
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //**************************************************************************
00002 //
00003 //                                 NOTICE
00004 //
00005 // This software is a result of the research described in the report
00006 //
00007 // " A comparison of algorithms for modal analysis in the absence 
00008 //   of a sparse direct method", P. Arbenz, R. Lehoucq, and U. Hetmaniuk,
00009 //  Sandia National Laboratories, Technical report SAND2003-1028J.
00010 //
00011 // It is based on the Epetra, AztecOO, and ML packages defined in the Trilinos
00012 // framework ( ).
00013 //
00014 // The distribution of this software follows also the rules defined in Trilinos.
00015 // This notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this software, in whole or
00016 // in part.
00017 //
00018 // Under terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
00019 // license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government.
00020 //
00021 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00022 // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00024 //
00025 // Code Authors: U. Hetmaniuk (, R. Lehoucq (
00026 //
00027 //**************************************************************************
00029 #include "ModalTools.h"
00032 ModalTools::ModalTools(const Epetra_Comm &_Comm) :
00033     callFortran(),
00034     callBLAS(),
00035     callLAPACK(),
00036     MyComm(_Comm),
00037     MyWatch(_Comm),
00038     eps(0.0),
00039     timeQtMult(0.0),
00040     timeQMult(0.0),
00041     timeProj_MassMult(0.0),
00042     timeNorm_MassMult(0.0),
00043     timeProj(0.0),
00044     timeNorm(0.0),
00045     numProj_MassMult(0),
00046     numNorm_MassMult(0) {
00048     callLAPACK.LAMCH('E', eps);
00050 }
00053 int ModalTools::makeSimpleLumpedMass(const Epetra_Operator *M, double *normWeight) const {
00055     // Return, in the array normWeight, weights value such that
00056     // the function Epetra_MultiVector::NormWeighted computes
00057     //
00058     //              || . || = ( N / ( 1^T M 1) )^{1/2} * || . ||_{2}
00059     //
00060     // where 1 is the vector with unit entries and N is the size of the problem
00061     //
00062     // normWeight : Array of double (length = # of unknowns on this processor)
00063     //              Contains at exit the weights
00064     //
00065     // Note: When M is 0, the function does not do anything
00067     if (M == 0)
00068         return -1;
00070     int row = (M->OperatorDomainMap()).NumMyElements();
00072     double *zVal = new double[row];
00074     Epetra_Vector z(View, M->OperatorDomainMap(), zVal);
00075     Epetra_Vector Mz(View, M->OperatorDomainMap(), normWeight);
00077     z.PutScalar(1.0);
00078     M->Apply(z, Mz);
00080     delete[] zVal;
00082     int i;
00083     double rho = 0.0;
00084     for (i = 0; i < row; ++i)
00085         rho += normWeight[i];
00087     normWeight[0] = rho;
00088     MyComm.SumAll(normWeight, &rho, 1);
00090     int info = 0;
00091     if (rho <= 0.0) {
00092         info = -2;
00093         if (MyComm.MyPID() == 0)
00094             cerr << "\n !!! The mass matrix gives a negative mass: " << rho << " !!! \n\n";
00095         return info;
00096     }
00097     rho = rho/(M->OperatorDomainMap()).NumGlobalElements();
00099     // 
00100     // Note that the definition of the weighted norm in Epetra forces this weight definition
00101     // UH 09/03/03
00102     //
00104     rho = sqrt(rho/(M->OperatorDomainMap()).NumGlobalElements());
00106     for (i = 0; i < row; ++i)
00107         normWeight[i] = rho;
00109     return info;
00111 }
00114 int ModalTools::massOrthonormalize(Epetra_MultiVector &X, Epetra_MultiVector &MX, 
00115                                    const Epetra_Operator *M, const Epetra_MultiVector &Q,
00116                                    int howMany, int type, double *WS, double kappa) {
00118     // For the inner product defined by the operator M or the identity (M = 0)
00119     //   -> Orthogonalize X against Q
00120     //   -> Orthonormalize X 
00121     // Modify MX accordingly
00122     // WS is used as a workspace (size: (# of columns in X)*(# of rows in X))
00123     //
00124     // Note that when M is 0, MX is not referenced
00125     //
00126     // Parameter variables
00127     //
00128     // X  : Vectors to be transformed
00129     //
00130     // MX : Image of the block vector X by the mass matrix
00131     //
00132     // Q  : Vectors to orthogonalize against
00133     //
00134     // howMany : Number of vectors of X to orthogonalized
00135     //           If this number is smaller than the total number of vectors in X,
00136     //           then it is assumed that the last "howMany" vectors are not orthogonal
00137     //           while the other vectors in X are othogonal to Q and orthonormal.
