
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //**************************************************************************
00002 //
00003 //                                 NOTICE
00004 //
00005 // This software is a result of the research described in the report
00006 //
00007 // " A comparison of algorithms for modal analysis in the absence 
00008 //   of a sparse direct method", P. Arbenz, R. Lehoucq, and U. Hetmaniuk,
00009 //  Sandia National Laboratories, Technical cout SAND2003-1028J.
00010 //
00011 // It is based on the Epetra, AztecOO, and ML packages defined in the Trilinos
00012 // framework ( ).
00013 //
00014 // The distribution of this software follows also the rules defined in Trilinos.
00015 // This notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this software, in whole or
00016 // in part.
00017 //
00018 // Under terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
00019 // license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government.
00020 //
00021 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00022 // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00024 //
00025 // Code Authors: U. Hetmaniuk (, R. Lehoucq (
00026 //
00027 //**************************************************************************
00029 #include "KnyazevLOBPCG.h"
00032 KnyazevLOBPCG::KnyazevLOBPCG(const Epetra_Comm &_Comm, const Epetra_Operator *KK,
00033                              const Epetra_Operator *PP, 
00034                              double _tol, int _maxIter, int _verb) :
00035     myVerify(_Comm),
00036     callBLAS(),
00037     callFortran(),
00038     modalTool(_Comm),
00039     mySort(),
00040     MyComm(_Comm),
00041     K(KK),
00042     M(0),
00043     Prec(PP),
00044     MyWatch(_Comm),
00045     tolEigenSolve(_tol),
00046     maxIterEigenSolve(_maxIter),
00047     blockSize(0),
00048     normWeight(0),
00049     verbose(_verb),
00050     historyCount(0),
00051     resHistory(0),
00052     memRequested(0.0),
00053     highMem(0.0),
00054     massOp(0),
00055     numRestart(0),
00056     outerIter(0),
00057     precOp(0),
00058     residual(0),
00059     stifOp(0),
00060     timeLocalProj(0.0),
00061     timeLocalSolve(0.0),
00062     timeLocalUpdate(0.0),
00063     timeMassOp(0.0),
00064     timeNorm(0.0),
00065     timeOuterLoop(0.0),
00066     timePostProce(0.0),
00067     timePrecOp(0.0),
00068     timeResidual(0.0),
00069     timeStifOp(0.0)
00070 {
00072 }
00075 KnyazevLOBPCG::KnyazevLOBPCG(const Epetra_Comm &_Comm, const Epetra_Operator *KK,
00076                              const Epetra_Operator *MM, const Epetra_Operator *PP,
00077                              Projector *YHCP,
00078                              double _tol, int _maxIter, int _verb,
00079                              double *_weight) :
00080     myVerify(_Comm),
00081     callBLAS(),
00082     callFortran(),
00083     modalTool(_Comm),
00084     mySort(),
00085     MyComm(_Comm),
00086     K(KK),
00087     M(MM),
00088     Prec(PP),
00089     YHC(YHCP),
00090     MyWatch(_Comm),
00091     tolEigenSolve(_tol),
00092     maxIterEigenSolve(_maxIter),
00093     blockSize(0),
00094     normWeight(_weight),
00095     verbose(_verb),
00096     historyCount(0),
00097     resHistory(0),
00098     memRequested(0.0),
00099     highMem(0.0),
00100     massOp(0),
00101     numRestart(0),
00102     outerIter(0),
00103     precOp(0),
00104     residual(0),
00105     stifOp(0),
00106     timeLocalProj(0.0),
00107     timeLocalSolve(0.0),
00108     timeLocalUpdate(0.0),
00109     timeMassOp(0.0),
00110     timeNorm(0.0),
00111     timeOuterLoop(0.0),
00112     timePostProce(0.0),
00113     timePrecOp(0.0),
00114     timeResidual(0.0),
00115     timeStifOp(0.0)
00116 {
00118 }
00121 KnyazevLOBPCG::~KnyazevLOBPCG() {
00123     if (resHistory) {
00124         delete[] resHistory;
00125         resHistory = 0;
00126     }
00128 }
00131 int KnyazevLOBPCG::solve(int numEigen, Epetra_MultiVector &Q, double *lambda) {
00133     // Computes the smallest eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors
00134     // of the generalized eigenvalue problem
00135     // 
00136     //      K X = M X Lambda
00137     // 
00138     // using a Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method. 
00139     //
00140     // Note that if M is not specified, then  K X = X Lambda is solved.
00141     // Note that the blocksize is equal to the number of requested eigenvalues.
