OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library) 2022.1
This is the complete list of members for Cyclotron, including all inherited members.
accept(BeamlineVisitor &) const | Cyclotron | virtual |
actionRange_m | ElementBase | private |
addReference() const | RCObject | inline |
aperture_m | ElementBase | protected |
apply(const size_t &id, const double &t, Vector_t &E, Vector_t &B) | Cyclotron | virtual |
apply(const Vector_t &R, const Vector_t &P, const double &t, Vector_t &E, Vector_t &B) | Cyclotron | virtual |
apply(const double &rad, const double &z, const double &tet_rad, double &br, double &bt, double &bz) | Cyclotron | virtual |
applyToReferenceParticle(const Vector_t &R, const Vector_t &P, const double &t, Vector_t &E, Vector_t &B) | Component | virtual |
applyTrimCoil(const double r, const double z, const double tet_rad, double &br, double &bz) | Cyclotron | private |
applyTrimCoil_m(const double r, const double z, const double tet_rad, double *br, double *bz) | Cyclotron | private |
bends() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
Bfield(const Point3D &P) const | Component | inline |
Bfield(const Point3D &P, double t) const | Component | inline |
Bfield_m | Cyclotron | protected |
BFieldType enum name | Cyclotron | |
bgeometry_m | ElementBase | private |
BP_m | Cyclotron | protected |
bscale_m | Cyclotron | private |
clone() const =0 | ElementBase | pure virtual |
Component(const std::string &name) | Component | explicit |
Component() | Component | |
Component(const Component &right) | Component | |
copyStructure() | ElementBase | virtual |
csTrafoGlobal2Local_m | ElementBase | protected |
Cyclotron(const std::string &name) | Cyclotron | explicit |
Cyclotron() | Cyclotron | |
Cyclotron(const Cyclotron &) | Cyclotron | |
defaultAperture_m | Component | protectedstatic |
deleteOnTransverseExit_m | ElementBase | private |
EBfield(const Point3D &P) const | Component | inline |
EBfield(const Point3D &P, double t) const | Component | inline |
Efield(const Point3D &P) const | Component | inline |
Efield(const Point3D &P, double t) const | Component | inline |
elemedgeSet_m | ElementBase | private |
ElementBase(const std::string &name) | ElementBase | explicit |
ElementBase() | ElementBase | |
ElementBase(const ElementBase &) | ElementBase | |
elementEdge_m | ElementBase | protected |
elementID | ElementBase | private |
elementPosition_m | ElementBase | private |
elementTypeToString_s | ElementBase | privatestatic |
escale_m | Cyclotron | private |
exit_face_slope_m | Component | protected |
fieldType_m | Cyclotron | private |
finalise() | Cyclotron | virtual |
fixPosition() | ElementBase | inline |
fmapfn_m | Cyclotron | private |
fmHighE_m | Cyclotron | private |
fmLowE_m | Cyclotron | private |
getAperture() const | ElementBase | inline |
getArcLength() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getAttribute(const std::string &aKey) const | ElementBase | virtual |
getBFieldType() const | Cyclotron | |
getBoundaryGeometry() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getBoundingBoxInLabCoords() const | ElementBase | virtual |
getBScale() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getChannel(const std::string &aKey, bool create=false) | ElementBase | virtual |
getConstChannel(const std::string &aKey) const | ElementBase | virtual |
getCSTrafoGlobal2Local() const | ElementBase | inline |
getCyclHarm() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getCyclotronType() const | Cyclotron | |
getDesign() const | Component | virtual |
getDesignEnergy() const | Component | inlinevirtual |
getdiffs() | Cyclotron | protected |
getDimensions(double &zBegin, double &zEnd) const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getEdgeToBegin() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getEdgeToEnd() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getElementDimensions(double &begin, double &end) const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getElementLength() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getElementPosition() const | ElementBase | inline |
getEntrance() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getEntranceFrame() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getEntrancePatch() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getEScale() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getExit() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getExitFrame() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getExitPatch() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getField()=0 | Component | pure virtual |
getField() const =0 | Component | pure virtual |
