
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 /***************************************************************************
00003  *
00004  * The IPPL Framework
00005  * 
00006  *
00007  * Visit for more details
00008  *
00009  ***************************************************************************/
00011 #ifndef IPPL_FFT_FFTPACK_FFT_H
00012 #define IPPL_FFT_FFTPACK_FFT_H
00014 // include files
00015 #include "Utility/PAssert.h"
00016 #include "Utility/IpplInfo.h"
00019 /**************************************************************************
00020  * fftpack_FFT.h:  Prototypes for accessing Fortran 1D FFT routines from
00021  * Netlib, and definitions for templated class FFTPACK, which acts as an
00022  * FFT engine for the FFT class, providing storage for trigonometric
00023  * information and performing the 1D FFTs as needed.
00024  **************************************************************************/
00026 // For platforms that do Fortran symbols in all caps.
00027 #if defined(IPPL_T3E)
00029 #define cffti_ CFFTI
00030 #define cfftf_ CFFTF
00031 #define cfftb_ CFFTB
00032 #define rffti_ RFFTI
00033 #define rfftf_ RFFTF
00034 #define rfftb_ RFFTB
00035 #define sinti_ SINTI
00036 #define sint_ SINT
00037 #define fcffti_ FCFFTI
00038 #define fcfftf_ FCFFTF
00039 #define fcfftb_ FCFFTB
00040 #define frffti_ FRFFTI
00041 #define frfftf_ FRFFTF
00042 #define frfftb_ FRFFTB
00043 #define fsinti_ FSINTI
00044 #define fsint_ FSINT
00046 #endif
00048 // For platforms that do Fortran symbols just like C symbols.
00049 #if defined(IPPL_SP2)
00051 #define cffti_ cffti
00052 #define cfftf_ cfftf
00053 #define cfftb_ cfftb
00054 #define rffti_ rffti
00055 #define rfftf_ rfftf
00056 #define rfftb_ rfftb
00057 #define sinti_ sinti
00058 #define sint_ sint
00059 #define fcffti_ fcffti
00060 #define fcfftf_ fcfftf
00061 #define fcfftb_ fcfftb
00062 #define frffti_ frffti
00063 #define frfftf_ frfftf
00064 #define frfftb_ frfftb
00065 #define fsinti_ fsinti
00066 #define fsint_ fsint
00068 #endif
00070 // FFTPACK function prototypes for Fortran routines
00071 extern "C" {
00072   // double-precision CC FFT
00073   void cffti_(int& n, double& wsave);
00074   void cfftf_(int& n, double& r, double& wsave);
00075   void cfftb_(int& n, double& r, double& wsave);
00076   // double-precision RC FFT
00077   void rffti_(int& n, double& wsave);
00078   void rfftf_(int& n, double& r, double& wsave);
00079   void rfftb_(int& n, double& r, double& wsave);
00080   // double-precision sine transform
00081   void sinti_(int& n, double& wsave);
00082   void sint_(int& n, double& r, double& wsave);
00083   // single-precision CC FFT
00084   void fcffti_(int& n, float& wsave);
00085   void fcfftf_(int& n, float& r, float& wsave);
00086   void fcfftb_(int& n, float& r, float& wsave);
00087   // single-precision RC FFT
00088   void frffti_(int& n, float& wsave);
00089   void frfftf_(int& n, float& r, float& wsave);
00090   void frfftb_(int& n, float& r, float& wsave);
00091   // single-precision sine transform
00092   void fsinti_(int& n, float& wsave);
00093   void fsint_(int& n, float& r, float& wsave);
00094 }
00097 // FFTPACK_wrap provides static functions that wrap the Fortran functions
00098 // in a common interface.  We specialize this class on precision type.
