167  trig_m = new T*[numTransformDims_m];
168  for (d=0; d<numTransformDims_m; ++d) {
169  switch (transformType_m[d]) {
170  case 0: // CC FFT
171  trig_m[d] = new T[4 * axisLength_m[d] + 15];
172  FFTPACK_wrap<T>::ccffti(axisLength_m[d], trig_m[d]);
173  break;
174  case 1: // RC FFT
175  trig_m[d] = new T[2 * axisLength_m[d] + 15];
176  FFTPACK_wrap<T>::rcffti(axisLength_m[d], trig_m[d]);
177  break;
178  case 2: // Sine transform
179  trig_m[d] = new T[static_cast<int>(2.5 * axisLength_m[d] + 0.5) + 15];
180  FFTPACK_wrap<T>::rrffti(axisLength_m[d], trig_m[d]);
181  break;
182  default:
183  ERRORMSG("Unknown transform type requested!!" << endl);
184  break;
185  }
186  }
188  return;
189 }
191 // invoke FFT on complex data for given dimension and direction
192 template <class T>
193 inline void
194 FFTPACK<T>::callFFT(unsigned transformDim, int direction,
195  FFTPACK<T>::Complex_t* data) {
197  // check transform dimension and direction arguments
198  PAssert_LT(transformDim, numTransformDims_m);
199  PAssert_EQ(std::abs(direction), 1);
201  // cast complex number pointer to T* for calling Fortran routines
202  T* rdata = reinterpret_cast<T*>(data);
204  // branch on transform type for this dimension
205  switch (transformType_m[transformDim]) {
206  case 0: // CC FFT
207  if (direction == +1) {
208  // call forward complex-to-complex FFT
209  FFTPACK_wrap<T>::ccfftf(axisLength_m[transformDim], rdata,
210  trig_m[transformDim]);
211  }
212  else {
213  // call backward complex-to-complex FFT
214  FFTPACK_wrap<T>::ccfftb(axisLength_m[transformDim], rdata,
215  trig_m[transformDim]);
216  }
217  break;
218  case 1: // RC FFT
219  if (direction == +1) {
220  // call forward real-to-complex FFT
221  FFTPACK_wrap<T>::rcfftf(axisLength_m[transformDim], rdata,
222  trig_m[transformDim]);
223  // rearrange output to conform with SGI format for complex result
224  int clen = axisLength_m[transformDim]/2 + 1;
225  data[clen-1] = Complex_t(imag(data[clen-2]),0.0);
226  for (int i = clen-2; i > 0; --i)
227  data[i] = Complex_t(imag(data[i-1]),real(data[i]));
228  data[0] = Complex_t(real(data[0]),0.0);
229  }
230  else {
231  // rearrange input to conform with Netlib format for complex modes
232  int clen = axisLength_m[transformDim]/2 + 1;
233  data[0] = Complex_t(real(data[0]),real(data[1]));
234  for (int i = 1; i < clen-1; ++i)
235  data[i] = Complex_t(imag(data[i]),real(data[i+1]));
236  // call backward complex-to-real FFT
237  FFTPACK_wrap<T>::rcfftb(axisLength_m[transformDim], rdata,
238  trig_m[transformDim]);
239  }
240  break;
241  case 2: // Sine transform
242  ERRORMSG("Input for real-to-real FFT should be real!!" << endl);
243  break;
244  default:
245  ERRORMSG("Unknown transform type requested!!" << endl);
246  break;
247  }
249  return;
250 }
252 // invoke FFT on real data for given dimension and direction
253 template <class T>
254 inline void
255 FFTPACK<T>::callFFT(unsigned transformDim, int direction, T* data) {
257  // check transform dimension and direction arguments
258  PAssert_LT(transformDim, numTransformDims_m);
259  // avoid unused variable warning if we compile with Release
260  // :FIXME: remove direction
261  (void)direction;
262  PAssert_EQ(std::abs(direction), 1);
264  // branch on transform type for this dimension
265  switch (transformType_m[transformDim]) {
266  case 0: // CC FFT
267  ERRORMSG("Input for complex-to-complex FFT should be complex!!" << endl);
268  break;
269  case 1: // RC FFT
270  ERRORMSG("real-to-complex FFT uses complex input!!" << endl);
271  break;
272  case 2: // Sine transform
273  // invoke the real-to-real transform on the data
274  FFTPACK_wrap<T>::rrfft(axisLength_m[transformDim], data,
275  trig_m[transformDim]);
276  break;
277  default:
278  ERRORMSG("Unknown transform type requested!!" << endl);
279  break;
280  }
282  return;
283 }
284 #endif // IPPL_FFT_FFTPACK_FFT_H
FLieGenerator< T, N > imag(const FLieGenerator< std::complex< T >, N > &)
Take imaginary part of a complex generator.
FLieGenerator< T, N > real(const FLieGenerator< std::complex< T >, N > &)
Take real part of a complex generator.
void frfftf(size_t n, float &r, float &wsave)
void frffti(size_t n, float &wsave)
void rfftf(size_t n, double &r, double &wsave)
void fsint(size_t n, float &r, float &wsave)
void cffti(size_t n, double &wsave)
void fsinti(size_t n, float &wsave)
void cfftf(size_t n, double &r, double &wsave)
void sint(size_t n, double &r, double &wsave)
void sinti(size_t n, double &wsave)
void cfftb(size_t n, double &r, double &wsave)
void rfftb(size_t n, double &r, double &wsave)
void fcffti(size_t n, float &wsave)
void fcfftf(size_t n, float &r, float &wsave)
void rffti(size_t n, double &wsave)
void fcfftb(size_t n, float &r, float &wsave)
void frfftb(size_t n, float &r, float &wsave)
PETE_TUTree< FnAbs, typename T::PETE_Expr_t > abs(const PETE_Expr< T > &l)
Inform & endl(Inform &inf)
Definition: Inform.cpp:42
#define ERRORMSG(msg)
Definition: IpplInfo.h:350
#define PAssert_LT(a, b)
Definition: PAssert.h:106
#define PAssert_EQ(a, b)
Definition: PAssert.h:104
static void ccfftb(size_t n, float *r, float *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:69
static void rcfftb(size_t n, float *r, float *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:72
static void rcffti(size_t n, float *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:65
static void ccfftf(size_t n, float *r, float *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:68
static void rcfftf(size_t n, float *r, float *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:71
static void rrfft(size_t n, float *r, float *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:74
static void ccffti(size_t n, float *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:64
static void rrffti(size_t n, float *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:66
static void ccfftb(size_t n, double *r, double *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:90
static void rrfft(size_t n, double *r, double *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:95
static void rrffti(size_t n, double *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:87
static void rcffti(size_t n, double *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:86
static void rcfftb(size_t n, double *r, double *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:93
static void rcfftf(size_t n, double *r, double *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:92
static void ccfftf(size_t n, double *r, double *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:89
static void ccffti(size_t n, double *wsave)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:85
int * axisLength_m
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:130
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:141
T ** trig_m
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:131
std::complex< T > Complex_t
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:106
int * transformType_m
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:129
void callFFT(unsigned transformDim, int direction, Complex_t *data)
unsigned numTransformDims_m
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:128
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:109
void setup(unsigned numTransformDims, const int *transformTypes, const int *axisLengths)
Definition: fftpack_FFT.h:153