Source code for opal.parser.sampler

# Copyright (c) 2018, 2020 Matthias Frey, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
# All rights reserved
# Implemented as part of the PhD thesis
# "Precise Simulations of Multibunches in High Intensity Cyclotrons"
# This file is part of pyOPALTools.
# pyOPALTools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with pyOPALTools. If not, see <>.

import json
import os
from .BaseParser import BaseParser

[docs]class SamplerParser(BaseParser): """Parses ``*.json`` files of OPAL that are written by the SAMPLE command. **Notes**: Supports following JSON formats: .. code-block:: json { "name": "sampler", "dvar-bounds": { "MX": "[ 16, 32 ]", "nstep": "[ 10, 40 ]" }, "samples": [ { "ID": "0", "dvar": { "MX": "20", "nstep": "33" } }, { "ID": "1", "dvar": { "MX": "21", "nstep": "29" } } ] } { "samples": { "0": { "dvar": { "MX": "16", "nstep": "10" }, "obj": { "o1": 22.2, "o2": 22.1 } }, "1": { "dvar": { "MX": "19", "nstep": "11" }, "obj": { "o1": 21.2, "o2": 23.1 } }, "2": { "dvar": { "MX": "22", "nstep": "12" }, "obj": { "o1": 12.2, "o2": 32.1 } } }, "name": "sampler", "OPAL version": "2.0.0", "git revision": "1849b7e5130657e8be50d524de0f6c50134f330a", "dvar-bounds": { "MX": "[ 16, 32 ]", "nstep": "[ 10, 40 ]" } } Attributes ---------- __id : str (= 'sampler') used to identify the file to be a SAMPLE output __tag : str (= 'name') id tag for file identification __begin : int Start individual id __end : int End individual id __dvars : list The design variables of each individual __dvar_bounds : dict All design variable bounds __objs : list The objectives of each individual """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.__id = 'sampler' self.__tag = 'name' self.__dvars = [] self.__dvar_bounds = {} self.__objs = [] self.__version_tag = 'OPAL version'
def __parse_version_2_0_0(self, data): samples = data['samples'] nSamples = len(samples) self.__dvar_bounds = data['dvar-bounds'] self.__begin = 0 self.__end = 0 for ind in range(0, nSamples): # make sure it's sorted real_id = int(samples[ind]['ID']) self.__begin = min(real_id, self.__begin) self.__end = max(real_id, self.__end) self.__dvars.insert(real_id, samples[ind]['dvar']) def __parse_version_2_1_0(self, data): samples = data['samples'] self.__dvar_bounds = data['dvar-bounds'] self.__begin = min(list(map(int, samples.keys()))) self.__end = max(list(map(int, samples.keys()))) for ind in range(self.__begin, self.__end+1): self.__dvars.append(samples[str(ind)]['dvar']) if 'obj' in samples[str(ind)].keys() and samples[str(ind)]['obj']: self.__objs.append(samples[str(ind)]['obj'])
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear data. """ self.__dvars = [] self.__dvar_bounds = {} self.__objs = [] self.__begin = 0 self.__end = 0
[docs] def parse(self, filename): """Load the JSON file. Parameters ---------- filename : str JSON file to be loaded """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise IOError("File '" + filename + "' doesn't exist.") try: self.clear() parsed = json.load( open(filename) ) if not self.__tag in parsed.keys(): raise IOError("File '" + filename + "' isn't a proper Sample JSON file.") if not parsed[self.__tag] == self.__id: raise IOError("File '" + filename + "' isn't a proper Sample JSON file.") if self.__version_tag in parsed.keys(): version = parsed[self.__version_tag] version_int = int(version.replace('.', '')) if version_int < 210: raise IOError("Version " + version + " not supported.") self.__parse_version_2_1_0(parsed) else: self.__parse_version_2_0_0(parsed) # FIXME Sampler returns a string instead of array for DVAR bounds # if it is fixed in the sampler this call can be removed self.__fix_bound_type() except Exception as e: raise e
def __fix_bound_type(self): """Fixes type of DVAR bounds. In the JSON file the bounds are in a string, e.g. '[0, 1]'. We need to change to list of floats. """ import re for key in self.__dvar_bounds.keys(): values = self.__dvar_bounds[key] if isinstance(values, str): obj = re.match('\[(.*), (.*)\]', values) if not obj: raise IOError("Error in parsing DVAR bounds.") if not len(obj.groups()) == 2: raise IOError("Error in parsing DVAR bounds.") self.__dvar_bounds[key] = [float(, float(]
[docs] def getIndividual(self, ind): """Obtain input values of an individual Parameters ---------- ind : int Individual number Returns ------- dict A dictionary with design variable names (keys) and their input value. """ if not isinstance(ind, int): raise TypeError("Input '" + ind + "' not of type 'int'.") if ind < self.__begin or ind > self.__end: raise ValueError('No individual with ID > ' + str(ind) + '.') return self.__dvars[ind - self.__begin]
[docs] def getObjectives(self, ind): """Obtain output values of an individual Parameters ---------- ind : int Individual number Returns ------- dict A dictionary with design variable names (keys) and their input value. """ if not isinstance(ind, int): raise TypeError("Input '" + ind + "' not of type 'int'.") if ind < self.__begin or ind > self.__end: raise ValueError('No individual with ID > ' + str(ind) + '.') return self.__objs[ind]
@property def design_variables(self): """Obtain names of design variables. Returns ------- list [str] A list of strings """ return list( self.bounds.keys() ) @property def bounds(self): """Obtain design variable upper and lower bounds Returns ------- dict A dictionary of design variable names (key) and their bounds """ return self.__dvar_bounds @property def objectives(self): """Obtain names of objectives. Returns ------- list [str] A list of strings """ if self.__objs: return list( self.__objs[0].keys() ) return [] @property def num_samples(self): return self.__end - self.__begin + 1 @property def begin(self): """ Returns ------- int Lowest individual ID """ return self.__begin @property def end(self): """ Returns ------- int Highest individual ID """ return self.__end