Source code for opal.analysis.H5Statistics

# Copyright (c) 2019 - 2020, Matthias Frey, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
# All rights reserved
# Implemented as part of the PhD thesis
# "Precise Simulations of Multibunches in High Intensity Cyclotrons"
# This file is part of pyOPALTools.
# pyOPALTools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with pyOPALTools. If not, see <>.

from opal.analysis.Statistics import Statistics
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
from opal.utilities.logger import opal_logger
from opal.analysis.cyclotron import eval_radius, eval_radial_momentum

[docs]class H5Statistics(Statistics):
[docs] def _select(self, data, attrval, val): """Take a slice from the array Parameters ---------- data : array_like Container to extract data from attrval : array_like Data to compare with in extraction value val : int or float Value for extraction comparison Returns ------- array_like Slice of data """ data = data[val == attrval] if data.size < 1: raise ValueError('Empty data container.') return data
[docs] def _selectBunch(self, data, bunch, step): """Take a bunch slice from the array Parameters ---------- data : array_like The data where to extract bunch : int Bunch to select step : int Step in H5 file Returns ------- array_like Slice of data """ if bunch > -1 and self.ds.isStepDataset('bunchNumber', step): bunchnum = self.ds.getData('bunchNumber', step=step) data = self._select(data, bunchnum, bunch) return data
[docs] def selectData(self, var, **kwargs): """Select subset of data Given a H5 dataset, select a subset using the attributes step (or turn) and bunch. Parameters ----------- var : str Variable name bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- array_like Data array """ step = kwargs.get('step', 0) turn = kwargs.get('turn', None) bunch = kwargs.get('bunch', -1) if step < 0: step = self.ds.size - 1 data = self.ds.getData(var, step=step) data = self._selectBunch(data, bunch, step) if turn and self.ds.isStepDataset('turn', step): # probe *.h5 have turn in dataset turns = self.ds.getData('turn', step=step) turns = self._selectBunch(turns, bunch, step) data = self._select(data, turns, turn) return data
[docs] def moment(self, var, k, **kwargs): """Calculate the k-th central moment. Parameters ---------- var : str The variable to compute k-th central moment k : int The moment number, k = 1 is central mean bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float k-th central moment Notes ----- """ data = self.selectData(var, **kwargs) return sc.stats.moment(data, axis=0, moment=k)
[docs] def radial_moment(self, k, **kwargs): """Calculate the k-th central radial moment. Parameters ---------- k : int The moment number, k = 1 is central mean bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float k-th central radial moment Notes ----- """ x = self.selectData('x', **kwargs) y = self.selectData('y', **kwargs) r = eval_radius(x, y) return sc.stats.moment(r, axis=0, moment=k)
[docs] def mean(self, var, **kwargs): """Calculate the arithmetic mean. Parameters ---------- var : str The variable bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float arithmetic mean """ data = self.selectData(var, **kwargs) return np.mean(data, axis=0)
[docs] def skew(self, var, **kwargs): """Calculate the skewness. Parameters ---------- var : str The variable bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float skewness Notes ----- 23. March 2018 """ data = self.selectData(var, **kwargs) return sc.stats.skew(data, axis=0)
[docs] def kurtosis(self, var, **kwargs): """Compute the kurtosis (Fisher or Pearson) of a dataset. Kurtosis is the fourth central moment divided by the square of the variance. Fisher’s definition is used, i.e. 3.0 is subtracted from the result to give 0.0 for a normal distribution. Parameters ---------- var : str The variable bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float kurtosis Notes ----- 23. March 2018 """ data = self.selectData(var, **kwargs) return sc.stats.kurtosis(data, axis=0, fisher=True)
[docs] def gaussian_kde(self, var, **kwargs): """Representation of a kernel-density estimate using Gaussian kernels. Parameters ---------- var : str The variable bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- scipy.stats.gaussian_kde scipy kernel density estimator Notes ----- 23. March 2018 """ data = self.selectData(var, **kwargs) return sc.stats.gaussian_kde(data)