00142     // 
00143     // Ref: A. Knyazev, "Toward the optimal preconditioned eigensolver:
00144     // Locally optimal block preconditioner conjugate gradient method",
00145     // SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol 23, n 2, pp. 517-541
00146     // Ref: A. Knyazev and M. Argentati, "Implementation of a preconditioned
00147     // eigensolver using Hypre", Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (submitted)
00148     // 
00149     // Input variables:
00150     // 
00151     // numEigen  (integer) = Number of eigenmodes requested
00152     // 
00153     // Q (Epetra_MultiVector) = Converged eigenvectors
00154     //                   The number of columns of Q must be equal to numEigen.
00155     //                   The rows of Q are distributed across processors.
00156     //                   At exit, the first numEigen columns contain the eigenvectors requested.
00157     // 
00158     // lambda (array of doubles) = Converged eigenvalues
00159     //                   At input, it must be of size numEigen.
00160     //                   At exit, the first numEigen locations contain the eigenvalues requested.
00161     //
00162     // Return information on status of computation
00163     // 
00164     // info >=   0 >> Number of converged eigenpairs at the end of computation
00165     // 
00166     // // Failure due to input arguments
00167     // 
00168     // info = -  1 >> The stiffness matrix K has not been specified.
00169     // info = -  2 >> The maps for the matrix K and the matrix M differ.
00170     // info = -  3 >> The maps for the matrix K and the preconditioner P differ.
00171     // info = -  4 >> The maps for the vectors and the matrix K differ.
00172     // info = -  5 >> Q is too small for the number of eigenvalues requested.
00173     // info = -  6 >> Q is too small for the computation parameters.
00174     //
00175     // info = - 10 >> Failure during the mass orthonormalization
00176     // 
00177     // info = - 20 >> Error in LAPACK during the local eigensolve
00178     //
00179     // info = - 30 >> MEMORY
00180     //
00182     // Check the input parameters
00184     if (numEigen <= 0) {
00185         return 0;
00186     }
00188     int info = myVerify.inputArguments(numEigen, K, M, Prec, Q, numEigen);
00189     if (info < 0)
00190         return info;
00192     int myPid = MyComm.MyPID();
00194     // Get the weight for approximating the M-inverse norm
00195     Epetra_Vector *vectWeight = 0;
00196     if (normWeight) {
00197         vectWeight = new Epetra_Vector(View, Q.Map(), normWeight);
00198     }
00200     int knownEV = 0;
00201     int localVerbose = verbose*(myPid==0);
00203     // Define local block vectors
00204     //
00205     // MX = Working vectors (storing M*X if M is specified, else pointing to X)
00206     // KX = Working vectors (storing K*X)
00207     //
00208     // R = Residuals
00209     //
00210     // H = Preconditioned search space
00211     // MH = Working vectors (storing M*H if M is specified, else pointing to H)
00212     // KH = Working vectors (storing K*H)
00213     //
00214     // P = Search directions
00215     // MP = Working vectors (storing M*P if M is specified, else pointing to P)
00216     // KP = Working vectors (storing K*P)
00218     int xr = Q.MyLength();
00219     Epetra_MultiVector X(View, Q, 0, numEigen);
00221     blockSize = numEigen;
00223     int tmp;
00224     tmp = (M == 0) ? 6*numEigen*xr : 9*numEigen*xr;
00226     double *work1 = new (nothrow) double[tmp]; 
00227     if (work1 == 0) {
00228         if (vectWeight)
00229             delete vectWeight;
00230         info = -30;
00231         return info;
00232     }
00233     memRequested += sizeof(double)*tmp/(1024.0*1024.0);
00235     highMem = (highMem > currentSize()) ? highMem : currentSize();
00237     double *tmpD = work1;
00239     Epetra_MultiVector KX(View, Q.Map(), tmpD, xr, numEigen);
00240     tmpD = tmpD + xr*numEigen;
00242     Epetra_MultiVector MX(View, Q.Map(), (M) ? tmpD : X.Values(), xr, numEigen);
00243     tmpD = (M) ? tmpD + xr*numEigen : tmpD;
00245     Epetra_MultiVector R(View, Q.Map(), tmpD, xr, numEigen);
00246     tmpD = tmpD + xr*numEigen;
00248     Epetra_MultiVector H(View, Q.Map(), tmpD, xr, numEigen);
00249     tmpD = tmpD + xr*numEigen;
00251     Epetra_MultiVector KH(View, Q.Map(), tmpD, xr, numEigen);
00252     tmpD = tmpD + xr*numEigen;
00254     Epetra_MultiVector MH(View, Q.Map(), (M) ? tmpD : H.Values(), xr, numEigen);
00255     tmpD = (M) ? tmpD + xr*numEigen : tmpD;
00257     Epetra_MultiVector P(View, Q.Map(), tmpD, xr, numEigen);
00258     tmpD = tmpD + xr*numEigen;
00260     Epetra_MultiVector KP(View, Q.Map(), tmpD, xr, numEigen);
00261     tmpD = tmpD + xr*numEigen;