00099 template <class T>
00100 class FFTPACK_wrap {};
00102 // Specialization for float
00103 template <>
00104 class FFTPACK_wrap<float> {
00106 public:
00107   // interface functions used by class FFTPACK
00109   // initialization functions for CC FFT, RC FFT, and sine transform
00110   static void ccffti(int n, float* wsave) { fcffti_(n, *wsave); }
00111   static void rcffti(int n, float* wsave) { frffti_(n, *wsave); }
00112   static void rrffti(int n, float* wsave) { fsinti_(n, *wsave); }
00113   // forward and backward CC FFT
00114   static void ccfftf(int n, float* r, float* wsave) { fcfftf_(n, *r, *wsave); }
00115   static void ccfftb(int n, float* r, float* wsave) { fcfftb_(n, *r, *wsave); }
00116   // forward and backward RC FFT
00117   static void rcfftf(int n, float* r, float* wsave) { frfftf_(n, *r, *wsave); }
00118   static void rcfftb(int n, float* r, float* wsave) { frfftb_(n, *r, *wsave); }
00119   // sine transform
00120   static void rrfft(int n, float* r, float* wsave) { fsint_(n, *r, *wsave); }
00122 };
00124 // Specialization for double
00125 template <>
00126 class FFTPACK_wrap<double> {
00128 public:
00129   // interface functions used by class FFTPACK
00131   // initialization functions for CC FFT, RC FFT, and sine transform
00132   static void ccffti(int n, double* wsave) { cffti_(n, *wsave); }
00133   static void rcffti(int n, double* wsave) { rffti_(n, *wsave); }
00134   static void rrffti(int n, double* wsave) { sinti_(n, *wsave); }
00135   // forward and backward CC FFT
00136   static void ccfftf(int n, double* r, double* wsave) {cfftf_(n, *r, *wsave);}
00137   static void ccfftb(int n, double* r, double* wsave) {cfftb_(n, *r, *wsave);}
00138   // forward and backward RC FFT
00139   static void rcfftf(int n, double* r, double* wsave) {rfftf_(n, *r, *wsave);}
00140   static void rcfftb(int n, double* r, double* wsave) {rfftb_(n, *r, *wsave);}
00141   // sine transform
00142   static void rrfft(int n, double* r, double* wsave) { sint_(n, *r, *wsave); }
00144 };
00147 // Definition of FFT engine class FFTPACK
00148 template <class T>
00149 class FFTPACK {
00151 public:
00153   // definition of complex type
00155   typedef complex<T> Complex_t;
00156 #else
00157   typedef complex Complex_t;
00158 #endif
00160   // Trivial constructor.  Do the real work in setup function.
00161   FFTPACK(void) {}
00163   // destructor
00164   ~FFTPACK(void);
00166   // setup internal storage and prepare to perform FFTs
00167   // inputs are number of dimensions to transform, the transform types,
00168   // and the lengths of these dimensions.
00169   void setup(unsigned numTransformDims, const int* transformTypes,
00170              const int* axisLengths);
00172   // invoke FFT on complex data for given dimension and direction
00173   void callFFT(unsigned transformDim, int direction, Complex_t* data);
00175   // invoke FFT on real data for given dimension and direction
00176   void callFFT(unsigned transformDim, int direction, T* data);
00178 private:
00180   unsigned numTransformDims_m;  // number of dimensions to transform
00181   int* transformType_m;         // transform type for each dimension
00182   int* axisLength_m;            // length of each transform dimension
00183   T** trig_m;                   // trigonometric tables
00185 };
00188 // Inline member function definitions
00190 // destructor
00191 template <class T>
00192 inline
00193 FFTPACK<T>::~FFTPACK(void) {
00194   // delete storage
00195   for (unsigned d=0; d<numTransformDims_m; ++d)
00196     delete [] trig_m[d];
00197   delete [] trig_m;
00198   delete [] transformType_m;
00199   delete [] axisLength_m;
00200 }
00202 // setup internal storage to prepare for FFTs
00203 template <class T>
00204 inline void
00205 FFTPACK<T>::setup(unsigned numTransformDims, const int* transformTypes,
00206                   const int* axisLengths) {
00208   // store transform types and lengths for each transform dim
00209   numTransformDims_m = numTransformDims;
00210   transformType_m = new int[numTransformDims_m];
00211   axisLength_m = new int[numTransformDims_m];
00212   unsigned d;
00213   for (d=0; d<numTransformDims_m; ++d) {
00214     transformType_m[d] = transformTypes[d];
00215     axisLength_m[d] = axisLengths[d];
00216   }
00218   // allocate and initialize trig table
00219   trig_m = new T*[numTransformDims_m];
00220   for (d=0; d<numTransformDims_m; ++d) {
00221     switch (transformType_m[d]) {
00222     case 0:  // CC FFT
00223       trig_m[d] = new T[4 * axisLength_m[d] + 15];
00224       FFTPACK_wrap<T>::ccffti(axisLength_m[d], trig_m[d]);
