
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //**************************************************************************
00002 //
00003 //                                 NOTICE
00004 //
00005 // This software is a result of the research described in the report
00006 //
00007 // " A comparison of algorithms for modal analysis in the absence 
00008 //   of a sparse direct method", P. Arbenz, R. Lehoucq, and U. Hetmaniuk,
00009 //  Sandia National Laboratories, Technical report SAND2003-1028J.
00010 //
00011 // It is based on the Epetra, AztecOO, and ML packages defined in the Trilinos
00012 // framework ( ).
00013 //
00014 // The distribution of this software follows also the rules defined in Trilinos.
00015 // This notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this software, in whole or
00016 // in part.
00017 //
00018 // Under terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
00019 // license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government.
00020 //
00021 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00022 // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00024 //
00025 // Code Authors: U. Hetmaniuk (, R. Lehoucq (
00026 //
00027 //**************************************************************************
00029 /* for INTEL_CXML, the second arg may need to be changed to 'one'.  If so
00030    the appropriate declaration of one will need to be added back into
00031    functions that include the macro:
00032    #if defined (INTEL_CXML)
00033    unsigned int one=1;
00034    #endif
00035 */
00037 #ifdef CHAR_MACRO
00038 #undef CHAR_MACRO
00039 #endif
00040 #if defined (INTEL_CXML)
00041 #define CHAR_MACRO(char_var) &char_var, 1
00042 #else
00043 #define CHAR_MACRO(char_var) &char_var
00044 #endif
00046 #include "FortranRoutines.h"
00048 // Double precision BLAS 1 //
00050 void FortranRoutines::SCAL_INCX(int N, double ALPHA, double *X, int incX) const {
00051     DSCAL_F77(&N, &ALPHA, X, &incX);
00052     return;
00053 }
00056 void FortranRoutines::SWAP(int N, double *X, int incx, double *Y, int incy) const {
00057     F77_FUNC(dswap,DSWAP)(&N, X, &incx, Y, &incy);
00058     return;
00059 }
00062 // Double precision LAPACK //
00064 /*
00065   void FortranRoutines::GEQRF(int M, int N, double *A, int lda, double *tau, double *work,
00066   int lwork, int *info) const {
00067   F77_FUNC(dgeqrf,DGEQRF)(&M, &N, A, &lda, tau, work, &lwork, info);
00068   return;
00069   }
00071   void FortranRoutines::ORMQR(char SIDE, char TRANS, int M, int N, int K, double *A, int lda, 
00072   double *tau, double *C, int ldc, double *work, int lwork,
00073   int *info) const {
00074   F77_FUNC(dormqr,DORMQR)(CHAR_MACRO(SIDE), CHAR_MACRO(TRANS), &M, &N, &K, A, &lda, tau, 
00075   C, &ldc, work, &lwork, info);
00076   return;
00077   }
00079   void FortranRoutines::SPEV(char JOBZ, char UPLO, int N, double *A, double *W, double *Z,
00080   int ldz, double *work, int *info) const {
00081   F77_FUNC(dspev,DSPEV)(CHAR_MACRO(JOBZ), CHAR_MACRO(UPLO), &N, A, W, Z, &ldz, work, info);
00082   return;
00083   }
00085   void FortranRoutines::STEQR(char COMPZ, int N, double *D, double *E, double *Z, int ldz, 
00086   double *work, int *info) const {
00087   F77_FUNC(dsteqr,DSTEQR)(CHAR_MACRO(COMPZ), &N, D, E, Z, &ldz, work, info);
00088   return;
00089   }
00090 */
00091 void FortranRoutines::SYEV(char JOBZ, char UPLO, int N, double *A, int lda, double *W,
00092                            double *work, int lwork, int *info) const {
00093     F77_FUNC(dsyev,DSYEV)(CHAR_MACRO(JOBZ), CHAR_MACRO(UPLO), &N, A, &lda, W, work, &lwork, info);
00094     return;
00095 }
00098 void FortranRoutines::SYGV(int itype, char JOBZ, char UPLO, int N, double *A, int lda, 
00099                            double *B, int ldb, double *W, double *work, int lwork, 
00100                            int *info) const {
00101     F77_FUNC(dsygv,DSYGV)(&itype, CHAR_MACRO(JOBZ), CHAR_MACRO(UPLO), &N, A, &lda, B, &ldb,
00102                           W, work, &lwork, info);
00103     return;
00104 }
00107 int FortranRoutines::LAENV(int ispec, char *NAME, char *OPTS, int N1, int N2, int N3,
00108                            int N4, int len_name, int len_opts) const {