00263     Epetra_MultiVector MP(View, Q.Map(), (M) ? tmpD : P.Values(), xr, numEigen);
00265     // Define arrays
00266     //
00267     // theta = Store the local eigenvalues (size: numEigen)
00268     // normR = Store the norm of residuals (size: numEigen)
00269     //
00270     // MM = Local mass matrix              (size: 3*numEigen x 3*numEigen)
00271     // KK = Local stiffness matrix         (size: 3*numEigen x 3*numEigen)
00272     //
00273     // S = Local eigenvectors              (size: 3*numEigen x 3*numEigen)
00275     int lwork2;
00276     lwork2 = 2*numEigen + 27*numEigen*numEigen;
00277     double *work2 = new (nothrow) double[lwork2];
00278     if (work2 == 0) {
00279         if (vectWeight)
00280             delete vectWeight;
00281         delete[] work1;
00282         info = -30;
00283         return info;
00284     }
00286     highMem = (highMem > currentSize()) ? highMem : currentSize();
00288     tmpD = work2;
00290     double *theta = tmpD;
00291     tmpD = tmpD + numEigen;
00293     double *normR = tmpD;
00294     tmpD = tmpD + numEigen;
00296     double *MM = tmpD;
00297     tmpD = tmpD + 9*numEigen*numEigen;
00299     double *KK = tmpD;
00300     tmpD = tmpD + 9*numEigen*numEigen;
00302     double *S = tmpD;
00304     memRequested += sizeof(double)*lwork2/(1024.0*1024.0);
00306     // Define an array to store the residuals history
00307     if (localVerbose > 2) {
00308         resHistory = new (nothrow) double[maxIterEigenSolve*numEigen];
00309         if (resHistory == 0) {
00310             if (vectWeight)
00311                 delete vectWeight;
00312             delete[] work1;
00313             delete[] work2;
00314             info = -30;
00315             return info;
00316         }
00317         historyCount = 0;
00318     }
00320     // Miscellaneous definitions
00322     bool reStart = false;
00323     numRestart = 0;
00325     int localSize = 0;
00326     int firstIndex = knownEV;
00327     int i, j;
00329     if (localVerbose > 0) {
00330         cout << endl;
00331         cout << " *|* Problem: ";
00332         if (M) 
00333             cout << "K*Q = M*Q D ";
00334         else
00335             cout << "K*Q = Q D ";
00336         if (Prec)
00337             cout << " with preconditioner";
00338         cout << endl;
00339         cout << " *|* Algorithm = LOBPCG (Knyazev's version)" << endl;
00340         cout << " *|* Size of blocks = " << blockSize << endl;
00341         cout << " *|* Number of requested eigenvalues = " << numEigen << endl;
00342         cout.precision(2);
00343         cout.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
00344         cout << " *|* Tolerance for convergence = " << tolEigenSolve << endl;
00345         cout << " *|* Norm used for convergence: ";
00346         if (normWeight)
00347             cout << "weighted L2-norm with user-provided weights" << endl;
00348         else
00349             cout << "L^2-norm" << endl;
00350         cout << "\n -- Start iterations -- \n";
00351     }
00353     timeOuterLoop -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00354     for (outerIter = 1; outerIter <= maxIterEigenSolve; ++outerIter) {
00356         highMem = (highMem > currentSize()) ? highMem : currentSize();
00358         int workingSize = numEigen - knownEV;
00360         Epetra_MultiVector  XI(View, X, firstIndex, workingSize);
00361         Epetra_MultiVector MXI(View, MX, firstIndex, workingSize);
00362         Epetra_MultiVector KXI(View, KX, firstIndex, workingSize);
00364         Epetra_MultiVector  HI(View, H, firstIndex, workingSize);
00365         Epetra_MultiVector MHI(View, MH, firstIndex, workingSize);
00366         Epetra_MultiVector KHI(View, KH, firstIndex, workingSize);
00368         Epetra_MultiVector  PI(View, P, firstIndex, workingSize);
00369         Epetra_MultiVector MPI(View, MP, firstIndex, workingSize);
00370         Epetra_MultiVector KPI(View, KP, firstIndex, workingSize);
00372         Epetra_MultiVector  RI(View, R, firstIndex, workingSize);
00374         if ((outerIter == 1) || (reStart == true)) {
00376             reStart = false;
00377             localSize = numEigen;
00379             // Apply the mass matrix to X
00380             timeMassOp -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00381             if (M)
00382                 M->Apply(XI, MXI);
00383             timeMassOp += MyWatch.WallTime();
00384             massOp += workingSize;
00386             // Apply the stiffness matrix to X
00387             timeStifOp -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00388             K->Apply(XI, KXI);
00389             timeStifOp += MyWatch.WallTime();
00390             stifOp += workingSize;
00392         } // if ((outerIter == 1) || (reStart == true))
00393         else {
00395             // Apply the preconditioner on the residuals
