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00001 #include "partint.h"
00004 bool In_tet(dir_sons Tet[4], D3vector corn[8], D3vector V, double h) {
00006   const double EPS = -1.0e-5*h*h*h*h;
00008   if(Calc_bary_weights(corn[Tet[0]],corn[Tet[1]],corn[Tet[2]],corn[Tet[3]],V,0)<=EPS)
00009     return false;
00010   if(Calc_bary_weights(corn[Tet[0]],corn[Tet[1]],corn[Tet[2]],corn[Tet[3]],V,1)<=EPS)
00011     return false;
00012   if(Calc_bary_weights(corn[Tet[0]],corn[Tet[1]],corn[Tet[2]],corn[Tet[3]],V,2)<=EPS)
00013     return false;
00014   if(Calc_bary_weights(corn[Tet[0]],corn[Tet[1]],corn[Tet[2]],corn[Tet[3]],V,3)<=EPS)
00015     return false;
00016   return true;
00017 }
00019 bool In_tetbo(Tetraeder_storage* tet, D3vector corn[28], D3vector V) {
00020   if(Calc_bary_weights(corn[tet->N0()],corn[tet->N1()],
00021                        corn[tet->N2()],corn[tet->N3()],
00022                        V,0)<0.0)
00023     return false;
00024   if(Calc_bary_weights(corn[tet->N0()],corn[tet->N1()],
00025                        corn[tet->N2()],corn[tet->N3()],
00026                        V,1)<0.0)
00027     return false;
00028   if(Calc_bary_weights(corn[tet->N0()],corn[tet->N1()],
00029                        corn[tet->N2()],corn[tet->N3()],
00030                        V,2)<0.0)
00031     return false;
00032   if(Calc_bary_weights(corn[tet->N0()],corn[tet->N1()],
00033                        corn[tet->N2()],corn[tet->N3()],
00034                        V,3)<0.0)
00035     return false;
00036   return true;
00037 }
00039 void Set_tets(dir_sons Tets[6][4]) {
00040   // 0. Tet: WNT, WND, WST, EST 
00041   Tets[0][0] = WNTd;
00042   Tets[0][1] = WNDd;
00043   Tets[0][2] = WSTd; 
00044   Tets[0][3] = ESTd;     
00046   // 1. Tet: EST, WND, WST, ESD     
00047   Tets[1][0] = ESTd;
00048   Tets[1][1] = WNDd;
00049   Tets[1][2] = WSTd; 
00050   Tets[1][3] = ESDd;     
00052   // 2. Tet: WND, WSD, WST, ESD        
00053   Tets[2][0] = WNDd;
00054   Tets[2][1] = WSDd;
00055   Tets[2][2] = WSTd; 
00056   Tets[2][3] = ESDd;     
00058   // 3. Tet: EST, WND, ESD, END
00059   Tets[3][0] = ESTd;
00060   Tets[3][1] = WNDd;
00061   Tets[3][2] = ESDd; 
00062   Tets[3][3] = ENDd;     
00064   // 4. Tet: ENT, WNT, EST, END
00065   Tets[4][0] = ENTd;
00066   Tets[4][1] = WNTd;
00067   Tets[4][2] = ESTd; 
00068   Tets[4][3] = ENDd;     
00070   // 5. Tet: WNT, WND, EST, END
00071   Tets[5][0] = WNTd;
00072   Tets[5][1] = WNDd;
00073   Tets[5][2] = ESTd; 
00074   Tets[5][3] = ENDd;     
00075 }
00079 void partHelm_FE(Variable *f, double x, double y, double z, double q) {
00080   Grid* grid;
00081   grid = f->Give_grid();
00082   Index3D I,J;
00083   D3vector V;
00084   const int max_lev = grid->Max_level();
00085   double h;
00086   dir_sons Tets[6][4];
00087   int num;
00089   h   = grid->Give_finest_mesh_size();
00090   V = grid->back_transform_coord(D3vector(x,y,z));
00091   I = back_coordinate(V,max_lev);
00092   Set_tets(Tets);
00094   D3vector corn[28];
00095   bool found;
00096   Tetraeder_storage* found_tet;
00098   for(unsigned int i=0;i<8;++i) {
00099     corn[i] = D3vector(x1DCoord((dir_sons)i),