00138     //
00139     // type = 0 (default) > Performs both operations
00140     // type = 1           > Performs Q^T M X = 0
00141     // type = 2           > Performs X^T M X = I
00142     //
00143     // WS   = Working space (default value = 0)
00144     //
00145     // kappa= Coefficient determining when to perform a second Gram-Schmidt step
00146     //        Default value = 1.5625 = (1.25)^2 (as suggested in Parlett's book)
00147     //
00148     // Output the status of the computation
00149     //
00150     // info =   0 >> Success.
00151     //
00152     // info >   0 >> Indicate how many vectors have been tried to avoid rank deficiency for X 
00153     //
00154     // info =  -1 >> Failure >> X has zero columns
00155     //                       >> It happens when # col of X     > # rows of X 
00156     //                       >> It happens when # col of [Q X] > # rows of X 
00157     //                       >> It happens when no good random vectors could be found
00159     int info = 0;
00161     // Orthogonalize X against Q
00162     timeProj -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00163     if (type != 2) {
00165         int xc = howMany;
00166         int xr = X.MyLength();
00167         int qc = Q.NumVectors();
00169         Epetra_MultiVector XX(View, X, X.NumVectors()-howMany, howMany);
00171         Epetra_MultiVector MXX(View, X.Map(), (M) ? MX.Values() + xr*(MX.NumVectors()-howMany)
00172                                : X.Values() + xr*(X.NumVectors()-howMany),
00173                                xr, howMany);
00175         // Perform the Gram-Schmidt transformation for a block of vectors
00177         // Compute the initial M-norms
00178         double *oldDot = new double[xc];
00179         MXX.Dot(XX, oldDot);
00182         int zz;
00183         for (zz = 0; zz < xc; ++zz) {
00184             oldDot[zz] = sqrt(oldDot[zz]);
00185             double tmp = 1.0/oldDot[zz];
00186             XX(zz)->Scale(tmp);
00187             if (M)
00188                 MXX(zz)->Scale(tmp);
00189         }
00192         // Define the product Q^T * (M*X)
00193         double *qTmx = new double[2*qc*xc];
00195         // Multiply Q' with MX
00196         timeQtMult -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00197         callBLAS.GEMM('T', 'N', qc, xc, xr, 1.0, Q.Values(), xr, MXX.Values(), xr, 
00198                       0.0, qTmx + qc*xc, qc);
00199         MyComm.SumAll(qTmx + qc*xc, qTmx, qc*xc);
00200         timeQtMult += MyWatch.WallTime();
00202         // Multiply by Q and substract the result in X
00203         timeQMult -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00204         callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, xc, qc, -1.0, Q.Values(), xr, qTmx, qc, 
00205                       1.0, XX.Values(), xr); 
00206         timeQMult += MyWatch.WallTime();
00208         // Update MX
00209         if (M) {
00210             if ((qc >= xc) || (WS == 0)) {
00211                 timeProj_MassMult -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00212                 M->Apply(XX, MXX);
00213                 timeProj_MassMult += MyWatch.WallTime();
00214                 numProj_MassMult += xc;
00215             }
00216             else {
00217                 Epetra_MultiVector MQ(View, Q.Map(), WS, Q.MyLength(), qc);
00218                 timeProj_MassMult -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00219                 M->Apply(Q, MQ);
00220                 timeProj_MassMult += MyWatch.WallTime();
00221                 numProj_MassMult += qc;
00222                 callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, xc, qc, -1.0, MQ.Values(), xr, qTmx, qc, 
00223                               1.0, MXX.Values(), xr); 
00224             }  // if ((qc >= xc) || (WS == 0))
00225         } // if (M)
00227         double newDot = 0.0;
00228         int j;
00229         for (j = 0; j < xc; ++j) {
00231             MXX(j)->Dot(*(XX(j)), &newDot);
00233             //      if (kappa*newDot < oldDot[j]) {