00396             if (Prec) {
00397                 timePrecOp -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00398                 Prec->ApplyInverse(RI, MHI);
00399                 timePrecOp += MyWatch.WallTime();
00400                 precOp += workingSize;
00401             }
00402             else {
00403                 memcpy(MHI.Values(), RI.Values(), xr*workingSize*sizeof(double));
00404             }
00407             if (YHC) {
00408                 YHC->Apply(MHI, HI);
00409             } 
00411             // Apply the mass matrix on H
00412             timeMassOp -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00413             if (M)
00414                 M->Apply(HI, MHI);
00415             timeMassOp += MyWatch.WallTime();
00416             massOp += workingSize;
00418             // Apply the stiffness matrix to H
00419             timeStifOp -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00420             K->Apply(HI, KHI);
00421             timeStifOp += MyWatch.WallTime();
00422             stifOp += workingSize;
00424             if (localSize == numEigen)
00425                 localSize += workingSize;
00427         } // if ((outerIter == 1) || (reStart==true))
00429         // Form "local" mass and stiffness matrices
00430         // Note: Use S as a temporary workspace
00431         timeLocalProj -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00432         modalTool.localProjection(numEigen, numEigen, xr, X.Values(), xr, KX.Values(), xr, 
00433                                   KK, localSize, S);
00434         modalTool.localProjection(numEigen, numEigen, xr, X.Values(), xr, MX.Values(), xr, 
00435                                   MM, localSize, S);
00436         if (localSize > numEigen) {
00437             double *pointer = KK + numEigen*localSize;
00438             modalTool.localProjection(numEigen, workingSize, xr, X.Values(), xr, KHI.Values(), xr,
00439                                       pointer, localSize, S);
00440             modalTool.localProjection(workingSize, workingSize, xr, HI.Values(), xr, KHI.Values(), xr,
00441                                       pointer + numEigen, localSize, S);
00442             pointer = MM + numEigen*localSize;
00443             modalTool.localProjection(numEigen, workingSize, xr, X.Values(), xr, MHI.Values(), xr, 
00444                                       pointer, localSize, S);
00445             modalTool.localProjection(workingSize, workingSize, xr, HI.Values(), xr, MHI.Values(), xr,
00446                                       pointer + numEigen, localSize, S);
00447             if (localSize > numEigen + workingSize) {
00448                 pointer = KK + (numEigen + workingSize)*localSize;
00449                 modalTool.localProjection(numEigen, workingSize, xr, X.Values(), xr, KPI.Values(), xr,
00450                                           pointer, localSize, S);
00451                 modalTool.localProjection(workingSize, workingSize, xr, HI.Values(), xr, KPI.Values(), xr,
00452                                           pointer + numEigen, localSize, S);
00453                 modalTool.localProjection(workingSize, workingSize, xr, PI.Values(), xr, KPI.Values(), xr,
00454                                           pointer + numEigen + workingSize, localSize, S);
00455                 pointer = MM + (numEigen + workingSize)*localSize;
00456                 modalTool.localProjection(numEigen, workingSize, xr, X.Values(), xr, MPI.Values(), xr,
00457                                           pointer, localSize, S);
00458                 modalTool.localProjection(workingSize, workingSize, xr, HI.Values(), xr, MPI.Values(), xr,
00459                                           pointer + numEigen, localSize, S);
00460                 modalTool.localProjection(workingSize, workingSize, xr, PI.Values(), xr, MPI.Values(), xr,
00461                                           pointer + numEigen + workingSize, localSize, S);
00462             } // if (localSize > numEigen + workingSize)
00463         } // if (localSize > numEigen)
00464         timeLocalProj += MyWatch.WallTime();
00466         // Perform a spectral decomposition
00467         timeLocalSolve -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00468         int nevLocal = localSize;
00469         info = modalTool.directSolver(localSize, KK, localSize, MM, localSize, nevLocal,
00470                                       S, localSize, theta, localVerbose, 
00471                                       (blockSize == 1) ? 1 : 0);
00472         timeLocalSolve += MyWatch.WallTime();
00474         if (info < 0) {
00475             // Stop when spectral decomposition has a critical failure
00476             break;
00477         } // if (info < 0)
