
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * optparse.h
00003  *
00004  * An option parser for C++ modeled after the optparse Python
00005  * module. Create an instance of OptionParser in your program
00006  * and you can add options to it then call the method
00007  * parse_args with argc and argv and it will parse them. The
00008  * '-h' and '--help' options are built in, they print the
00009  * usage message.
00010  *
00011  * W. Evan Sheehan <>
00012  *
00013  */
00015 #ifndef OPTPARSE_H
00016 #define OPTPARSE_H
00018 #include <map>
00019 #include <vector>
00020 #include <string>
00021 #include <sstream>
00022 #include <stdexcept>
00024 namespace optparse {
00034 typedef enum {STORE_FALSE=0, STORE_TRUE, STORE} action_t;
00040 typedef enum {STRING=0, BOOL, INT, DOUBLE} type_t;
00043 class Option {
00044 public:
00045     Option (std::string shrt, std::string lng, std::string dest,
00046             std::string hlp, action_t act, std::string dfault, type_t type,
00047             std::string allowed_args);
00048     ~Option ();
00057     bool is_allowed(std::string argument);
00059     action_t action;            // define what we store
00060     std::string shrt_flag;      // short flag, something like -o
00061     std::string lng_flag;       // long flag, something like --outfile
00062     std::string help;           // help message about the option
00063     std::string destination;    // the key used to store this option in the parser.
00067     std::string dfault_;
00073     type_t type_;
00074     std::string allowed_args_;        
00075 };
00077 class OptionError : public std::runtime_error {
00078 public:
00079     OptionError(std::string option, std::string error_msg)
00080             : std::runtime_error("") {
00081         std::ostringstream str;
00082         str << "OptionParser error: option: " << option << ", cause: " << error_msg;
00083         msg_ = str.str();
00084     }
00085     virtual ~OptionError() throw() {}
00090     virtual const char* what() const throw() { return msg_.c_str(); }
00091 protected:
00092     std::string msg_;
00093 };
00096 class OptionParser {
00097 public:
00098     OptionParser (std::string usage="");
00099     virtual ~OptionParser ();
00114     void add_option (std::string shrt_flag, std::string lng_flag,
00115                      std::string destination, std::string help="", action_t act=STORE,
00116                      type_t type=STRING, std::string dfault="",
00117                      std::string allowed_values="");
00119     /* Parse the commandline args. */
00120     void parse_args (int argc, char **argv);
00127     void help (std::ostream& os);
00136     std::string type2string(type_t type);
00140     typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> options_type;
00141     options_type options;                   
00142     std::vector<std::string> arguments;     
00144 protected:
00152     virtual void set_option(Option& option, std::string argument);
00154 private:
00155     std::string use_msg;            
00156     std::vector<Option> opts;       
00158     /* Helper for finding which Option (if any) argv[index] matches. */
00159     void find_opt_short(int argc, char **argv, int &index);
00160     void find_opt_long(int argc, char **argv, int &index);
00161 };
00163 } // namespace optparse
00165 #endif

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