00234             if (kappa*newDot < 1.0) {
00236                 // Apply another step of classical Gram-Schmidt
00237                 timeQtMult -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00238                 callBLAS.GEMM('T', 'N', qc, xc, xr, 1.0, Q.Values(), xr, MXX.Values(), xr, 
00239                               0.0, qTmx + qc*xc, qc);
00240                 MyComm.SumAll(qTmx + qc*xc, qTmx, qc*xc);
00241                 timeQtMult += MyWatch.WallTime();
00243                 timeQMult -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00244                 callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, xc, qc, -1.0, Q.Values(), xr, qTmx, qc, 
00245                               1.0, XX.Values(), xr); 
00246                 timeQMult += MyWatch.WallTime();
00248                 // Update MX
00249                 if (M) {
00250                     if ((qc >= xc) || (WS == 0)) {
00251                         timeProj_MassMult -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00252                         M->Apply(XX, MXX);
00253                         timeProj_MassMult += MyWatch.WallTime();
00254                         numProj_MassMult += xc;
00255                     }
00256                     else {
00257                         Epetra_MultiVector MQ(View, Q.Map(), WS, Q.MyLength(), qc);
00258                         timeProj_MassMult -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00259                         M->Apply(Q, MQ);
00260                         timeProj_MassMult += MyWatch.WallTime();
00261                         numProj_MassMult += qc;
00262                         callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', xr, xc, qc, -1.0, MQ.Values(), xr, qTmx, qc, 
00263                                       1.0, MXX.Values(), xr); 
00264                     } // if ((qc >= xc) || (WS == 0))
00265                 } // if (M)
00267                 break;
00268             } // if (kappa*newDot < oldDot[j])
00269         } // for (j = 0; j < xc; ++j)
00272         for (zz = 0; zz < xc; ++zz) {
00273             XX(zz)->Scale(oldDot[zz]);
00274             if (M)
00275                 MXX(zz)->Scale(oldDot[zz]);
00276         }
00279         delete[] qTmx;
00280         delete[] oldDot;
00282     } // if (type != 2)
00283     timeProj += MyWatch.WallTime();
00285     // Orthonormalize X 
00286     timeNorm -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00287     if (type != 1) {
00289         int j;
00290         int xc = X.NumVectors();
00291         int xr = X.MyLength();
00292         int globalSize = X.GlobalLength();
00293         int shift = (type == 2) ? 0 : Q.NumVectors();
00294         int mxc = (M) ? MX.NumVectors() : X.NumVectors();
00296         bool allocated = false;
00297         if (WS == 0) {
00298             allocated = true;
00299             WS = new double[xr];
00300         }
00302         double *oldMXj = WS;
00303         double *MXX = (M) ? MX.Values() : X.Values();
00304         double *product = new double[2*xc];
00306         double dTmp;
00308         for (j = 0; j < howMany; ++j) {
00310             int numX = xc - howMany + j;
00311             int numMX = mxc - howMany + j;
00313             // Put zero vectors in X when we are exceeding the space dimension
00314             if (numX + shift >= globalSize) {
00315                 Epetra_Vector XXj(View, X, numX);
00316                 XXj.PutScalar(0.0);
00317                 if (M) {
00318                     Epetra_Vector MXXj(View, MX, numMX);
00319                     MXXj.PutScalar(0.0);
00320                 }
00321                 info = -1;
00322             }
00324             int numTrials;
00325             bool rankDef = true;
00326             for (numTrials = 0; numTrials < 10; ++numTrials) {
00328                 double *Xj = X.Values() + xr*numX;
00329                 double *MXj = MXX + xr*numMX;
00331                 double oldDot = 0.0;
00332                 dTmp = callBLAS.DOT(xr, Xj, MXj);
00333                 MyComm.SumAll(&dTmp, &oldDot, 1);