00479         // Check for restarting
00480         if ((theta[0] < 0.0) || (nevLocal < numEigen)) {
00481             if (localVerbose > 0) {
00482                 cout << " Iteration " << outerIter;
00483                 cout << " - Failure for spectral decomposition - RESTART with new random search\n";
00484             }
00485             if (workingSize == 1) {
00486                 XI.Random();
00487             }
00488             else {
00489                 Epetra_MultiVector Xinit(View, XI, 1, workingSize-1);
00490                 Xinit.Random();
00491             } // if (workingSize == 1)
00492             reStart = true;
00493             numRestart += 1;
00494             info = 0;
00495             continue;
00496         } // if ((theta[0] < 0.0) || (nevLocal < numEigen))
00498         if ((localSize == numEigen+workingSize) && (nevLocal == numEigen)) {
00499             for (j = 0; j < nevLocal; ++j)
00500                 memcpy(S+j*numEigen, S+j*localSize, numEigen*sizeof(double));
00501             localSize = numEigen;
00502         }
00504         if ((localSize == numEigen+2*workingSize) && (nevLocal <= numEigen+workingSize)) {
00505             for (j = 0; j < nevLocal; ++j)
00506                 memcpy(S+j*(numEigen+workingSize), S+j*localSize, (numEigen+workingSize)*sizeof(double));
00507             localSize = numEigen + workingSize;
00508         }
00510         // Update the spaces
00511         // Note: Use R as a temporary work space
00512         timeLocalUpdate -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00514         memcpy(R.Values(), X.Values(), xr*numEigen*sizeof(double));
00515         callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, numEigen, 1.0, R.Values(), xr, S, localSize,
00516                       0.0, X.Values(), xr);
00517         if (M) {
00518             memcpy(R.Values(), MX.Values(), xr*numEigen*sizeof(double));
00519             callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, numEigen, 1.0, R.Values(), xr, S, localSize,
00520                           0.0, MX.Values(), xr);
00521         }
00522         memcpy(R.Values(), KX.Values(), xr*numEigen*sizeof(double));
00523         callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, numEigen, 1.0, R.Values(), xr, S, localSize,
00524                       0.0, KX.Values(), xr);
00526         if (localSize == numEigen + workingSize) {
00527             callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, workingSize, 1.0, HI.Values(), xr,
00528                           S + numEigen, localSize, 0.0, P.Values(), xr);
00529             if (M) {
00530                 callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, workingSize, 1.0, MHI.Values(), xr,
00531                               S + numEigen, localSize, 0.0, MP.Values(), xr);
00532             }
00533             callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, workingSize, 1.0, KHI.Values(), xr,
00534                           S + numEigen, localSize, 0.0, KP.Values(), xr);
00535         }
00537         if (localSize > numEigen + workingSize) {
00538             memcpy(RI.Values(), PI.Values(), xr*workingSize*sizeof(double));
00539             callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, workingSize, 1.0, HI.Values(), xr,
00540                           S + numEigen, localSize, 0.0, P.Values(), xr);
00541             callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, workingSize, 1.0, RI.Values(), xr,
00542                           S + numEigen + workingSize, localSize, 1.0, P.Values(), xr);
00543             if (M) {
00544                 memcpy(RI.Values(), MPI.Values(), xr*workingSize*sizeof(double));
00545                 callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, workingSize, 1.0, MHI.Values(), xr,
00546                               S + numEigen, localSize, 0.0, MP.Values(), xr);
00547                 callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, workingSize, 1.0, RI.Values(), xr,
00548                               S + numEigen + workingSize, localSize, 1.0, MP.Values(), xr);
00549             } 
00550             memcpy(RI.Values(), KPI.Values(), xr*workingSize*sizeof(double));
00551             callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, workingSize, 1.0, KHI.Values(), xr,
00552                           S + numEigen, localSize, 0.0, KP.Values(), xr);
00553             callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, numEigen, workingSize, 1.0, RI.Values(), xr,
00554                           S + numEigen + workingSize, localSize, 1.0, KP.Values(), xr);
00555         }
00557         if (localSize > numEigen) {
00558             callBLAS.AXPY(xr*numEigen, 1.0, P.Values(), X.Values());
00559             if (M)
