OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library)  2.2.0
Todo List
Member GreenWakeFunction::distrIndices (int vectLen)
make this function general available
Member GreenWakeFunction::GreenWakeFunction (const std::string &name, ElementBase *element, std::vector< Filter * > filters, int NBIN, double Z0, double radius, double sigma, int acMode, double tau, int direction, bool constLength, std::string fname)

In this code one can only apply either the longitudinal wakefield or the transversal wakefield. One should implement that both wakefields can be applied to the particle beam

NBins must be set equal to MT of the fieldsolver. This should be changed. (the length of lineDensity_m must be NBins and not to MT)

File PartBins.h
File PartBinsCyc.h