OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library) 2022.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
2// Class CSRIGFWakeFunction
4// Copyright (c) 2008 - 2020, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
5// All rights reserved
7// This file is part of OPAL.
9// OPAL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12// (at your option) any later version.
14// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15// along with OPAL. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19#include "AbsBeamline/RBend.h"
20#include "AbsBeamline/SBend.h"
23#include "Filters/Filter.h"
25#include "Physics/Physics.h"
26#include "Physics/Units.h"
28#include "Utilities/Options.h"
29#include "Utilities/Util.h"
31#include <cmath>
32#include <fstream>
33#include <iostream>
35CSRIGFWakeFunction::CSRIGFWakeFunction(const std::string& name, std::vector<Filter*> filters, const unsigned int& N):
37 filters_m(filters.begin(), filters.end()),
38 lineDensity_m(),
39 dlineDensitydz_m(),
40 bendRadius_m(0.0),
41 totalBendAngle_m(0.0)
43 if (filters_m.size() == 0) {
44 defaultFilter_m.reset(new SavitzkyGolayFilter(7, 3, 3, 3));
45 filters_m.push_back(defaultFilter_m.get());
46 }
48 diffOp_m = filters_m.back();
52 Inform msg("CSRWake ");
54 std::pair<double, double> meshInfo;
55 calculateLineDensity(bunch, meshInfo);
56 const double &meshOrigin = meshInfo.first;
57 const double &meshSpacing = meshInfo.second;
58 const unsigned int numOfSlices = lineDensity_m.size();
60 if (Ez_m.size() < numOfSlices) {
61 Ez_m.resize(numOfSlices, 0.0);
62 Chi_m.resize(numOfSlices, 0.0);
63 Grn_m.resize(numOfSlices, 0.0);
64 Psi_m.resize(numOfSlices, 0.0);
65 }
67 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numOfSlices; ++i) {
68 Ez_m[i] = 0.0;
69 }
71 Vector_t smin, smax;
72 bunch->get_bounds(smin, smax);
73 double minPathLength = smin(2) + bunch->get_sPos() - FieldBegin_m;
74 for (unsigned int i = 1; i < numOfSlices; i++) {
75 double pathLengthOfSlice = minPathLength + i * meshSpacing;
76 double angleOfSlice = pathLengthOfSlice/bendRadius_m;
77 if (angleOfSlice > 0.0 && angleOfSlice <= totalBendAngle_m){
78 calculateGreenFunction(bunch, meshSpacing);
79 }
80 // convolute with line density
81 calculateContributionInside(i, angleOfSlice, meshSpacing);
82 calculateContributionAfter(i, angleOfSlice, meshSpacing);
84 }
86 // calculate the wake field seen by the particles
87 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bunch->getLocalNum(); ++i) {
88 const Vector_t &R = bunch->R[i];
89 unsigned int indexz = (unsigned int)floor((R(2) - meshOrigin) / meshSpacing);
90 double leverz = (R(2) - meshOrigin) / meshSpacing - indexz;
91 PAssert_LT(indexz + 1, numOfSlices);
93 bunch->Ef[i](2) += (1. - leverz) * Ez_m[indexz] + leverz * Ez_m[indexz + 1];
94 }
96 if (Options::csrDump) {
97 static std::string oldBendName;
98 static unsigned long counter = 0;
100 if (oldBendName != bendName_m) counter = 0;
102 const int every = 1;
103 bool print_criterion = (counter + 1) % every == 0;
104 if (print_criterion) {
105 static unsigned int file_number = 0;
106 if (counter == 0) file_number = 0;
107 double spos = bunch->get_sPos();
108 if (Ippl::myNode() == 0) {
109 std::stringstream filename_str;