00560                 callBLAS.AXPY(xr*numEigen, 1.0, MP.Values(), MX.Values());
00561             callBLAS.AXPY(xr*numEigen, 1.0, KP.Values(), KX.Values());
00562         }
00563         timeLocalUpdate += MyWatch.WallTime();
00565         // Compute the residuals
00566         timeResidual -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00567         memcpy(R.Values(), KX.Values(), xr*numEigen*sizeof(double));
00568         for (j = 0; j < numEigen; ++j) {
00569             callBLAS.AXPY(xr, -theta[j], MX.Values() + j*xr, R.Values() + j*xr);
00570         }
00571         timeResidual += MyWatch.WallTime();
00572         residual += numEigen;
00574         // Compute the norms of the residuals
00575         timeNorm -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00576         if (vectWeight) {
00577             R.NormWeighted(*vectWeight, normR);
00578         }
00579         else {
00580             R.Norm2(normR);
00581         }
00582         // Scale the norms of residuals with the eigenvalues
00583         for (j = 0; j < numEigen; ++j) {
00584             normR[j] = (theta[j] == 0.0) ? normR[j] : normR[j]/theta[j];
00585         }
00586         timeNorm += MyWatch.WallTime();
00588         // When required, monitor some orthogonalities
00589         if (verbose > 2) {
00590             accuracyCheck(&X, &MX, &R);
00591         } // if (verbose > 2)
00593         if (localSize == numEigen + workingSize)
00594             localSize += workingSize;
00596         // Count the converged eigenvectors
00597         timeNorm -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00598         knownEV = 0;
00599         for (i=0; i < numEigen; ++i) {
00600             if (normR[i] < tolEigenSolve) {
00601                 lambda[i] = theta[i];
00602                 knownEV += 1;
00603             }
00604         }
00605         timeNorm += MyWatch.WallTime();
00607         // Store the residual history
00608         if (localVerbose > 2) {
00609             memcpy(resHistory + historyCount, normR, numEigen*sizeof(double));
00610             historyCount += numEigen;
00611         }
00613         // Print information on current iteration
00614         if (localVerbose > 0) {
00615             cout << " Iteration " << outerIter;
00616             cout << " - Number of converged eigenvectors " << knownEV << endl;
00617         }
00619         if (localVerbose > 1) {
00620             cout << endl;
00621             cout.precision(2);
00622             cout.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
00623             for (i=0; i<numEigen; ++i) {
00624                 cout << " Iteration " << outerIter << " - Scaled Norm of Residual " << i;
00625                 cout << " = " << normR[i] << endl;
00626             }
00627             cout << endl;
00628             cout.precision(2);
00629             for (i=0; i<numEigen; ++i) {
00630                 cout << " Iteration " << outerIter << " - Ritz eigenvalue " << i;
00631                 cout.setf((fabs(theta[i]) < 0.01) ? ios::scientific : ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
00632                 cout << " = " << theta[i] << endl;
00633             }
00634             cout << endl;
00635         }
00637         // Convergence test
00638         if (knownEV >= numEigen) {
00639             if (localVerbose == 1) {
00640                 cout << endl;
00641                 cout.precision(2);
00642                 cout.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
00643                 for (i=0; i<numEigen; ++i) {
00644                     cout << " Iteration " << outerIter << " - Scaled Norm of Residual " << i;
00645                     cout << " = " << normR[i] << endl;
00646                 }
00647                 cout << endl;
00648             }
00649             break;
00650         }
00652         // Update the sizes
00653         if ((knownEV > 0) && (localSize > numEigen)) {
00654             if (localSize == numEigen + workingSize)
00655                 localSize = 2*numEigen - knownEV;
00656             if (localSize == numEigen + 2*workingSize)
00657                 localSize = 3*numEigen - 2*knownEV;
00658         }
00660         // Put the unconverged vectors at the end if needed
00662         for (i=0; i<numEigen; ++i) {
00663             if (normR[i] >= tolEigenSolve) {
00664                 firstIndex = i;
00665                 break;
00666             }
00667         }
00669         // Continue the loop if no motion of vectors is necessary
00670         if (firstIndex == numEigen-1)
00671             continue;
00673         while (firstIndex < knownEV) {
00675             for (j = firstIndex; j < numEigen; ++j) {
00676                 if (normR[j] < tolEigenSolve) {
00677                     callFortran.SWAP(1, normR + j, 1, normR + firstIndex, 1);