getFieldFromFile_AVFEQ(const double &scaleFactor) | Cyclotron | protected |
getFieldFromFile_BandRF(const double &scaleFactor) | Cyclotron | protected |
getFieldFromFile_Carbon(const double &scaleFactor) | Cyclotron | protected |
getFieldFromFile_CYCIAE(const double &scaleFactor) | Cyclotron | protected |
getFieldFromFile_FFA(const double &scaleFactor) | Cyclotron | protected |
getFieldFromFile_Ring(const double &scaleFactor) | Cyclotron | protected |
getFieldFromFile_Synchrocyclotron(const double &scaleFactor) | Cyclotron | protected |
getFieldMapFN() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getFlagDeleteOnTransverseExit() const | ElementBase | inline |
getFMHighE() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getFMLowE() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getGeometry()=0 | ElementBase | pure virtual |
getGeometry() const =0 | ElementBase | pure virtual |
getMaxR() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getMaxZ() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getMinR() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getMinZ() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getMisalignment(double &x, double &y, double &s) const | ElementBase | |
getMisalignment() const | ElementBase | inline |
getName() const | ElementBase | virtual |
getNumberOfTrimcoils() const | Cyclotron | |
getOrigin() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getOutputFN() const | ElementBase | |
getParticleMatterInteraction() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getPHIinit() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getPotential(const Vector_t &, const double &, Vector_t &, double &) | Component | inlinevirtual |
getPRinit() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getPZinit() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getRequiredNumberOfTimeSteps() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getRfFrequ() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getRfPhi() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getRinit() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getRmax() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getRmin() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getRotationAboutZ() const | ElementBase | inline |
getSlices() const =0 | Cyclotron | pure virtual |
getSpiralFlag() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getStepsize() const =0 | Cyclotron | pure virtual |
getSuperpose() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getSymmetry() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getTotalTransform() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getTransform(double fromS, double toS) const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getTransform(double s) const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getTrimCoilThreshold() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getType() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
getTypeString() const | ElementBase | inline |
getTypeString(ElementType type) | ElementBase | static |
getWake() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
getZinit() const | Cyclotron | virtual |
goOffline() | Component | virtual |
goOnline(const double &kineticEnergy) | Component | virtual |
gutdf5d(double *f, double dx, const int kor, const int krl, const int lpr) | Cyclotron | protected |
harm_m | Cyclotron | private |
hasAttribute(const std::string &aKey) const | ElementBase | virtual |
hasBoundaryGeometry() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
hasParticleMatterInteraction() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
hasWake() const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
idx(int irad, int ktet) | Cyclotron | inlineprotected |
initialise(PartBunchBase< double, 3 > *bunch, double &startField, double &endField) | Cyclotron | virtual |
initialise(PartBunchBase< double, 3 > *bunch, const double &scaleFactor) | Cyclotron | virtual |
initR(double rmin, double dr, int nrad) | Cyclotron | protected |
interpolate(const double &rad, const double &tet_rad, double &br, double &bt, double &bz) | Cyclotron | |
isElementPositionSet() const | ElementBase | inline |
isInside(const Vector_t &r) const | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
isInsideTransverse(const Vector_t &r) const | ElementBase | protected |
isPositioned() const | ElementBase | inline |
isSharable() const | ElementBase | inline |
isShared() const | RCObject | inline |
lossDs_m | Cyclotron | private |
makeSharable() | ElementBase | virtual |
maxr_m | Cyclotron | private |
maxz_m | Cyclotron | private |