110 filename_str << bendName_m << "-CSRWake" << std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0') << file_number << ".txt";
112 std::string fname = Util::combineFilePath({
114 filename_str.str()
115 });
117 std::ofstream csr(fname);
118 csr << spos << ", " << FieldBegin_m << ", " << smin(2) << ", " << smax(2) << ", " << meshSpacing*64 << std::endl;
119 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lineDensity_m.size(); ++ i) {
120 csr << i *meshSpacing << "\t"
121 << Ez_m[i] << "\t"
122 << lineDensity_m[i] << std::endl;
123 }
124 csr.close();
125 msg << "** wrote " << fname << endl;
126 }
127 ++ file_number;
128 }
129 ++ counter;
130 oldBendName = bendName_m;
131 }
135 if (ref->getType() == ElementType::RBEND ||
136 ref->getType() == ElementType::SBEND) {
138 const Bend2D *bend = static_cast<const Bend2D *>(ref);
139 double End;
141 bendRadius_m = bend->getBendRadius();
142 bend->getDimensions(Begin_m, End);
144 FieldBegin_m = bend->getEffectiveCenter() - Length_m / 2.0;
146 bendName_m = bend->getName();
147 }
151 std::pair<double, double>& meshInfo) {
152 bunch->calcLineDensity(nBins_m, lineDensity_m, meshInfo);
154 // the following is only needed for after dipole
155 std::vector<Filter *>::const_iterator fit;
156 for (fit = filters_m.begin(); fit != filters_m.end(); ++ fit) {
157 (*fit)->apply(lineDensity_m);
158 }
159 dlineDensitydz_m.assign(lineDensity_m.begin(), lineDensity_m.end());
160 diffOp_m->calc_derivative(dlineDensitydz_m, meshInfo.second);
164 double meshSpacing) {
165 unsigned int numOfSlices = lineDensity_m.size();
166 double gamma = bunch->get_meanKineticEnergy() / (bunch->getM() * Units::eV2MeV)+1.0;
167 double xmu_const = 3.0 * gamma * gamma * gamma / (2.0 * bendRadius_m);
168 double chi_const = 9.0 / 16.0 * (6.0 - std::log(27.0 / 4.0));
170 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numOfSlices; ++i) {
171 Chi_m[i] = 0.0;
172 double z = i * meshSpacing;
173 double xmu = xmu_const * z;
174 double b = std::sqrt(xmu * xmu + 1.0) + xmu;
175 if (xmu < 1e-3)
176 Chi_m[i] = chi_const + 0.5 * std::pow(xmu, 2) - 7.0 / 54.0 * std::pow(xmu, 4) + 140.0 / 2187.0 * std::pow(xmu, 6);
177 else
178 Chi_m[i] = 9.0 / 16.0 * (3.0 * (-2.0 * xmu * std::pow(b, 1.0/3.0) + std::pow(b, 2.0/3.0) + std::pow(b, 4.0/3.0)) +
179 std::log(std::pow((1 - std::pow(b, 2.0 / 3.0)) / xmu, 2) / (1 + std::pow(b, 2.0 / 3.0) + std::pow(b, 4.0 / 3.0))));
180 }
181 double grn_const = -16.0/(27.0 * gamma * gamma * meshSpacing);
182 Grn_m[0] = grn_const * (Chi_m[1] - Chi_m[0]);
183 Grn_m[numOfSlices - 1] = 0.0;
184 for (unsigned int i = 1; i < numOfSlices - 1; ++i) {
185 Grn_m[i] = grn_const * (Chi_m[i + 1] - 2.0 * Chi_m[i] + Chi_m[i - 1]);
186 }
190 double angleOfSlice,
191 double /*meshSpacing*/) {
192 if (angleOfSlice > totalBendAngle_m || angleOfSlice < 0.0) return;
193 int startSliceNum = 0;
194 for (int j = sliceNumber; j >= startSliceNum; j--)
195 Ez_m[sliceNumber] += lineDensity_m[j] * Grn_m[sliceNumber - j];
199 double angleOfSlice,
200 double meshSpacing) {
201 if (angleOfSlice <= totalBendAngle_m) return;
203 double Ds_max = bendRadius_m * std::pow(totalBendAngle_m, 3) / 24. * (4. - 3.* totalBendAngle_m / angleOfSlice);
205 // First do contribution from particles whose retarded position is
206 // prior to the bend.
