OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library)
This is the complete list of members for BoxCornerDomain, including all inherited members.
actBMax_m | BoxCornerDomain | private |
actBMin_m | BoxCornerDomain | private |
BoxCornerDomain(double A, double B, double C, double L1, double L2, IntVector_t nr, Vector_t hr, std::string interpl) | BoxCornerDomain | |
BoxCornerPointList typedef | BoxCornerDomain | private |
C_m | BoxCornerDomain | private |
compute(Vector_t hr, NDIndex< 3 > localId) | BoxCornerDomain | virtual |
constantInterpolation(int x, int y, int z, StencilValue_t &value, double &scaleFactor) const override | RegularDomain | privatevirtual |
coordAccess(int idx) const | BoxCornerDomain | inlineprivatevirtual |
coordMap_m | IrregularDomain | protected |
getB(double z) const | BoxCornerDomain | inline |
getBoundaryStencil(int x, int y, int z, StencilValue_t &value, double &scaleFactor) const | IrregularDomain | |
getBoundaryStencil(int id, StencilValue_t &value, double &scaleFactor) const | IrregularDomain | |
getCoord(int idx, int &x, int &y, int &z) const | IrregularDomain | virtual |
getHr() const | IrregularDomain | inline |
getIdx(int x, int y, int z) const | IrregularDomain | |
getMaxZ() const | IrregularDomain | inline |
getMinZ() const | IrregularDomain | inline |
getNeighbours(int x, int y, int z, StencilIndex_t &index) const | IrregularDomain | |
getNeighbours(int idx, StencilIndex_t &index) const | IrregularDomain | |
getNr() const | IrregularDomain | inline |
getNumXY() const override | RegularDomain | inlinevirtual |
getXIntersection(double cx, int) const | BoxCornerDomain | inlineprivate |
getXRangeMax() const | IrregularDomain | inline |
getXRangeMin() const | IrregularDomain | inline |
getYIntersection(double cy, int z) const | BoxCornerDomain | inlineprivate |
getYRangeMax() const | IrregularDomain | inline |
getYRangeMin() const | IrregularDomain | inline |
getZRangeMax() const | IrregularDomain | inline |
getZRangeMin() const | IrregularDomain | inline |
hasGeometryChanged() const | IrregularDomain | inline |
hasGeometryChanged_m | IrregularDomain | protected |
hr_m | IrregularDomain | protected |
idxMap_m | IrregularDomain | protected |
indexAccess(int x, int y, int z) const | BoxCornerDomain | inlineprivatevirtual |
interpolationMethod_m | IrregularDomain | protected |
IntersectXDir | BoxCornerDomain | private |
IntersectYDir | BoxCornerDomain | private |
IntVector_t typedef | IrregularDomain | |
IrregularDomain(const IntVector_t &nr, const Vector_t &hr, const std::string &interpl) | IrregularDomain | |
isInside(int x, int y, int z) const | BoxCornerDomain | inlinevirtual |
linearInterpolation(int x, int y, int z, StencilValue_t &value, double &scaleFactor) const override | BoxCornerDomain | privatevirtual |
max_m | IrregularDomain | protected |
min_m | IrregularDomain | protected |
nr_m | IrregularDomain | protected |
nxy_m | RegularDomain | private |
quadraticInterpolation(int x, int y, int z, StencilValue_t &value, double &scaleFactor) const override | BoxCornerDomain | privatevirtual |
RegularDomain(const IntVector_t &nr, const Vector_t &hr, const std::string &interpl) | RegularDomain | |
resizeMesh(Vector_t &origin, Vector_t &hr, const Vector_t &rmin, const Vector_t &rmax, double dh) override | RegularDomain | virtual |
robinBoundaryStencil(int z, double &F, double &B, double &C) const | RegularDomain | protected |
setHr(Vector_t hr) | IrregularDomain | inline |
setMinMaxZ(double minz, double maxz) | IrregularDomain | inline |
setNr(IntVector_t nr) | IrregularDomain | inline |
setNumXY(int nxy) | RegularDomain | inline |
setRangeMax(const Vector_t &max) | IrregularDomain | inline |
setRangeMin(const Vector_t &min) | IrregularDomain | inline |
StencilIndex_t typedef | IrregularDomain | |
StencilValue_t typedef | IrregularDomain | |
toCoordIdx(int x, int y, int z) const | BoxCornerDomain | inlineprivate |
zMax_m | IrregularDomain | protected |
zMin_m | IrregularDomain | protected |
~BoxCornerDomain() | BoxCornerDomain | |
~IrregularDomain() | IrregularDomain | inlinevirtual |