OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library)
This is the complete list of members for FM1DProfile2, including all inherited members.
checkMap(unsigned int accuracy, std::pair< double, double > fieldDimensions, double deltaZ, const std::vector< double > &fourierCoefficients, gsl_spline *splineCoefficients, gsl_interp_accel *splineAccelerator) | Fieldmap | protected |
checkMap(unsigned int accuracy, double length, const std::vector< double > &zSampling, const std::vector< double > &fourierCoefficients, gsl_spline *splineCoefficients, gsl_interp_accel *splineAccelerator) | Fieldmap | protected |
clearDictionary() | Fieldmap | static |
cosExitRotation_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
deleteFieldmap(std::string Filename) | Fieldmap | static |
disableFieldmapWarning() | Fieldmap | protected |
EngeCoefs_entry_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
EngeCoefs_exit_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
exceedingValuesWarning() | Fieldmap | protected |
exit_slope_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
Fieldmap class | FM1DProfile2 | friend |
Fieldmap::Fieldmap(const std::string &aFilename) | Fieldmap | inlineprotected |
Filename_m | Fieldmap | protected |
FM1DProfile2(std::string aFilename) | FM1DProfile2 | private |
freeMap() | FM1DProfile2 | privatevirtual |
Fieldmap::freeMap(std::string Filename) | Fieldmap | static |
gapHeight_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
get1DProfile1EngeCoeffs(std::vector< double > &engeCoeffsEntry, std::vector< double > &engeCoeffsExit) | Fieldmap | virtual |
get1DProfile1EntranceParam(double &entranceParameter1, double &entranceParameter2, double &entranceParameter3) | Fieldmap | virtual |
get1DProfile1ExitParam(double &exitParameter1, double &exitParameter2, double &exitParameter3) | Fieldmap | virtual |
getFieldDerivative(const Vector_t &X, Vector_t &E, Vector_t &B, const DiffDirection &dir) const | FM1DProfile2 | virtual |
getFieldDimensions(double &zBegin, double &zEnd, double &rBegin, double &rEnd) const | FM1DProfile2 | virtual |
getFieldDimensions(double &xIni, double &xFinal, double &yIni, double &yFinal, double &zIni, double &zFinal) const | FM1DProfile2 | virtual |
getFieldGap() | Fieldmap | virtual |
getFieldmap(std::string Filename, bool fast=false) | Fieldmap | static |
getFieldstrength(const Vector_t &X, Vector_t &strength, Vector_t &info) const | FM1DProfile2 | virtual |
getFrequency() const | FM1DProfile2 | virtual |
getInfo(Inform *) | FM1DProfile2 | virtual |
getLine(std::ifstream &in, std::string &buffer) | Fieldmap | inlineprotected |
getLine(std::ifstream &in, int &lines_read, std::string &buffer) | Fieldmap | protectedstatic |
getListFieldmapNames() | Fieldmap | static |
getOnaxisEz(std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > &onaxis) | Fieldmap | virtual |
getType() | Fieldmap | inline |
interpreteEOF(std::ifstream &in) | Fieldmap | protected |
interpreteLine(std::ifstream &in, S &value, const bool &file_length_known=true) | Fieldmap | protected |
interpreteLine(std::ifstream &in, S &value1, T &value2, const bool &file_length_known=true) | Fieldmap | protected |
interpreteLine(std::ifstream &in, S &value1, T &value2, U &value3, const bool &file_length_known=true) | Fieldmap | protected |
interpreteLine(std::ifstream &in, S &value1, T &value2, U &value3, V &value4, const bool &file_length_known=true) | Fieldmap | protected |
interpreteLine(std::ifstream &in, S &value1, S &value2, S &value3, S &value4, S &value5, S &value6, const bool &file_length_known=true) | Fieldmap | protected |
interpreteLine(std::ifstream &in, T &value, const bool &file_length_known) | Fieldmap | |
interpreteWarning(const std::string &error_msg, const std::string &expecting, const std::string &found) | Fieldmap | protected |
interpreteWarning(const std::ios_base::iostate &state, const bool &read_all, const std::string &error_msg, const std::string &found) | Fieldmap | protected |
isInside(const Vector_t &r) const | Fieldmap | inlinevirtual |
length_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
lines_read_m | Fieldmap | protected |
lowResolutionWarning(double squareError, double maxError) | Fieldmap | protected |
missingValuesWarning() | Fieldmap | protected |
noFieldmapWarning() | Fieldmap | protected |
normalize_m | Fieldmap | protected |
polynomialOrder_entry_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
polynomialOrder_exit_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
polynomialOrigin_entry_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
polynomialOrigin_exit_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
readHeader(std::string Filename) | Fieldmap | static |
readMap() | FM1DProfile2 | privatevirtual |
Fieldmap::readMap(std::string Filename) | Fieldmap | static |
rectangular_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
setEdgeConstants(const double &bendAngle, const double &entranceAngle, const double &exitAngle) | FM1DProfile2 | virtual |
setExitFaceSlope(const double &) | FM1DProfile2 | virtual |
setFieldGap(double gap) | Fieldmap | virtual |
setFieldLength(const double &) | Fieldmap | virtual |
setFrequency(double freq) | FM1DProfile2 | virtual |
sinExitRotation_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
swap() | FM1DProfile2 | virtual |
Type | Fieldmap | protected |
typeset_msg(const std::string &msg, const std::string &title) | Fieldmap | static |
write3DField(unsigned int nx, unsigned int ny, unsigned int nz, const std::pair< double, double > &xrange, const std::pair< double, double > &yrange, const std::pair< double, double > &zrange, const std::vector< Vector_t > &ef, const std::vector< Vector_t > &bf) | Fieldmap | protected |
xExit_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
zbegin_entry_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
zbegin_exit_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
zend_entry_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
zend_exit_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
zExit_m | FM1DProfile2 | private |
~Fieldmap() | Fieldmap | inlineprotectedvirtual |
~FM1DProfile2() | FM1DProfile2 | private |