00100                        y1DCoord((dir_sons)i),
00101                        z1DCoord((dir_sons)i));
00102   }
00104   if(grid->Give_cell_typ(I)==int_cell) {
00105     /*
00106     // Gehe zu 8 Ecken der Zelle 
00107     for(unsigned int i=0;i<8;++i) {
00108       J=I.neighbour((dir_sons)i);
00110       grid->Give_variable(J,max_lev)[f->Number_variable()] += 1.0/8.0 * q;
00111     }
00112     */
00113     V = (D3vector(x,y,z) - grid->transform_coord(I.neighbour(WSDd))) / h;
00115     found=false;
00116     int ii=0;
00117     for(;ii<6&&(found==false);++ii) {
00118       found = In_tet(Tets[ii],corn,V,h);
00119     }
00120     if(found==false) cout << " error in partHelm_FE found tet! " << endl;
00121     --ii;
00123     for(unsigned int i=0;i<4;++i) {
00124       J=I.neighbour(Tets[ii][i]);
00126       grid->Give_variable(J,max_lev)[f->Number_variable()] +=
00127         q * Calc_bary_weights(corn[Tets[ii][0]],corn[Tets[ii][1]],
00128                               corn[Tets[ii][2]],corn[Tets[ii][3]],V,i);
00129     }
00130   } else if(grid->Give_cell_typ(I)==fine_bo_cell) {
00131     /*
00132     int count = 0;    
00133     for(unsigned int i=0;i<8;++i) {
00134       J=I.neighbour((dir_sons)i);
00135       if (grid->Give_type(J) == nearb)
00136         count++;
00137     }
00138     for(unsigned int i=0;i<8;++i) {
00139       J=I.neighbour((dir_sons)i);
00140       if (grid->Give_type(J) == nearb) {
00141         grid->Give_variable(J,max_lev)[f->Number_variable()] += 1.0/(double)count * q;
00142       }
00143     }
00144     */
00146     BoCell* boc = grid->Give_Bo_cell(I);
00147     for(num=0;num<boc->Give_total_number_points();++num) {
00148       corn[num] = boc->coord(num , boc->hhh) / h;
00149     }
00151     found_tet=NULL;    
00152     Tetraeder_storage* tet;
00153     for(tet=boc->Give_tets();tet!=NULL && found_tet==NULL;tet=tet->Next()) {
00154       if(In_tetbo(tet,corn,V)) {
00155         found_tet = tet;
00156       }
00157     }
00158     if(found_tet==NULL) {
00159       int count = 0;    
00160       for(unsigned int i=0;i<8;++i) {
00161         J=I.neighbour((dir_sons)i);
00162         if (grid->Give_type(J) == nearb)
00163           count++;
00164       }
00165       for(unsigned int i=0;i<8;++i) {
00166         J=I.neighbour((dir_sons)i);
00167         if (grid->Give_type(J) == nearb) {
00168           grid->Give_variable(J,max_lev)[f->Number_variable()] += 1.0/(double)count * q;
00169         }
00170       }
00171     }
00172     else {      
00173       for(unsigned int i=0;i<4;++i) {
00174           if(i==0) num = found_tet->N0();
00175           if(i==1) num = found_tet->N1();
00176           if(i==2) num = found_tet->N2();
00177           if(i==3) num = found_tet->N3();
00178           boc->vars[num][f->Number_variable()] +=
00179               q * Calc_bary_weights(corn[found_tet->N0()],corn[found_tet->N1()],
00180                   corn[found_tet->N2()],corn[found_tet->N3()],
00181                   V,i) / found_tet->Det();
00182 /*
00183   Changed that while I was in Berkley October 2004 in order to have the
00184   charge density instead the charges !
