
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // C++ Implementation: %{MODULE}
00003 //
00004 // Description:
00005 //
00006 //
00007 // Author: %{AUTHOR} <%{EMAIL}>, (C) %{YEAR}
00008 //
00009 // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
00010 //
00011 //
00013 #include <sstream>
00014 #include "TypedOptionParser.h"
00016 namespace optparse {
00018 using namespace std;
00020 void TypedOptionParser::add_option(Teuchos::ParameterList& params,
00021                 std::string shrt_flag, std::string lng_flag,
00022                 std::string destination, std::string help, action_t act,
00023                 std::string allowed_values) {
00024     // Find sublist/key from destination.
00025     string key(destination);
00026     Teuchos::ParameterList* sublist = &params;
00027     size_t dot_pos;
00028     while((dot_pos = key.find('.')) != string::npos) {
00029         sublist = &sublist->sublist(key.substr(0, dot_pos));
00030         key = key.substr(dot_pos+1, string::npos); 
00031     }
00033     type_t type;
00034     ostringstream buf;
00035     if (sublist->isType<int>(key)) {
00036         type = INT;
00037         buf << sublist->get<int>(key);
00038     } else if (sublist->isType<double>(key)) {
00039         type = DOUBLE;
00040         buf << sublist->get<double>(key);
00041     } else if (sublist->isType<string>(key)) {
00042         type = STRING;
00043         buf << sublist->get<string>(key);
00044     } else if (sublist->isType<bool>(key)) {
00045         type = BOOL;
00046         if (sublist->get<bool>(key))
00047             buf << '1';
00048         else
00049             buf << '0';
00050     } else
00051         assert(false);
00052     string default_value = buf.str();        
00053     OptionParser::add_option(shrt_flag, lng_flag, destination, help, act, type, default_value, allowed_values);
00054 }
00056 void TypedOptionParser::set_parameter_list(Teuchos::ParameterList& params) {
00057     for (OptionParser::options_type::iterator it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++ it) {
00058         // Descend into sublists
00059         string key(it->first);
00060         Teuchos::ParameterList* sublist = &params;
00061         size_t dot_pos;
00062         while((dot_pos = key.find('.')) != string::npos) {
00063             sublist = &sublist->sublist(key.substr(0, dot_pos));
00064             key = key.substr(dot_pos+1, string::npos); 
00065         }
00066         // Split val::type
00067         string val(it->second);
00068         size_t colon_pos = val.find(':');
00069         assert(colon_pos != string::npos);
00070         string type(val.substr(colon_pos+1, string::npos));
00071         val = val.substr(0, colon_pos);
00072         // Set parameter
00073         if (type == "STRING")
00074             sublist->set(key, val);
00075         else if (type == "DOUBLE")
00076             sublist->set(key, atof(val.c_str()));
00077         else if (type == "INT")
00078             sublist->set(key, atoi(val.c_str()));
00079         else if (type == "BOOL") {
00080             sublist->set(key, val != "0");
00081         } else
00082             assert(false);
00083     }
00084 }
00086 string TypedOptionParser::get_option(std::string option_name) {
00087     string arg(options[option_name]);
00088     size_t colon_pos = arg.find(':');
00089     return arg.substr(0, colon_pos);
00090 }
00092 void TypedOptionParser::set_option(Option& option, string argument) {
00093     if (option.is_allowed(argument))
00094         options[option.destination] = argument + ":" + type2string(option.type_);
00095     else
00096         throw OptionError(option.shrt_flag + " " + option.lng_flag, "Invalid argument for option");
00097 }
00099 } // namespace optparse

Generated on Fri Oct 26 13:35:12 2007 for FEMAXX (Finite Element Maxwell Eigensolver) by  doxygen 1.4.7