00678                     callFortran.SWAP(xr, X.Values() + j*xr, 1, X.Values() + firstIndex*xr, 1);
00679                     callFortran.SWAP(xr, KX.Values() + j*xr, 1, KX.Values() + firstIndex*xr, 1);
00680                     callFortran.SWAP(xr, R.Values() + j*xr, 1, R.Values() + firstIndex*xr, 1);
00681                     callFortran.SWAP(xr, H.Values() + j*xr, 1, H.Values() + firstIndex*xr, 1);
00682                     callFortran.SWAP(xr, KH.Values() + j*xr, 1, KH.Values() + firstIndex*xr, 1);
00683                     callFortran.SWAP(xr, P.Values() + j*xr, 1, P.Values() + firstIndex*xr, 1);
00684                     callFortran.SWAP(xr, KP.Values() + j*xr, 1, KP.Values() + firstIndex*xr, 1);
00685                     if (M) {
00686                         callFortran.SWAP(xr, MX.Values() + j*xr, 1, MX.Values() + firstIndex*xr, 1);
00687                         callFortran.SWAP(xr, MH.Values() + j*xr, 1, MH.Values() + firstIndex*xr, 1);
00688                         callFortran.SWAP(xr, MP.Values() + j*xr, 1, MP.Values() + firstIndex*xr, 1);
00689                     }
00690                     break;
00691                 }
00692             }
00694             for (i = firstIndex; i < numEigen; ++i) {
00695                 if (normR[i] >= tolEigenSolve) {
00696                     firstIndex = i;
00697                     break;
00698                 }
00699             }
00701         }
00703     } // for (outerIter = 1; outerIter <= maxIterEigenSolve; ++outerIter)
00704     timeOuterLoop += MyWatch.WallTime();
00705     highMem = (highMem > currentSize()) ? highMem : currentSize();
00707     // Clean memory
00708     delete[] work1;
00709     delete[] work2;
00710     if (vectWeight)
00711         delete vectWeight;
00713     // Sort the eigenpairs
00714     timePostProce -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00715     if ((info == 0) && (knownEV > 0)) {
00716         mySort.sortScalars_Vectors(knownEV, lambda, Q.Values(), Q.MyLength());
00717     }
00718     timePostProce += MyWatch.WallTime();
00720     return (info == 0) ? knownEV : info;
00722 }
00725 void KnyazevLOBPCG::accuracyCheck(const Epetra_MultiVector *X, const Epetra_MultiVector *MX,
00726                                   const Epetra_MultiVector *R) const {
00728     cout.precision(2);
00729     cout.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
00730     double tmp;
00732     int myPid = MyComm.MyPID();
00734     if (X) {
00735         if (M) {
00736             if (MX) {
00737                 tmp = myVerify.errorEquality(X, MX, M);
00738                 if (myPid == 0)
00739                     cout << " >> Difference between MX and M*X = " << tmp << endl;
00740             }
00741             tmp = myVerify.errorOrthonormality(X, M);
00742             if (myPid == 0)
00743                 cout << " >> Error in X^T M X - I = " << tmp << endl;
00744         }
00745         else {
00746             tmp = myVerify.errorOrthonormality(X, 0);
00747             if (myPid == 0)
00748                 cout << " >> Error in X^T X - I = " << tmp << endl;
00749         }
00750     }
00752     if ((R) && (X)) {
00753         tmp = myVerify.errorOrthogonality(X, R);
00754         if (myPid == 0)
00755             cout << " >> Orthogonality X^T R up to " << tmp << endl;
00756     }
00758 }
00761 void KnyazevLOBPCG::initializeCounters() {
00763     historyCount = 0;
00764     if (resHistory) {
00765         delete[] resHistory;
00766         resHistory = 0;
00767     }
00769     memRequested = 0.0;
00770     highMem = 0.0;
00772     massOp = 0;
00773     numRestart = 0;
00774     outerIter = 0;
00775     precOp = 0;
00776     residual = 0;
00777     stifOp = 0;
00779     timeLocalProj = 0.0;
00780     timeLocalSolve = 0.0;
00781     timeLocalUpdate = 0.0;
00782     timeMassOp = 0.0;
00783     timeNorm = 0.0;
00784     timeOuterLoop = 0.0;
00785     timePostProce = 0.0;
00786     timePrecOp = 0.0;
00787     timeResidual = 0.0;
00788     timeStifOp = 0.0;
00791 }
00794 void KnyazevLOBPCG::algorithmInfo() const {
00796     int myPid = MyComm.MyPID();
00798     if (myPid ==0) {
00799         cout << " Algorithm: LOBPCG (Knyazev's version) with Cholesky-based local eigensolver\n";
00800         cout << " Block Size: " << blockSize << endl;
00801     }
00803 }
00806 void KnyazevLOBPCG::historyInfo() const {
00808     if (resHistory) {
00809         int j;
00810         cout << " Block Size: " << blockSize << endl;
00811         cout << endl;
00812         cout << " Residuals\n";
00813         cout << endl;
00814         cout.precision(4);
00815         cout.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
00816         for (j = 0; j < historyCount; ++j) {
00817             cout << resHistory[j] << endl;