00225       break;
00226     case 1:  // RC FFT
00227       trig_m[d] = new T[2 * axisLength_m[d] + 15];
00228       FFTPACK_wrap<T>::rcffti(axisLength_m[d], trig_m[d]);
00229       break;
00230     case 2:  // Sine transform
00231       trig_m[d] = new T[static_cast<int>(2.5 * axisLength_m[d] + 0.5) + 15];
00232       FFTPACK_wrap<T>::rrffti(axisLength_m[d], trig_m[d]);
00233       break;
00234     default:
00235       ERRORMSG("Unknown transform type requested!!" << endl);
00236       break;
00237     }
00238   }
00240   return;
00241 }
00243 // invoke FFT on complex data for given dimension and direction
00244 template <class T>
00245 inline void
00246 FFTPACK<T>::callFFT(unsigned transformDim, int direction,
00247                     FFTPACK<T>::Complex_t* data) {
00249   // check transform dimension and direction arguments
00250   PAssert(transformDim<numTransformDims_m);
00251   PAssert(direction==+1 || direction==-1);
00253   // cast complex number pointer to T* for calling Fortran routines
00254   T* rdata = reinterpret_cast<T*>(data);
00256   // branch on transform type for this dimension
00257   switch (transformType_m[transformDim]) {
00258   case 0:  // CC FFT
00259     if (direction == +1) {
00260       // call forward complex-to-complex FFT
00261       FFTPACK_wrap<T>::ccfftf(axisLength_m[transformDim], rdata,
00262                               trig_m[transformDim]);
00263     }
00264     else {
00265       // call backward complex-to-complex FFT
00266       FFTPACK_wrap<T>::ccfftb(axisLength_m[transformDim], rdata,
00267                               trig_m[transformDim]);
00268     }
00269     break;
00270   case 1:  // RC FFT
00271     if (direction == +1) {
00272       // call forward real-to-complex FFT
00273       FFTPACK_wrap<T>::rcfftf(axisLength_m[transformDim], rdata,
00274                               trig_m[transformDim]);
00275       // rearrange output to conform with SGI format for complex result
00276       int clen = axisLength_m[transformDim]/2 + 1;
00277       data[clen-1] = Complex_t(imag(data[clen-2]),0.0);
00278       for (int i = clen-2; i > 0; --i)
00279         data[i] = Complex_t(imag(data[i-1]),real(data[i]));
00280       data[0] = Complex_t(real(data[0]),0.0);
00281     }
00282     else {                
00283       // rearrange input to conform with Netlib format for complex modes
00284       int clen = axisLength_m[transformDim]/2 + 1;
00285       data[0] = Complex_t(real(data[0]),real(data[1]));
00286       for (int i = 1; i < clen-1; ++i)
00287         data[i] = Complex_t(imag(data[i]),real(data[i+1]));
00288       // call backward complex-to-real FFT
00289       FFTPACK_wrap<T>::rcfftb(axisLength_m[transformDim], rdata,
00290                               trig_m[transformDim]);
00291     }
00292     break;
00293   case 2:  // Sine transform
00294     ERRORMSG("Input for real-to-real FFT should be real!!" << endl);
00295     break;
00296   default:
00297     ERRORMSG("Unknown transform type requested!!" << endl);
00298     break;
00299   }
00301   return;
00302 }
00304 // invoke FFT on real data for given dimension and direction
00305 template <class T>
00306 inline void
00307 FFTPACK<T>::callFFT(unsigned transformDim, int direction, T* data) {
00309   // check transform dimension and direction arguments
00310   PAssert(transformDim<numTransformDims_m);
00311   PAssert(direction==+1 || direction==-1);
00313   // branch on transform type for this dimension
00314   switch (transformType_m[transformDim]) {
00315   case 0:  // CC FFT
00316     ERRORMSG("Input for complex-to-complex FFT should be complex!!" << endl);
00317     break;
00318   case 1:  // RC FFT
00319     ERRORMSG("real-to-complex FFT uses complex input!!" << endl);
00320     break;
00321   case 2:  // Sine transform
00322     // invoke the real-to-real transform on the data
00323     FFTPACK_wrap<T>::rrfft(axisLength_m[transformDim], data,
00324                            trig_m[transformDim]);
00325     break;
00326   default:
00327     ERRORMSG("Unknown transform type requested!!" << endl);
00328     break;
00329   }
00331   return;
00332 }
00335 #endif // IPPL_FFT_FFTPACK_FFT_H
00337 /***************************************************************************
00338  * $RCSfile: fftpack_FFT.h,v $   $Author: adelmann $
00339  * $Revision: $   $Date: 2003/01/23 07:40:26 $
00340  * IPPL_VERSION_ID: $Id: fftpack_FFT.h,v 2003/01/23 07:40:26 adelmann Exp $ 
00341  ***************************************************************************/

Generated on Mon Jan 16 13:23:42 2006 for IPPL by  doxygen 1.4.6