OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library)
This is the complete list of members for Insertion, including all inherited members.
addReference() const | RCObject | inline |
ALFX enum value | Insertion | private |
ALFY enum value | Insertion | private |
BEAM enum value | Twiss | protected |
begin() const | Twiss | |
begin() | Twiss | |
BETX enum value | Insertion | private |
BETXMAX enum value | Twiss | protected |
BETY enum value | Insertion | private |
BETYMAX enum value | Twiss | protected |
builtin | Object | protected |
canReplaceBy(Object *newObject) | Table | virtual |
CellArray typedef | Table | |
clear() | Object | |
clone(const std::string &name) | Insertion | virtual |
copyAttributes(const Object &) | Object | |
curly_A | Twiss | protected |
DELTAP enum value | Insertion | private |
DPX enum value | Insertion | private |
DPY enum value | Insertion | private |
DX enum value | Insertion | private |
DXMAX enum value | Twiss | protected |
DXRMS enum value | Twiss | protected |
DY enum value | Insertion | private |
DYMAX enum value | Twiss | protected |
dynamic | Table | protected |
DYRMS enum value | Twiss | protected |
end() const | Twiss | |
end() | Twiss | |
execute() | Twiss | virtual |
fill() | Insertion | virtual |
find(const std::string &name) | Table | static |
findAttribute(const std::string &name) | Object | virtual |
findAttribute(const std::string &name) const | Object | virtual |
flagged | Object | protected |
getALFi(const Row &, int i1, int=0) const | Twiss | |
getALFik(const Row &, int i1, int i2) const | Twiss | |
getBaseObject() const | Object | |
getBETi(const Row &, int i1, int=0) const | Twiss | |
getBETik(const Row &, int i1, int i2) const | Twiss | |
getCategory() const | Table | virtual |
getCell(const PlaceRep &row, const std::string &col) | Twiss | virtual |
getCO(const Row &, int i1, int=0) const | Twiss | |
getColumn(const RangeRep &range, const std::string &col) | Twiss | virtual |
getCurlyA() const | Twiss | |
getCurlyA(const Row &) const | Twiss | |
getCurrent() const | Twiss | |
getDefault() const | Twiss | virtual |
getDisp(const Row &, int i1, int=0) const | Twiss | |
getEigen(const Row &, int i1, int i2) const | Twiss | |
getET() const | Twiss | |
getEX() const | Twiss | |
getEY() const | Twiss | |
getGAMik(const Row &, int i1, int i2) const | Twiss | |
getLength() | Twiss | virtual |
getLine() const | Twiss | virtual |
getMatrix(const Row &) const | Twiss | |
getMatrix(const Row &, int i1, int i2) const | Twiss | |
getMUi(const Row &, int i1, int=0) const | Twiss | |
getOpalName() const | Object | |
getOrbit() const | Twiss | |
getOrbit(const Row &) const | Twiss | |
getParent() const | Object | |
getRow(const PlaceRep &, const std::vector< std::string > &) | Twiss | virtual |
getS(const Row &, int=0, int=0) const | Twiss | |
getSigma() const | Twiss | |
getSigma(const Row &) const | Twiss | |
getSigma(const Row &, int i1, int i2) const | Twiss | |
increment() | Object | |
INIT enum value | Insertion | private |
Insertion() | Insertion | |
Insertion(const Insertion &) | Insertion | private |
Insertion(const std::string &name, Insertion *parent) | Insertion | private |
invalidate() | Table | virtual |
isBuiltin() const | Object | |
isDependent(const std::string &name) const | Twiss | virtual |
isDirty() const | Object | |
isFlagged() const | Object | |
isShared() const | Object | virtual |
isTreeMember(const Object *subTree) const | Object | |
itsAttr | Object | |
LENGTH enum value | Insertion | private |
LINE enum value | Twiss | protected |
makeColumnExpression(const std::string &colName) const | Twiss | virtual |
makeInstance(const std::string &name, Statement &, const Parser *) | Object | virtual |
makeTemplate(const std::string &, TokenStream &, Statement &) | Object | virtual |
matches(Table *rhs) const | Twiss | virtual |
METHOD enum value | Twiss | protected |
modified | Object | protected |
MU1 enum value | Insertion | private |
MU2 enum value | Insertion | private |
MU3 enum value | Insertion | private |
numColumns | Twiss | protectedstatic |
Object(int size, const char *name, const char *help) | Object | protected |
Object(const std::string &name, Object *parent) | Object | protected |
occurrenceCount() | Object | |
operator=(const Insertion &) | Insertion | private |
RCObject::operator=(const RCObject &right) | RCObject | inlineprotected |
orbit | Twiss | protected |
ORDER enum value | Twiss | protected |
parse(Statement &) | Object | virtual |
parseShortcut(Statement &) | Object | virtual |
print(std::ostream &) const | Object | virtual |
printHelp(std::ostream &) const | Object | virtual |
printTable(std::ostream &, const CellArray &) const | Insertion | virtual |
printTableBody(std::ostream &, const CellArray &) const | Twiss | |
printTableTitle(std::ostream &, const char *title) const | Twiss | |
printValue(std::ostream &) const | Object | inlinevirtual |
PTC enum value | Insertion | private |
PXC enum value | Insertion | private |
PYC enum value | Insertion | private |
RANGE enum value | Twiss | protected |
RCObject() | RCObject | inlineprotected |
RCObject(const RCObject &) | RCObject | inlineprotected |
refill | Table | protected |
registerOwnership(const AttributeHandler::OwnerType &itsClass) const | Object | |
registerReference(Invalidator *a) | Object | |
removeReference() const | RCObject | inline |
replace(Object *oldObject, Object *newObject) | Object | virtual |
REVBEAM enum value | Twiss | protected |
REVTRACK enum value | Twiss | protected |
setDirty(bool) | Object | |
setFlag(bool) | Object | |
setOpalName(const std::string &name) | Object | |
setParent(Object *) | Object | |
setShared(bool) | Object | virtual |
shouldTrace() const | Table | virtual |
shouldUpdate() const | Table | virtual |
SIZE enum value | Insertion | private |
STATIC enum value | Twiss | protected |
Table(int size, const char *name, const char *help) | Table | protected |
Table(const std::string &name, Table *parent) | Table | protected |
TC enum value | Insertion | private |
TLine typedef | Twiss | |
Twiss(int size, const char *name, const char *help) | Twiss | protected |
Twiss(const std::string &name, Twiss *parent) | Twiss | protected |
unregisterReference(Invalidator *a) | Object | |
update() | Object | virtual |
XC enum value | Insertion | private |
XCMAX enum value | Twiss | protected |
XCRMS enum value | Twiss | protected |
YC enum value | Insertion | private |
YCMAX enum value | Twiss | protected |
YCRMS enum value | Twiss | protected |
~Insertion() | Insertion | virtual |
~Object() | Object | virtual |
~RCObject()=0 | RCObject | inlineprotectedpure virtual |
~Table() | Table | virtual |
~Twiss() | Twiss | virtual |