00818         }
00819         cout << endl;
00820     }
00822 }
00825 void KnyazevLOBPCG::memoryInfo() const {
00827     int myPid = MyComm.MyPID();
00829     double maxHighMem = 0.0;
00830     double tmp = highMem;
00831     MyComm.MaxAll(&tmp, &maxHighMem, 1);
00833     double maxMemRequested = 0.0;
00834     tmp = memRequested;
00835     MyComm.MaxAll(&tmp, &maxMemRequested, 1);
00837     if (myPid == 0) {
00838         cout.precision(2);
00839         cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
00840         cout << " Memory requested per processor by the eigensolver   = (EST) ";
00841         cout.width(6);
00842         cout << maxMemRequested << " MB " << endl;
00843         cout << endl;
00844         cout << " High water mark in eigensolver                      = (EST) ";
00845         cout.width(6);
00846         cout << maxHighMem << " MB " << endl;
00847         cout << endl;
00848     }
00850 }
00853 void KnyazevLOBPCG::operationInfo() const {
00855     int myPid = MyComm.MyPID();
00857     if (myPid == 0) {
00858         cout << " --- Operations ---\n\n";
00859         cout << " Total number of mass matrix multiplications      = ";
00860         cout.width(9);
00861         cout << massOp << endl;
00862         cout << " Total number of stiffness matrix operations      = ";
00863         cout.width(9);
00864         cout << stifOp << endl;
00865         cout << " Total number of preconditioner applications      = ";
00866         cout.width(9);
00867         cout << precOp << endl;
00868         cout << " Total number of computed eigen-residuals         = ";
00869         cout.width(9);
00870         cout << residual << endl;
00871         cout << "\n";
00872         cout << " Total number of outer iterations                 = ";
00873         cout.width(9);
00874         cout << outerIter << endl;
00875         cout << "       Number of restarts                         = ";
00876         cout.width(9);
00877         cout << numRestart << endl;
00878         cout << "\n";
00879     }
00881 }
00884 void KnyazevLOBPCG::timeInfo() const {
00886     int myPid = MyComm.MyPID();
00888     if (myPid == 0) {
00889         cout << " --- Timings ---\n\n";
00890         cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
00891         cout.precision(2);
00892         cout << " Total time for outer loop                       = ";
00893         cout.width(9);
00894         cout << timeOuterLoop << " s" << endl;
00895         cout << "       Time for mass matrix operations           = ";
00896         cout.width(9);
00897         cout << timeMassOp << " s     ";
00898         cout.width(5);
00899         cout << 100*timeMassOp/timeOuterLoop << " %\n";
00900         cout << "       Time for stiffness matrix operations      = ";
00901         cout.width(9);
00902         cout << timeStifOp << " s     ";
00903         cout.width(5);
00904         cout << 100*timeStifOp/timeOuterLoop << " %\n";
00905         cout << "       Time for preconditioner applications      = ";
00906         cout.width(9);
00907         cout << timePrecOp << " s     ";
00908         cout.width(5);
00909         cout << 100*timePrecOp/timeOuterLoop << " %\n";
00910         cout << "       Time for local projection                 = ";
00911         cout.width(9);
00912         cout << timeLocalProj << " s     ";
00913         cout.width(5);
00914         cout << 100*timeLocalProj/timeOuterLoop << " %\n";
00915         cout << "       Time for local eigensolve                 = ";
00916         cout.width(9);
00917         cout << timeLocalSolve << " s     ";
00918         cout.width(5);
00919         cout << 100*timeLocalSolve/timeOuterLoop << " %\n";
00920         cout << "       Time for local update                     = ";
00921         cout.width(9);
00922         cout << timeLocalUpdate << " s     ";
00923         cout.width(5);
00924         cout << 100*timeLocalUpdate/timeOuterLoop << " %\n";
00925         cout << "       Time for residual computations            = ";
00926         cout.width(9);
00927         cout << timeResidual << " s     ";
00928         cout.width(5);
00929         cout << 100*timeResidual/timeOuterLoop << " %\n";
00930         cout << "       Time for residuals norm computations      = ";
00931         cout.width(9);
00932         cout << timeNorm << " s     ";
00933         cout.width(5);
00934         cout << 100*timeNorm/timeOuterLoop << " %\n";
00935         cout << "\n";
00936         cout << " Total time for post-processing                  = ";
00937         cout.width(9);
00938         cout << timePostProce << " s\n";
00939         cout << endl;
00940     } // if (myPid == 0)
00942 }

Generated on Fri Oct 26 13:35:11 2007 for FEMAXX (Finite Element Maxwell Eigensolver) by  doxygen 1.4.7