[docs] def histogram(self, var, bins, **kwargs): """Compute a histogram of a dataset Parameters ---------- var : str The variable bins : int or str Binning type or nr of bins (see bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) density : bool, optional Normalize such that integral over range is 1 (default: True). Returns ------- numpy.histogram : array The values of the histogram. See `density` and `weights` for a description of the possible semantics. bin_edges : array of dtype float Return the bin edges ``(length(hist)+1)``. Notes ----- See """ density = kwargs.pop('density', True) data = self.selectData(var, **kwargs) return np.histogram(data, bins=bins, density=density)
[docs] def halo_continuous_beam(self, var, **kwargs): r"""Compute the halo for a continuous beam. Compute the halo in horizontal or vertical direction according to .. math:: h_x = \frac{{<}x^4{>}} {{<}x^2{>}^2} - 2 Parameters ---------- var : str The variable bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float halo References ---------- T. P. Wangler, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, K. R. Crandall, TechSource, Santa Fe, NM 87594-1057, BEAM HALO IN PROTON LINAC BEAMS, XX International Linac Conference, Monterey, California """ data = self.selectData(var, **kwargs) m4 = sc.stats.moment(data, moment=4) m2 = sc.stats.moment(data, moment=2) return m4 / m2 ** 2 - 2.0
[docs] def halo_ellipsoidal_beam(self, var, **kwargs): r"""Compute the halo for a ellipsoidal beam Compute the halo in horizontal, vertical or longitudinal direction according to .. math:: h_x = \frac{{<}x^4{>}} {{<}x^2{>}^2} - \frac{15}{7} Parameters ---------- var : str The variable bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float halo References ---------- T. P. Wangler, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, K. R. Crandall, TechSource, Santa Fe, NM 87594-1057, BEAM HALO IN PROTON LINAC BEAMS, XX International Linac Conference, Monterey, California """ data = self.selectData(var, **kwargs) m4 = sc.stats.moment(data, moment=4) m2 = sc.stats.moment(data, moment=2) return m4 / m2 ** 2 - 15.0 / 7.0
[docs] def radial_halo_ellipsoidal_beam(self, **kwargs): r"""Compute the radial halo for a ellipsoidal beam Compute the halo in radial direction according to .. math:: h_r = \frac{{<}r^4{>}} {{<}r^2{>}^2} - \frac{15}{7} Parameters ---------- bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float halo References ---------- T. P. Wangler, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, K. R. Crandall, TechSource, Santa Fe, NM 87594-1057, BEAM HALO IN PROTON LINAC BEAMS, XX International Linac Conference, Monterey, California """ x = self.selectData('x', **kwargs) y = self.selectData('y', **kwargs) r = eval_radius(x, y) m4 = sc.stats.moment(r, moment=4) m2 = sc.stats.moment(r, moment=2) return m4 / m2 ** 2 - 15.0 / 7.0
[docs] def halo_2d_ellipsoidal_beam(self, var, **kwargs): r"""Compute the 2D halo for a ellipsoidal beam Compute the 2D halo in horizontal, vertical or longitudinal direction according to .. math:: \begin{align} H_i & = \frac{\sqrt{3}} {2} \frac{\sqrt{A}} {B} - \frac{15}{7} \\ A & = {<}q^4{>}{<}p^4{>} + 3 {<}q^2p^2{>}^2 - 4 {<}qp^3{>} {<}q^3p{>} \\ B & = {<}q^2{>}{<}p^2{>} - {<}qp{>}^2 \end{align} with coordinate q and momentum p. Specify either the 'step' or 'turn' (probes only). Parameters ---------- var : str The direction 'x', 'y', 'z' bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float halo References ---------- """ q = self.selectData(var, **kwargs) p = self.selectData('p' + var, **kwargs) return self._halo_2d_ellipsoidal_beam(q, p)
[docs] def radial_halo_2d_ellipsoidal_beam(self, azimuth, **kwargs): r"""Compute the 2D radial halo for a ellipsoidal beam Compute the 2D radial halo according to .. math:: \begin{align} H_i & = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \frac{\sqrt{A}}{B} - \frac{15}{7} \\ A & = {<}r^4{>}{<}p^4{>} + 3 {<}r^2p^2{>}^2 - 4 {<}rp^3{>} {<}r^3p{>} \\ B & = {<}r^2{>}{<}p^2{>} - {<}rp{>}^2 \end{align} with radius r and radial momentum p. Parameters ---------- azimuth : float Azimuth for radial halo only (in degree) bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float halo References ---------- """ x = self.selectData('x', **kwargs) px = self.selectData('px', **kwargs) y = self.selectData('y', **kwargs) py = self.selectData('py', **kwargs) r = eval_radius(x, y) azimuth = np.deg2rad(azimuth) pr = eval_radial_momentum(px, py, azimuth) return self._halo_2d_ellipsoidal_beam(r, pr)