00335                 memcpy(oldMXj, MXj, xr*sizeof(double));
00337                 if (numX > 0) {
00339                     // Apply the first Gram-Schmidt
00341                     callBLAS.GEMV('T', xr, numX, 1.0, X.Values(), xr, MXj, 0.0, product + xc);
00342                     MyComm.SumAll(product + xc, product, numX);
00343                     callBLAS.GEMV('N', xr, numX, -1.0, X.Values(), xr, product, 1.0, Xj);
00344                     if (M) {
00345                         if (xc == mxc) {
00346                             callBLAS.GEMV('N', xr, numX, -1.0, MXX, xr, product, 1.0, MXj);
00347                         }
00348                         else {
00349                             Epetra_Vector XXj(View, X, numX);
00350                             Epetra_Vector MXXj(View, MX, numMX);
00351                             timeNorm_MassMult -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00352                             M->Apply(XXj, MXXj);
00353                             timeNorm_MassMult += MyWatch.WallTime();
00354                             numNorm_MassMult += 1;
00355                         }
00356                     }
00358                     double dot = 0.0;
00359                     dTmp = callBLAS.DOT(xr, Xj, MXj);
00360                     MyComm.SumAll(&dTmp, &dot, 1);
00362                     if (kappa*dot < oldDot) {
00363                         callBLAS.GEMV('T', xr, numX, 1.0, X.Values(), xr, MXj, 0.0, product + xc);
00364                         MyComm.SumAll(product + xc, product, numX);
00365                         callBLAS.GEMV('N', xr, numX, -1.0, X.Values(), xr, product, 1.0, Xj);
00366                         if (M) {
00367                             if (xc == mxc) {
00368                                 callBLAS.GEMV('N', xr, numX, -1.0, MXX, xr, product, 1.0, MXj);
00369                             }
00370                             else {
00371                                 Epetra_Vector XXj(View, X, numX);
00372                                 Epetra_Vector MXXj(View, MX, numMX);
00373                                 timeNorm_MassMult -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00374                                 M->Apply(XXj, MXXj);
00375                                 timeNorm_MassMult += MyWatch.WallTime();
00376                                 numNorm_MassMult += 1;
00377                             }
00378                         }
00379                     } // if (kappa*dot < oldDot)
00381                 } // if (numX > 0)
00383                 double norm = 0.0;
00384                 dTmp = callBLAS.DOT(xr, Xj, oldMXj);
00385                 MyComm.SumAll(&dTmp, &norm, 1);
00387                 if (norm > oldDot*eps*eps) {
00388                     norm = 1.0/sqrt(norm);
00389                     callBLAS.SCAL(xr, norm, Xj);
00390                     if (M)
00391                         callBLAS.SCAL(xr, norm, MXj);
00392                     rankDef = false;
00393                     break;
00394                 }
00395                 else {
00396                     info += 1;
00397                     Epetra_Vector XXj(View, X, numX);
00398                     XXj.Random();
00399                     Epetra_Vector MXXj(View, MX, numMX);
00400                     if (M) {
00401                         timeNorm_MassMult -= MyWatch.WallTime();
00402                         M->Apply(XXj, MXXj);
00403                         timeNorm_MassMult += MyWatch.WallTime();
00404                         numNorm_MassMult += 1;
00405                     }
00406                     if (type == 0)
00407                         massOrthonormalize(XXj, MXXj, M, Q, 1, 1, WS, kappa);
00408                 } // if (norm > oldDot*eps*eps)
00410             }  // for (numTrials = 0; numTrials < 10; ++numTrials)
00412             if (rankDef == true) {
00413                 Epetra_Vector XXj(View, X, numX);
00414                 XXj.PutScalar(0.0);
00415                 if (M) {
00416                     Epetra_Vector MXXj(View, MX, numMX);