00109 #if defined (INTEL_CXML)
00110     return F77_FUNC(ilaenv,ILAENV)(&ispec, NAME, len_name, OPTS, len_opts, &N1, &N2, &N3, &N4);
00111 #else
00112     return F77_FUNC(ilaenv,ILAENV)(&ispec, NAME, OPTS, &N1, &N2, &N3, &N4, len_name, len_opts);
00113 #endif
00114 }
00117 // Double precision ARPACK routines
00119 #if 0
00121 void FortranRoutines::SAUPD(int *ido, char BMAT, int N, char *which, int nev, double tol, 
00122                             double *resid, int ncv, double *V, int ldv, int *iparam, 
00123                             int *ipntr, double *workd, double *workl, int lworkl, int *info,
00124                             int verbose) const {
00125 #if defined (INTEL_CXML)
00126     F77_FUNC(mydsaupd,MYDSAUPD)(ido, &BMAT, 1, &N, which, 2, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, V, &ldv,
00127                                 iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, info, &verbose);
00128 #else
00129     F77_FUNC(mydsaupd,MYDSAUPD)(ido, &BMAT, &N, which, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, V, &ldv,
00130                                 iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, info, &verbose, 1, 2);
00131 #endif
00132     return;
00133 }
00135 /*
00136   void FortranRoutines::SEUPD(LOGICAL rvec, char HOWMNY, LOGICAL *select, double *D, 
00137   double *Z, int ldz, double sigma, char BMAT, int N, 
00138   char *which, int nev, double tol, double *resid, int ncv, double *V,
00139   int ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd, double *workl,
00140   int lworkl, int *info) const {
00141   #if defined (INTEL_CXML)
00142   F77_FUNC(dseupd,DSEUPD)(&rvec, &HOWMNY, 1, select, D, Z, &ldz, &sigma, &BMAT, 1, &N,
00143   which, 2, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, V, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl,
00144   info);
00145   #else
00146   F77_FUNC(dseupd,DSEUPD)(&rvec, &HOWMNY, select, D, Z, &ldz, &sigma, &BMAT, &N, which, 
00147   &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, V, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, info, 
00148   1, 1, 2);
00149   #endif
00150   return;
00151   }
00152 */
00154 #ifdef EPETRA_MPI
00156 // Double precision PARPACK routines
00158 /*
00159   void FortranRoutines::PSAUPD(MPI_Comm MyComm, int *ido, char BMAT, int N, char *which, int nev, 
00160   double tol, double *resid, int ncv, double *V, int ldv, int *iparam,
00161   int *ipntr, double *workd, double *workl, int lworkl, int *info, 
00162   int verbose) const {
00163   #if defined (INTEL_CXML)
00164   F77_FUNC(mypdsaupd,MYPDSAUPD)(&MyComm, ido, &BMAT, 1, &N, which, 2, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, 
00165   V, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, info, &verbose);
00166   #else
00167   F77_FUNC(mypdsaupd,MYPDSAUPD)(&MyComm, ido, &BMAT, &N, which, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, V, &ldv,
00168   iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, info, &verbose, 1, 2);
00169   #endif
00170   return;
00171   }
00172 */
00174 /*
00175   void FortranRoutines::PSEUPD(MPI_Comm MyComm, LOGICAL rvec, char HOWMNY, LOGICAL *select, 
00176   double *D, double *Z, int ldz, double sigma, char BMAT, int N,
00177   char *which, int nev, double tol, double *resid, int ncv, double *V,
00178   int ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd, double *workl,
00179   int lworkl, int *info) const {
00180   #if defined (INTEL_CXML)
00181   F77_FUNC(pdseupd,PDSEUPD)(&MyComm, &rvec, &HOWMNY, 1, select, D, Z, &ldz, &sigma, &BMAT, 1, &N,
00182   which, 2, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, V, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, info);
00183   #else
00184   F77_FUNC(pdseupd,PDSEUPD)(&MyComm, &rvec, &HOWMNY, select, D, Z, &ldz, &sigma, &BMAT, &N,
00185   which, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv, V, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, info, 
00186   1, 1, 2);
00187   #endif
00188   return;
00189   }
00190 */
00192 #endif
00194 #endif

Generated on Fri Oct 26 13:35:11 2007 for FEMAXX (Finite Element Maxwell Eigensolver) by  doxygen 1.4.7