[docs] def _halo_2d_ellipsoidal_beam(self, q, p): r"""Compute the 2D halo Compute the 2D halo in horizontal, vertical or longitudinal direction according to .. math:: \begin{align} H_i & = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \frac{\sqrt{A}}{B} - \frac{15}{7} \\ A & = {<}q^4{>}{<}p^4{>} + 3 {<}q^2p^2{>}^2 - 4 {<}qp^3{>} {<}q^3p{>} \\ B & = {<}q^2{>}{<}p^2{>} - {<}qp{>}^2 \end{align} with coordinate `q` and momentum `p`. Parameters ---------- q : array_like coordinate data p : array_like momentum data Returns ------- float halo References ---------- """ # make centered q = q - np.mean(q) p = p - np.mean(p) q2 = np.mean(q ** 2) q4 = np.mean(q ** 4) p2 = np.mean(p ** 2) p4 = np.mean(p ** 4) q1p1 = np.mean(q*p) q2p2 = np.mean(q**2 * p**2) q1p3 = np.mean(q * p**3) q3p1 = np.mean(q**3 * p) A = q4 * p4 + 3.0 * q2p2 ** 2 - 4.0 * q1p3 * q3p1 B = q2 * p2 - q1p1 ** 2 return 0.5 * np.sqrt(3.0 * A) / B - 15.0 / 7.0
[docs] def projected_emittance(self, dim, **kwargs): r"""Compute the projected emittance It shifts the coordinates by their mean value such that the bunch is centered around zero. .. math:: \varepsilon = \sqrt{ {<}coords^2{>}{<}momenta^2{>} - {<}coords*momenta{>}^2 } Parameters ---------- dim : str the dimension 'x', 'y' or 'z' Parameters ---------- bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float the projected emittance """ coords = self.selectData(dim, **kwargs) momenta = self.selectData('p' + dim, **kwargs) c2 = sc.stats.moment(coords, moment=2) m2 = sc.stats.moment(momenta, moment=2) # we need to center the beam coords -= np.mean(coords, axis=0) momenta -= np.mean(momenta, axis=0) cm = np.mean(coords * momenta, axis=0) return np.sqrt( m2 * c2 - cm ** 2 )
[docs] def radial_projected_emittance(self, azimuth, **kwargs): r"""Compute the radial projected emittance It shifts the coordinates by their mean value such that the bunch is centered around zero. .. math:: \varepsilon = \sqrt{ {<}r^2{>}{<}p_r^2{>} - {<}r*p_r{>}^2 } Parameters ---------- azimuth : float Azimuth angle (in degree) bunch : int, optional Bunch to select (default: -1, which means all particles) step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) turn : int, optional Turn of dataset (default: None, which implies no specific turn selection) (probe H5 files only) Returns ------- float the projected emittance """ x = self.selectData('x', **kwargs) px = self.selectData('px', **kwargs) y = self.selectData('y', **kwargs) py = self.selectData('py', **kwargs) r = eval_radius(x, y) azimuth = np.deg2rad(azimuth) pr = eval_radial_momentum(px, py, azimuth) r2 = sc.stats.moment(r, moment=2) pr2 = sc.stats.moment(pr, moment=2) # we need to center the beam r -= np.mean(r, axis=0) pr -= np.mean(pr, axis=0) rpr = np.mean(r * pr, axis=0) return np.sqrt( r2 * pr2 - rpr ** 2 )
[docs] def find_beams(self, var, **kwargs): """Compute the starting and end points of a beam via a histogram. The purpose of this script is to distinguish bunches of a multi-bunch simulation. Parameters ---------- var : str The variable step : int, optional Step in H5 file (default: 0) bins : int, optional Number of bins for histogram (default: 0) Wn : float, optional Critical frequency for lowpass filter (default: 0.15) (see Returns ------- peaks: ndarray Indices of minima locations hist : array The values of the corresponding numpy histogram. bin_edges : array of dtype float Return the bin edges ``(length(hist)+1)``. """ step = kwargs.pop('step', 0) Wn = kwargs.pop('Wn', 0.15) bins = kwargs.pop('bins', 100) data = self.ds.getData(var, step=step) if data.size < 1: raise ValueError('Empty data container.') dmin = np.min(data) dmax = np.max(data) data, bin_edges = np.histogram(data, bins=bins) # smooth from scipy import signal b, a = signal.butter(1, Wn=Wn, btype='lowpass') data_smoothed = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data) from scipy.signal import find_peaks ymax = np.max(data_smoothed) tmp = -data_smoothed + ymax peak_indices, _ = find_peaks(tmp, height=0) return peak_indices, data, bin_edges
[docs] def rotate(x, y, theta): r"""Rotate the coordinates (`x`, `y`) by `theta` (degree) Parameters ---------- x : dask.array x-data y : dask.array y-data theta : float The angle in degree Returns ------- rx: dask.array rotated coordinates `x` ry: dask.array rotated coordinates `y` Notes ----- .. math:: \begin{align} R(\theta) & = \begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta) & -\sin(\theta) \\ \sin(\theta) & \cos(\theta) \end{bmatrix} \\ \begin{bmatrix} rx & ry \end{bmatrix} & = R(\theta) * \begin{bmatrix} x & y \end{bmatrix} \end{align} References ---------- """ theta = da.deg2rad(theta) cos = da.cos(theta) sin = da.sin(theta) rx = x * cos - y * sin ry = x * sin + y * cos return rx, ry