OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library)
This is the complete list of members for Communicate, including all inherited members.
add_msg(Message *, int, int) | Communicate | protected |
add_to_send_cache(void *pos, MsgNum_t mnum, int size, int node) | Communicate | protected |
addwordround(void *&pos, int size) | Communicate | inlineprotectedstatic |
barrier(void) | Communicate | |
broadcast_all(Message *, int) | Communicate | virtual |
broadcast_others(Message *, int, bool delmsg=true) | Communicate | virtual |
cleanupMessage(void *) | Communicate | virtual |
clear_ok_messages(int nitems, void *pos) | Communicate | protected |
COMM_ANY_NODE enum value | Communicate | |
COMM_ANY_TAG enum value | Communicate | |
COMM_DIE_TAG enum value | Communicate | |
COMM_ERROR enum value | Communicate | |
COMM_HOSTS_TAG enum value | Communicate | |
COMM_NOERROR enum value | Communicate | |
COMM_NORECEIVE enum value | Communicate | |
COMM_NOSEND enum value | Communicate | |
COMM_SEND_TAG enum value | Communicate | |
CommCodes enum name | Communicate | |
CommErrors enum name | Communicate | |
CommTags enum name | Communicate | |
Communicate(int argc=0, char **argv=NULL, int procs=(-1)) | Communicate | |
Contexts | Communicate | protected |
current_tag(int t, int s=1000) | TagMaker | inline |
ErrorStatus | Communicate | protected |
fill_msg_buffer(void *, Message &, int, int, int) | Communicate | protected |
find_msg(int &, int &) | Communicate | protected |
find_msg_length(Message &) | Communicate | protected |
freebuffer(void *buf) | Communicate | inlineprotectedstatic |
getContexts(const int n) const | Communicate | inline |
getError() const | Communicate | inline |
getNodes() const | Communicate | inline |
getProcesses(const int n, const int c) const | Communicate | inline |
getReceived() const | Communicate | inline |
informOKList | Communicate | protected |
makebuffer(int size) | Communicate | inlineprotectedstatic |
MsgNum_t typedef | Communicate | protected |
mybarrier(void) | Communicate | protectedvirtual |
myHost | Communicate | protected |
myNode() const | Communicate | inline |
myreceive(int &node, int &tag, int etag) | Communicate | protectedvirtual |
mysend(Message *, int node, int utag, int etag) | Communicate | protectedvirtual |
name() const | Communicate | inlinevirtual |
next_tag(int t, int s=1000) | TagMaker | inline |
nextMsgNum | Communicate | protected |
pack(void *packdata, void *&pos, int size) | Communicate | inlineprotectedstatic |
perform_resend(MsgNum_t mnum) | Communicate | protected |
process_resend_requests() | Communicate | protected |
Processes | Communicate | protected |
raw_ireceive(char *, int, int, int) | Communicate | inlinevirtual |
raw_isend(void *, int, int, int) | Communicate | inlinevirtual |
raw_probe_receive(char *&, int &, int &) | Communicate | inlinevirtual |
raw_receive(char *, int, int &, int &) | Communicate | inlinevirtual |
raw_send(void *, int, int, int) | Communicate | inlinevirtual |
receive(int &node, int &tag) | Communicate | |
receive_block(int &node, int &tag) | Communicate | |
recMsgList | Communicate | protected |
remove_single_ok_message(MsgNum_t mnum) | Communicate | protected |
request_retransmission(int node, MsgNum_t mnum) | Communicate | protected |
requestList | Communicate | protected |
resend(void *buf, int size, int node, int etag) | Communicate | protectedvirtual |
resendList | Communicate | protected |
reset_tag(int t, int s=1000) | TagMaker | inline |
send(Message *, int node, int tag, bool delmsg=true) | Communicate | |
send_ok_message(int node, MsgNum_t mnum) | Communicate | protected |
SentCache_t typedef | Communicate | protected |
sentMsgCache | Communicate | protected |
sentOKList | Communicate | protected |
TagMaker(void) | TagMaker | inline |
TotalNodes | Communicate | protected |
unpack(void *&pos, void *packdata, int size) | Communicate | inlineprotectedstatic |
unpack_message(int &node, int &tag, void *pos) | Communicate | protected |
unpack_retransmission_request(int nitems, void *pos) | Communicate | protected |
wordround(int size) | Communicate | inlineprotectedstatic |
~Communicate(void) | Communicate | virtual |
~TagMaker(void) | TagMaker | inlinevirtual |