#include <grid.h>
Inheritance diagram for Grid:
Public Member Functions | |
Grid (int n_max, All_Domains *dom, Grid_gen_parameters &gpara, MPI_Comm comm) | |
Grid (int n_max, All_Domains *dom, MPI_Comm comm) | |
Grid (double h_finest_level, All_Domains *dom, Grid_gen_parameters &gpara, MPI_Comm comm) | |
Grid (double h_finest_level, All_Domains *dom, MPI_Comm comm) | |
Grid (int n_max, All_Domains *dom, Grid_gen_parameters &gpara) | |
Grid (double h_finest_level, All_Domains *dom, Grid_gen_parameters &gpara) | |
Grid (int n_max, All_Domains *dom) | |
Grid (double h_finest_level, All_Domains *dom) | |
void | Delete_storage () |
void | Full_update_Variable (int level) |
void | Update_Variable (dir_3D d, int *array_num, int anz_num, int level) |
void | Update_Variable (int d, int *array_num, int anz_num, int level) |
void | Sum_ghost_nodes_Variable (int *array_num, int anz_num, int level) |
void | Sum_ghost_nodes_Variable (int d, int *array_num, int anz_num, int level) |
void | Update_Variable_no_full (int *array_num, int anz_num, int level) |
void | Update_Variable_for_prolongation (dir_3D d, int *array_num, int anz_num, int level) |
void | Update_Variable_for_prolongation (int d, int *array_num, int anz_num, int level) |
void | Update_Variable_for_prolongation (int *array_num, int anz_num, int level) |
void | Update_boundary_stencil (int num_stencils, int level) |
void | Update_global_stencil (int num_stencils, int level) |
void | Print_number_of_communication_doubles () |
void | Do_non_bock_sending (bool yn) |
void | Add_operations (long_int ops, int level) |
void | Start_calc_time () |
void | Stop_calc_time () |
void | Start_calc_time_interior () |
void | Stop_calc_time_interior () |
void | Start_calc_time_nearbb () |
void | Stop_calc_time_nearbb () |
int | calc_time () |
void | Report_calc_time (const char *what) |
void | Print_poi_Info (int lev) |
void | Print_poi_Info () |
void | Print_poi_Sum_Info () |
void | Print_poi_Info_all (int lev) |
double | Give_number_interior_grid_points (int lev) |
void | Print_maximal_interior_angles () |
void | Calc_MG_Coefficients () |
void | Set_pointer_on_bocell () |
void | Initialize () |
void | Test_init () |
void | Refine (Index3D I) |
P_parallel * | Start_P_parallel (int level) |
P_interior * | Start_P_interior (int level, int color) |
P_nearb * | Start_P_nearb (int level, int color) |
P_Bo2p * | Start_P_Bo2p (int level, int color) |
P_nearb * | Start_P_exteri (int level, int color) |
P_cellpoi * | Start_P_cellpoi (int level) |
P_interior_cell * | Start_P_interior_cell (int level) |
P_boundary_tet * | Start_P_boundary_tet (int level) |
Nearb_Ablage * | Give_Nearb_Ablage () const |
double * | Give_vector_ablage () const |
double ** | Give_Stencils_fine () const |
double * | Give_weight_27 () const |
bool * | Give_label_on_cell_ablage () const |
bool * | Give_eight_bools () const |
double * | Give_Loc_stencil (diff_type typ_u, diff_type typ_v) const |
double * | Give_Loc_stencil_Poisson () const |
Restriction_stencil_container * | Give_restriction_stencil () const |
int * | Give_coarse_grid_functions () const |
Evaluation_Parallelization_object * | Give_eval_par () |
void | Set_type_of_update (int number_variable, int level, type_of_update type) const |
int | Min_interior_level () |
Definition at line 40 of file grid.h.