minr_m | Cyclotron | private |
minz_m | Cyclotron | private |
misalignment_m | ElementBase | protected |
Online() | Component | virtual |
online_m | Component | protected |
operator=(const Cyclotron &)=delete | Cyclotron | private |
RCObject::operator=(const RCObject &right) | RCObject | inlineprotected |
outputfn_m | ElementBase | private |
parmatint_m | ElementBase | private |
phiinit_m | Cyclotron | private |
positionIsFixed | ElementBase | private |
prinit_m | Cyclotron | private |
pzinit_m | Cyclotron | private |
RCObject() | RCObject | inlineprotected |
RCObject(const RCObject &) | RCObject | inlineprotected |
read(const double &scaleFactor) | Cyclotron | |
refCount | RCObject | mutableprivate |
RefPartBunch_m | Component | protected |
releasePosition() | ElementBase | inline |
removeAttribute(const std::string &aKey) | ElementBase | virtual |
removeReference() const | RCObject | inline |
rffc_m | Cyclotron | private |
RFFCoeff_fn_m | Cyclotron | private |
RFfields_m | Cyclotron | private |
RFfilename_m | Cyclotron | private |
rffrequ_m | Cyclotron | private |
rfphi_m | Cyclotron | private |
rfvc_m | Cyclotron | private |
RFVCoeff_fn_m | Cyclotron | private |
rfvrequ_m | Cyclotron | private |
rinit_m | Cyclotron | private |
rotationZAxis_m | ElementBase | protected |
setActionRange(const std::queue< std::pair< double, double > > &range) | ElementBase | inline |
setAperture(const ApertureType &type, const std::vector< double > &args) | ElementBase | inline |
setAttribute(const std::string &aKey, double val) | ElementBase | virtual |
setBFieldType() | Cyclotron | |
setBoundaryGeometry(BoundaryGeometry *geo) | ElementBase | virtual |
setBScale(double bs) | Cyclotron | |
setCSTrafoGlobal2Local(const CoordinateSystemTrafo &ori) | ElementBase | inline |
setCurrentSCoordinate(double s) | ElementBase | |
setCyclHarm(double h) | Cyclotron | |
setCyclotronType(const std::string &type) | Cyclotron | |
setDesignEnergy(const double &energy, bool changeable=true) | Component | inlinevirtual |
setElementLength(double length) | ElementBase | inlinevirtual |
setElementPosition(double elemedge) | ElementBase | inline |
setEScale(std::vector< double > bs) | Cyclotron | |
setExitFaceSlope(const double &) | Component | inline |
setFieldMapFN(const std::string &fmapfn) | Cyclotron | |
setFlagDeleteOnTransverseExit(bool=true) | ElementBase | inline |
setFMHighE(double e) | Cyclotron | |
setFMLowE(double e) | Cyclotron | |
setMaxR(double r) | Cyclotron | |
setMaxZ(double z) | Cyclotron | |
setMinR(double r) | Cyclotron | |
setMinZ(double z) | Cyclotron | |
setMisalignment(const CoordinateSystemTrafo &cst) | ElementBase | inline |
setName(const std::string &name) | ElementBase | virtual |
setOutputFN(std::string fn) | ElementBase | |
setParticleMatterInteraction(ParticleMatterInteractionHandler *spys) | ElementBase | virtual |
setPHIinit(double phiinit) | Cyclotron | |
setPRinit(double prinit) | Cyclotron | |
setPZinit(double zinit) | Cyclotron | |
setRFFCoeffFN(std::vector< std::string > rff_coeff_fn) | Cyclotron | |
setRfFieldMapFN(std::vector< std::string > rffmapfn) | Cyclotron | |
setRfFrequ(std::vector< double > f) | Cyclotron | |
setRfPhi(std::vector< double > f) | Cyclotron | |
setRFVCoeffFN(std::vector< std::string > rfv_coeff_fn) | Cyclotron | |
setRinit(double rinit) | Cyclotron | |
setRotationAboutZ(double rotation) | ElementBase | inline |
setSpiralFlag(bool spiral_flag) | Cyclotron | |
setSuperpose(std::vector< bool > flag) | Cyclotron | |
setSymmetry(double symmetry) | Cyclotron | |
setTrimCoils(const std::vector< TrimCoil * > &trimcoils) | Cyclotron | |
setTrimCoilThreshold(double) | Cyclotron | |
setWake(WakeFunction *wf) | ElementBase | virtual |
setZinit(double zinit) | Cyclotron | |
shareFlag | ElementBase | mutableprotected |
spiralFlag_m | Cyclotron | private |
superpose_m | Cyclotron | private |
symmetry_m | Cyclotron | private |
trackBunch(PartBunchBase< double, 3 > *bunch, const PartData &, bool revBeam, bool revTrack) const | Component | virtual |
trackMap(FVps< double, 6 > &map, const PartData &, bool revBeam, bool revTrack) const | Component | virtual |
trimcoils_m | Cyclotron | private |
trimCoilThreshold_m | Cyclotron | private |
typeName_m | Cyclotron | private |
update(const AttributeSet &) | ElementBase | |
userAttribs | ElementBase | private |
waitingGap_m | Cyclotron | private |
wake_m | ElementBase | private |
writeOutputFieldFiles() | Cyclotron | |
zinit_m | Cyclotron | private |
~Component() | Component | virtual |
~Cyclotron() | Cyclotron | virtual |
~ElementBase() | ElementBase | virtual |
~RCObject()=0 | RCObject | inlineprotectedpure virtual |