00417                     MXXj.PutScalar(0.0);
00418                 }
00419                 info = -1;
00420                 break;
00421             }
00423         } // for (j = 0; j < howMany; ++j)
00425         delete[] product;
00427         if (allocated == true) {
00428             delete[] WS;
00429         }
00431     } // if (type != 1)
00432     timeNorm += MyWatch.WallTime();
00434     return info;
00436 }
00439 void ModalTools::localProjection(int numRow, int numCol, int dotLength,
00440                                  double *U, int ldU, double *MatV, int ldV, 
00441                                  double *UtMatV, int ldUtMatV, double *work) const {
00443     // This routine forms a projected matrix of a matrix Mat onto the subspace
00444     // spanned by U and V
00445     //
00446     // numRow = Number of columns in U (or number of rows in U^T) (input)
00447     //
00448     // numCol = Number of columns in V (input)
00449     //
00450     // dotLength = Local length of vectors U and V (input)
00451     //
00452     // U = Array of double storing the vectors U (input)
00453     //
00454     // ldU = Leading dimension in U (input)
00455     //
00456     // MatV = Array of double storing the vectors Mat*V (input)
00457     //
00458     // ldMatV = Leading dimension in MatV (input)
00459     //
00460     // UtMatV = Array of double storing the projected matrix U^T * Mat * V (output)
00461     //
00462     // ldUtMatV = Leading dimension in UtMatV (input)
00463     //
00464     // work = Workspace (size >= 2*numRow*numCol)
00466     int j;
00467     int offSet = numRow*numCol;
00469     callBLAS.GEMM('T', 'N', numRow, numCol, dotLength, 1.0, U, ldU, MatV, ldV, 
00470                   0.0, work + offSet, numRow);
00471     MyComm.SumAll(work + offSet, work, offSet);
00473     double *source = work;
00474     double *result = UtMatV;
00475     int howMany =  numRow*sizeof(double);
00477     for (j = 0; j < numCol; ++j) {
00478         memcpy(result, source, howMany);
00479         // Shift the pointers
00480         source = source + numRow;
00481         result = result + ldUtMatV;
00482     }
00484 }
00487 int ModalTools::directSolver(int size, double *KK, int ldK, double *MM, int ldM,
00488                              int &nev, double *EV, int ldEV, double *theta, int verbose, int esType) const {
00490     // Routine for computing the first NEV generalized eigenpairs of the symmetric pencil (KK, MM)
00491     //
00492     // Parameter variables:
00493     //
00494     // size : Size of the matrices KK and MM
00495     //
00496     // KK : Symmetric "stiffness" matrix (Size = size x ldK)
00497     //
00498     // ldK : Leading dimension of KK (ldK >= size)
00499     //
00500     // MM : Symmetric Positive "mass" matrix  (Size = size x ldM)
00501     //
00502     // ldM : Leading dimension of MM (ldM >= size)
00503     //
00504     // nev : Number of the smallest eigenvalues requested (input)
00505     //       Number of the smallest computed eigenvalues (output)
00506     //
00507     // EV : Array to store the eigenvectors (Size = nev x ldEV)
00508     //
00509     // ldEV : Leading dimension of EV (ldEV >= size)
00510     //
00511     // theta : Array to store the eigenvalues (Size = nev)
00512     // 
00513     // verbose : Flag to print information on the computation
00514     //
00515     // esType : Flag to select the algorithm
00516     //
00517     // esType =  0 (default) Uses LAPACK routine (Cholesky factorization of MM)
00518     //                       with deflation of MM to get orthonormality of 
00519     //                       eigenvectors (S^T MM S = I)
00520     //
00521     // esType =  1           Uses LAPACK routine (Cholesky factorization of MM)
00522     //                       (no check of orthonormality)
00523     //
00524     // esType = 10           Uses LAPACK routine for simple eigenproblem on KK
00525     //                       (MM is not referenced in this case)
00526     //
00527     // Note: The code accesses only the upper triangular part of KK and MM.