207 double Ds_max2 = bendRadius_m * std::pow(totalBendAngle_m, 2) / 6. * (3. * angleOfSlice - 2. * totalBendAngle_m);
208 int j = 0;
209 double frac = 0.0;
210 if (Ds_max2 / meshSpacing < sliceNumber) {
211 j = sliceNumber - static_cast<int>(std::floor(Ds_max2 / meshSpacing));
212 frac = Ds_max2 / meshSpacing - (sliceNumber - j);
213 Ez_m[sliceNumber] -= (frac * lineDensity_m[j - 1] + (1. - frac) * lineDensity_m[j]) / (2. * angleOfSlice - totalBendAngle_m);
214 }
216 // Now do delta function contribution for particles whose retarded position
217 // is in the bend.
218 if (Ds_max / meshSpacing < sliceNumber) {
219 j = sliceNumber - static_cast<int>(std::floor(Ds_max / meshSpacing));
220 frac = Ds_max / meshSpacing - (sliceNumber - j);
221 Ez_m[sliceNumber] += (frac * lineDensity_m[j - 1] + (1.0 - frac) * lineDensity_m[j]) / (2. * angleOfSlice - totalBendAngle_m);
222 }
224 // Now do integral contribution for particles whose retarded position is in
225 // the bend.
227 double angleOverlap = angleOfSlice - totalBendAngle_m;
228 int k = sliceNumber;
229 if (Ds_max / meshSpacing < sliceNumber) {
230 k = j;
231 Psi_m[k] = calcPsi(Psi_m[k], angleOverlap, meshSpacing * (k + frac));
232 if (Psi_m[k] > 0 && Psi_m[k] < totalBendAngle_m)
233 Ez_m[sliceNumber] += 0.5 * (frac * dlineDensitydz_m[sliceNumber - k - 1] + (1.0 - frac) * dlineDensitydz_m[sliceNumber - k]) / (Psi_m[k] + 2.0 * angleOverlap);
234 } else {
235 Psi_m[0] = calcPsi(Psi_m[0], angleOverlap, meshSpacing * sliceNumber);
236 if (Psi_m[0] > 0 && Psi_m[0] < totalBendAngle_m)
237 Ez_m[sliceNumber] += 0.5 * dlineDensitydz_m[0] / (Psi_m[0] + 2.0 * angleOverlap);
238 }
240 // Do rest of integral.
241 for (unsigned int l = sliceNumber - k + 1; l < sliceNumber; ++ l) {
242 Psi_m[l] = calcPsi(Psi_m[l], angleOverlap, meshSpacing * (sliceNumber - l));
243 if (Psi_m[l] > 0 && Psi_m[l] < totalBendAngle_m)
244 Ez_m[sliceNumber] += dlineDensitydz_m[l] / (Psi_m[l] + 2.0 * angleOverlap);
245 }
247 // We don't go right to the end as there is a singularity in the numerical integral that we don't quite know
248 // how to deal with properly yet. This introduces a very slight error in the calculation (fractions of a percent).
249 Psi_m[sliceNumber] = calcPsi(Psi_m[sliceNumber], angleOverlap, meshSpacing / 4.0);
250 if (Psi_m[sliceNumber] > 0 && Psi_m[sliceNumber] < totalBendAngle_m)
251 Ez_m[sliceNumber] += 0.5 * dlineDensitydz_m[sliceNumber] / (Psi_m[sliceNumber] + 2.0 * angleOverlap);
253 double prefactor = -4 / bendRadius_m;
254 Ez_m[sliceNumber] *= prefactor;
257double CSRIGFWakeFunction::calcPsi(const double& psiInitial, const double& x, const double& Ds) const {
265 const int Nmax = 100;
266 const double eps = 1e-10;
267 double psi = std::pow(24. * Ds / bendRadius_m, 1. / 3.);
268 if (psiInitial != 0.0) psi = psiInitial;
270 for (int i = 0; i < Nmax; ++i) {
271 double residual = bendRadius_m * psi * psi * psi * (psi + 4. * x) - 24. * Ds * psi - 24. * Ds * x;
272 if (std::abs(residual) < eps)
273 return psi;
274 psi -= residual / (4. * bendRadius_m * psi * psi * psi + 12. * x * bendRadius_m * psi * psi - 24. * Ds);
275 }
276 RootFinderForCSR rootFinder(bendRadius_m, 4 * x * bendRadius_m, -24 * Ds, -24 * Ds * x);
277 if (rootFinder.hasPositiveRealRoots()) {
278 return rootFinder.searchRoot(eps);
279 }
281 ERRORMSG("In CSRWakeFunction::calcPsi(): exceed maximum number of iterations!" << endl);
282 return psi;
PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::ConstIterator end(PartBunchBase< T, Dim > const &bunch)
PartBunchBase< T, Dim >::ConstIterator begin(PartBunchBase< T, Dim > const &bunch)
Definition: WakeFunction.h:28
@ CSRIGFWakeFunction
Tps< T > log(const Tps< T > &x)
Natural logarithm.