Definition at line 153 of file grid.cc. References endl(), and parallel_version. Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 160 of file grid.cc. References endl(), and parallel_version. Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 168 of file grid.cc. References endl(), and parallel_version. Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 175 of file grid.cc. References endl(), and parallel_version. Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 457 of file mgcoeff.cc. References endl(), Grid_base::Give_variable(), P_nearb::Ind(), Grid_base::Max_level(), Grid_base::Min_level(), MOrt, P_nearb::Next(), Start_P_nearb(), and trans27(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 1065 of file grid.cc. References Grid_base::Max_level(), P_interior::Next(), Grid_base::Remove_all_hashtables(), and Start_P_interior(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 1003 of file communi.cc. References Storage_manager::Give_max_num_var(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 151 of file grid.h. Referenced by DResDiff< A >::Iterate_Calc_stencil(), and DResDiff_Bo< A >::Iterate_Calc_stencil(). |
Definition at line 137 of file grid.h. Referenced by DResDiff< A >::DResDiff(), and DResDiff_Bo< A >::DResDiff_Bo(). |
Definition at line 136 of file grid.h. Referenced by DResDiff< A >::DResDiff(), and DResDiff_Bo< A >::DResDiff_Bo(). |
Definition at line 140 of file grid.h. References Loc_stencil_container::Give_Loc_sten(). Referenced by DVarDiff_15S_Op< V, DiffOp >::DVarDiff_15S_Op(), DVarDiff_25S_Op_convar< A, DiffOp >::DVarDiff_25S_Op_convar(), and DiagonalDiff_Op_convar< A, DiffOp >::Put_grid_rbo(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 142 of file grid.h. References Loc_stencil_container::Give_Loc_sten_Poisson(). Referenced by DVarDiff_15S_Op< V, DiffOp >::DVarDiff_15S_Op(), DVarDiff_25S_Op_convar< A, DiffOp >::DVarDiff_25S_Op_convar(), and DiagonalDiff_Op_convar< A, DiffOp >::Put_grid_rbo(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 131 of file grid.h. Referenced by DResDiff< A >::Give_interior_coarse(), and DExpr< A >::operator[](). |
Definition at line 1047 of file grid.cc. References developer_version, and Parallel_Info::max_level. |
Definition at line 146 of file grid.h. Referenced by DVar_Res_Op::DVar_Res_Op(). |
Definition at line 134 of file grid.h. Referenced by DResDiff< A >::DResDiff(), and DResDiff_Bo< A >::DResDiff_Bo(). |
Definition at line 133 of file grid.h. Referenced by DResDiff< A >::DResDiff(), DResDiff_Bo< A >::DResDiff_Bo(), and DVar_Prol_Op::Give_cellpoi(). |
Definition at line 135 of file grid.h. Referenced by DVar_Res_Op::DVar_Res_Op(). |
Definition at line 491 of file grid.cc. References anzahl_colors, Storage_manager::Give_max_num_var(), Parallel_Info::I_am_active(), Nearb_Ablage::Initialize_leer(), Grid_base::Initialize_variable(), Storage_manager::Is_storage_initialized(), Parallel_Info::my_rank, and print_status_of_grid_generator. Referenced by Print_maximal_interior_angles(), and Test_init(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 204 of file grid.cc. References Grid_base::bocell, edge_poi_typ, Grid_base::Give_h(), h, Initialize(), Storage_manager::Is_storage_initialized(), and iterate_hash2. Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 1447 of file communi.cc. References Parallel_Info::give_next_rank_destination(), Parallel_Info::I_am_active(), Parallel_Info::max_level, Parallel_Info::min_level, Parallel_Info::my_rank, and sum(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 448 of file grid.cc. References Parallel_Info::max_level, and Parallel_Info::my_rank. |
Definition at line 396 of file grid.cc. References Parallel_Info::my_rank. |
Definition at line 356 of file grid.cc. References Max_number_levels. |
Definition at line 481 of file grid.cc. References Grid_base::Add_point(), and Grid_base::Fullfill_B1B2(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 852 of file grid.cc. References Grid_base::bocell, corner_poi_typ, edge_poi_typ, Grid_base::Give_variable(), Grid_base::Give_variable_slow(), iterate_hash2, Index3D::neighbour(), and Index3D::Tiefe(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 1057 of file grid.cc. References Evaluation_Parallelization_object::Set_type_of_update(). Referenced by Variable::operator=(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 317 of file grid.h. Referenced by Evaluation_Parallelization_object::Give_next_evaluation_typ(), and Normal_vector(). |