00528     //
00529     // Return the integer info on the status of the computation
00530     //
00531     // info = 0 >> Success
00532     //
00533     // info = - 20 >> Failure in LAPACK routine
00535     // Define local arrays
00537     double *kp = 0;
00538     double *mp = 0;
00539     double *tt = 0;
00541     double *U = 0;
00543     int i, j;
00544     int rank = 0;
00545     int info = 0;
00546     int tmpI;
00548     int NB = 5 + callFortran.LAENV(1, "dsytrd", "u", size, -1, -1, -1, 6, 1);
00549     int lwork = size*NB;
00550     double *work = new double[lwork];
00552     double tol = sqrt(eps);
00554     switch (esType) {
00556     default:
00557     case 0:
00559         // Use the Cholesky factorization of MM to compute the generalized eigenvectors
00561         // Define storage
00562         kp = new double[size*size];
00563         mp = new double[size*size];
00564         tt = new double[size];
00565         U = new double[size*size];
00567         if (verbose > 4)
00568             cout << endl;
00570         // Copy KK & MM
00571         tmpI = sizeof(double);
00572         for (rank = size; rank > 0; --rank) {
00573             memset(kp, 0, size*size*tmpI);
00574             for (i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
00575                 memcpy(kp + i*size, KK + i*ldK, (i+1)*tmpI);
00576                 memcpy(mp + i*size, MM + i*ldM, (i+1)*tmpI);
00577             }
00578             // Solve the generalized eigenproblem with LAPACK
00579             info = 0;
00580             callFortran.SYGV(1, 'V', 'U', rank, kp, size, mp, size, tt, work, lwork, &info);
00581             // Treat error messages
00582             if (info < 0) {
00583                 if (verbose > 0) {
00584                     cerr << endl;
00585                     cerr << " In DSYGV, argument " << -info << "has an illegal value.\n";
00586                     cerr << endl;
00587                 }
00588                 return -20;
00589             }
00590             if (info > 0) {
00591                 if (info > rank)
00592                     rank = info - rank;
00593                 continue;
00594             }
00595             // Check the quality of eigenvectors
00596             for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
00597                 memcpy(mp + i*size, MM + i*ldM, (i+1)*tmpI);
00598                 for (j = 0; j < i; ++j)
00599                     mp[i + j*size] = mp[j + i*size];
00600             }
00601             callBLAS.GEMM('N', 'N', size, rank, size, 1.0, mp, size, kp, size, 0.0, U, size);
00602             callBLAS.GEMM('T', 'N', rank, rank, size, 1.0, kp, size, U, size, 0.0, mp, rank);
00603             double maxNorm = 0.0;
00604             double maxOrth = 0.0;
00605             for (i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
00606                 for (j = i; j < rank; ++j) {
00607                     if (j == i) {
00608                         maxNorm = (fabs(mp[j+i*rank]-1.0) > maxNorm) ? fabs(mp[j+i*rank]-1.0) : maxNorm;
00609                     }
00610                     else {
00611                         maxOrth = (fabs(mp[j+i*rank]) > maxOrth) ? fabs(mp[j+i*rank]) : maxOrth;
00612                     }
00613                 }
00614             }
00615             if (verbose > 4) {
00616                 cout << " >> Local eigensolve >> Size: " << rank;
00617                 cout.precision(2);
00618                 cout.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);
00619                 cout << " Normalization error: " << maxNorm;
00620                 cout << " Orthogonality error: " << maxOrth;
00621                 cout << endl;