Definition: TpsMath.h:182
Tps< T > pow(const Tps< T > &x, int y)
Integer power.
Definition: TpsMath.h:76
Tps< T > sqrt(const Tps< T > &x)
Square root.
Definition: TpsMath.h:91
PETE_TUTree< FnFloor, typename T::PETE_Expr_t > floor(const PETE_Expr< T > &l)
Definition: PETE.h:733
PETE_TUTree< FnAbs, typename T::PETE_Expr_t > abs(const PETE_Expr< T > &l)
Inform & endl(Inform &inf)
Definition: Inform.cpp:42
#define PAssert_LT(a, b)
Definition: PAssert.h:106
#define ERRORMSG(msg)
Definition: IpplInfo.h:350
const std::string name
constexpr double epsilon_0
The permittivity of vacuum in As/Vm.
Definition: Physics.h:51
constexpr double e
The value of.
Definition: Physics.h:39
constexpr double pi
The value of.
Definition: Physics.h:30
constexpr double eV2MeV
Definition: Units.h:77
bool csrDump
Definition: Options.cpp:67
std::string combineFilePath(std::initializer_list< std::string > ilist)
Definition: Util.cpp:196
ParticleAttrib< Vector_t > Ef
double get_meanKineticEnergy() const
ParticlePos_t & R
void get_bounds(Vector_t &rmin, Vector_t &rmax) const
size_t getLocalNum() const
void calcLineDensity(unsigned int nBins, std::vector< double > &lineDensity, std::pair< double, double > &meshInfo)
calculates the 1d line density (not normalized) and append it to a file.
double get_sPos() const
double getM() const
static OpalData * getInstance()
Definition: OpalData.cpp:196
std::string getAuxiliaryOutputDirectory() const
get the name of the the additional data directory
Definition: OpalData.cpp:661
Definition: Bend2D.h:51
virtual void getDimensions(double &sBegin, double &sEnd) const override
Definition: Bend2D.h:284
double getEffectiveLength() const
Definition: Bend2D.h:300
double getEffectiveCenter() const
Definition: Bend2D.h:295
double getBendRadius() const
Definition: Bend2D.h:290
double getBendAngle() const
Definition: BendBase.h:92
virtual const std::string & getName() const
Get element name.
virtual void calc_derivative(std::vector< double > &histogram, const double &h)=0
void calculateGreenFunction(PartBunchBase< double, 3 > *bunch, double meshSpacing)
void apply(PartBunchBase< double, 3 > *bunch) override
void calculateLineDensity(PartBunchBase< double, 3 > *bunch, std::pair< double, double > &meshInfo)
std::vector< double > Chi_m
std::vector< double > Grn_m
CSRIGFWakeFunction(const std::string &name, std::vector< Filter * > filters, const unsigned int &N)
void initialize(const ElementBase *ref) override
void calculateContributionAfter(size_t sliceNumber, double angleOfSlice, double meshSpacing)
std::vector< double > Psi_m
std::vector< double > Ez_m
std::shared_ptr< Filter > defaultFilter_m
LineDensity dlineDensitydz_m
std::vector< Filter * > filters_m
void calculateContributionInside(size_t sliceNumber, double angleOfSlice, double meshSpacing)
double calcPsi(const double &psiInitial, const double &x, const double &Ds) const
virtual WakeType getType() const override
double searchRoot(const double &tol)
const unsigned int nBins_m
Definition: WakeFunction.h:52
Definition: Inform.h:42
static int myNode()
Definition: IpplInfo.cpp:691