00186   boc->vars[num][f->Number_variable()] +=
00187   q * Calc_bary_weights(corn[found_tet->N0()],corn[found_tet->N1()],
00188   corn[found_tet->N2()],corn[found_tet->N3()],
00189   V,i) / found_tet->Det() *h*h*h;
00190 */
00191       }      
00192     }
00193   }
00194   else {
00195     /*
00196     cout << " x: " << x
00197          << " y: " << y
00198          << " z: " << z
00199          << " max_lev: " <<  max_lev
00200          << " q: " << q
00201          << endl;
00203     cout << "\n I: "; 
00204     I.Print();
00205     cout << "\n coord of I: "; 
00206     grid->transform_coord(I).Print();
00207     cout << endl;
00208     cout << " Typ der Zelle: " << (int)grid->Give_cell_typ(I) << endl;
00209     */
00210     // cout << "\n can not be .... " << endl;
00211   }  
00212   // fehlt: Parallel aufaddieren der Summation bei GhostPunkten
00214   /*
00215   int array_num[1];
00216   array_num[0] = f->Number_variable();
00217   grid->Sum_ghost_nodes_Variable(array_num,1,grid->Max_level());
00218   */
00219 }
00221 inline double weight(double x, dir1D d, double h) {
00222   if(Rd==d) return x;
00223             return h-x;
00224 }
00226 void partInterp(Variable *f, double x, double y, double z, double *q) {
00227   Grid* grid;
00228   grid = f->Give_grid();
00229   Index3D I,J;
00230   D3vector V;
00231   const int max_lev = grid->Max_level();
00232   double h, hhh;
00234   h   = grid->Give_finest_mesh_size();
00235   hhh = h*h*h;
00237   //  aus (x,y,z) Index der Zelle class Index3D I, getCell?
00238   V = grid->back_transform_coord(D3vector(x,y,z));
00239   I = back_coordinate(V,max_lev);
00241   *q=0.0;
00243   if(grid->Give_cell_typ(I)==int_cell) {
00244     /*
00245     // Gehe zu 8 Ecken der Zelle 
00246     for(unsigned int i=0;i<8;++i) {
00247       J=I.neighbour((dir_sons)i);
00248       *q += grid->Give_variable(J,max_lev)[f->Number_variable()] / 8.0;
00249     }
00250     */
00251       V = D3vector(x,y,z) - grid->transform_coord(I.neighbour(WSDd));
00252       for(unsigned int i=0;i<8;++i) {
00253           J=I.neighbour((dir_sons)i);
00254           *q += grid->Give_variable(J,max_lev)[f->Number_variable()] *
00255               weight(V.x,x1DCoord((dir_sons)i),h) *
00256               weight(V.y,y1DCoord((dir_sons)i),h) *
00257               weight(V.z,z1DCoord((dir_sons)i),h) / hhh;
00258       }
00259   } 
00260   else if(grid->Give_cell_typ(I)==fine_bo_cell) {
00261       int count = 0;
00262       for(unsigned int i=0;i<8;++i) {
00263           J=I.neighbour((dir_sons)i);
00264           if (grid->Give_type(J) == nearb)
00265               count++;
00266       }
00267       for(unsigned int i=0;i<8;++i) {
00268           J=I.neighbour((dir_sons)i);
00269           if (grid->Give_type(J) == nearb) {
00270               *q += grid->Give_variable(J,max_lev)[f->Number_variable()] / (double)count;
00271           }
00272       }
00273   }
00274   else {
00275       //  cout << "\n can not be .... " << endl;
00276   }  
00277   // fehlt: Parallel aufaddieren der Summation bei GhostPunkten
00278 }

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