Definition at line 295 of file grid.h. Referenced by Evaluation_Parallelization_object::Give_next_evaluation_typ(). |
Definition at line 313 of file grid.h. Referenced by Evaluation_Parallelization_object::Give_next_evaluation_typ(). |
Definition at line 304 of file grid.h. Referenced by Delete_storage(), Evaluation_Parallelization_object::Give_next_evaluation_typ(), Index_set::Index_set(), and Variable::operator=(). |
Definition at line 322 of file grid.h. Referenced by L_infty(), Maximum(), Minimum(), and Cell_Variable::operator=(). |
Definition at line 309 of file grid.h. Referenced by Calc_MG_Coefficients(), and Evaluation_Parallelization_object::Give_next_evaluation_typ(). |
Definition at line 1490 of file communi.cc. References Parallel_Info::Give_buffer_receive(), Parallel_Info::Give_buffer_send(), Parallel_Info::give_next_rank_destination(), Parallel_Info::give_next_rank_source(), Parallel_Info::I_am_active(), MPI_Request, MPI_Status, and Parallel_Info::var_receive. Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 1485 of file communi.cc. Referenced by Sum_ghost_nodes(). |
Definition at line 877 of file grid.cc. References Initialize(), and Storage_manager::Is_storage_initialized(). Referenced by Variable::Test_init(), and Cell_Variable::Test_init(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 346 of file commbos.cc. References Parallel_Info::bo_stencil_send, Storage_manager::cell_number_of_bo_stencil(), Parallel_Info::Give_buffer_receive(), Parallel_Info::Give_buffer_send(), Parallel_Info::give_next_rank_destination(), Parallel_Info::give_next_rank_source(), Parallel_Info::I_am_active(), MPI_Request, MPI_Status, and Parallel_Info::number_send_bo_stencil. Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 669 of file commbos.cc. References Storage_manager::cell_number_of_stencil(), Parallel_Info::Give_buffer_receive(), Parallel_Info::Give_buffer_send(), Parallel_Info::give_next_rank_destination(), Parallel_Info::give_next_rank_source(), Parallel_Info::I_am_active(), MPI_Request, MPI_Status, and Parallel_Info::stencil_send. Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 1186 of file communi.cc. References Parallel_Info::Give_buffer_receive(), Parallel_Info::Give_buffer_send(), Parallel_Info::give_next_rank_destination(), Parallel_Info::give_next_rank_source(), Parallel_Info::I_am_active(), MPI_Request, MPI_Status, and Parallel_Info::var_send. Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 1104 of file communi.cc. References Ddir, EDed, Edir, ENDd, ENTd, ESDd, ESTd, ETed, NDed, Ndir, NEed, NTed, NWed, SDed, Sdir, SEed, STed, SWed, Tdir, WDed, Wdir, WNDd, WNTd, WSDd, WSTd, and WTed. Referenced by Evaluation_Parallelization_object::Give_next_evaluation_typ(), Print_UCD_moved_parallel(), Print_UCD_parallel(), Print_UCD_surface_parallel(), Update_ghost_nodes(), and Update_Variable_no_full(). |
Definition at line 1275 of file communi.cc. References Update_Variable_for_prolongation(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 1364 of file communi.cc. References Parallel_Info::Give_buffer_receive(), Parallel_Info::Give_buffer_send(), Parallel_Info::give_next_rank_destination(), Parallel_Info::give_next_rank_source(), Parallel_Info::I_am_active(), MPI_Request, MPI_Status, Parallel_Info::number_send_face_prolongation, and Parallel_Info::var_send_prolongation. Here is the call graph for this function: |
Definition at line 1282 of file communi.cc. References Ddir, EDed, Edir, ENDd, ENTd, ESDd, ESTd, ETed, NDed, Ndir, NEed, NTed, NWed, SDed, Sdir, SEed, STed, SWed, Tdir, WDed, Wdir, WNDd, WNTd, WSDd, WSTd, and WTed. Referenced by Evaluation_Parallelization_object::Give_next_evaluation_typ(), and Update_Variable_for_prolongation(). |
Definition at line 1098 of file communi.cc. References Update_Variable(). Referenced by Evaluation_Parallelization_object::Give_next_evaluation_typ(). Here is the call graph for this function: |