00622             }
00623             if ((maxNorm <= tol) && (maxOrth <= tol))
00624                 break;
00625         } // for (rank = size; rank > 0; --rank)
00627         if (verbose > 4)
00628             cout << endl;
00630         // Copy the eigenvectors
00631         memset(EV, 0, nev*ldEV*tmpI);
00632         nev = (rank < nev) ? rank : nev;
00633         memcpy(theta, tt, nev*tmpI);
00634         tmpI = rank*tmpI;
00635         for (i = 0; i < nev; ++i) {
00636             memcpy(EV + i*ldEV, kp + i*size, tmpI);
00637         }
00639         break;
00641     case 1:
00643         // Use the Cholesky factorization of MM to compute the generalized eigenvectors
00645         // Define storage
00646         kp = new double[size*size];
00647         mp = new double[size*size];
00648         tt = new double[size];
00650         // Copy KK & MM
00651         tmpI = sizeof(double);
00652         for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
00653             memcpy(kp + i*size, KK + i*ldK, (i+1)*tmpI);
00654             memcpy(mp + i*size, MM + i*ldM, (i+1)*tmpI);
00655         }
00657         // Solve the generalized eigenproblem with LAPACK
00658         info = 0;
00659         callFortran.SYGV(1, 'V', 'U', size, kp, size, mp, size, tt, work, lwork, &info);
00661         // Treat error messages
00662         if (info < 0) {
00663             if (verbose > 0) {
00664                 cerr << endl;
00665                 cerr << " In DSYGV, argument " << -info << "has an illegal value.\n";
00666                 cerr << endl;
00667             }
00668             return -20;
00669         }
00670         if (info > 0) {
00671             if (info > size)
00672                 nev = 0;
00673             else {
00674                 if (verbose > 0) {
00675                     cerr << endl;
00676                     cerr << " In DSYGV, DPOTRF or DSYEV returned an error code (" << info << ").\n";
00677                     cerr << endl;
00678                 }
00679                 return -20; 
00680             }
00681         }
00683         // Copy the eigenvectors
00684         memcpy(theta, tt, nev*tmpI);
00685         tmpI = size*tmpI;
00686         for (i = 0; i < nev; ++i) {
00687             memcpy(EV + i*ldEV, kp + i*size, tmpI);
00688         }
00690         break;
00692     case 10:
00694         // Simple eigenproblem
00696         // Define storage
00697         kp = new double[size*size];
00698         tt = new double[size];
00700         // Copy KK
00701         tmpI = sizeof(double);
00702         for (i=0; i<size; ++i) {
00703             memcpy(kp + i*size, KK + i*ldK, (i+1)*tmpI);
00704         }
00706         // Solve the generalized eigenproblem with LAPACK
00707         callFortran.SYEV('V', 'U', size, kp, size, tt, work, lwork, &info);
00709         // Treat error messages
00710         if (info != 0) {
00711             if (verbose > 0) {
00712                 cerr << endl;
00713                 if (info < 0) 
00714                     cerr << " In DSYEV, argument " << -info << " has an illegal value\n";
00715                 else
00716                     cerr << " In DSYEV, the algorithm failed to converge (" << info << ").\n";
00717                 cerr << endl;
00718             }
00719             info = -20;
00720             break;
00721         }
00723         // Copy the eigenvectors
00724         memcpy(theta, tt, nev*tmpI);
00725         tmpI = size*tmpI;
00726         for (i = 0; i < nev; ++i) {
00727             memcpy(EV + i*ldEV, kp + i*size, tmpI);
00728         }
00730         break;
00732     }
00734     // Clear the memory
00736     if (kp)
00737         delete[] kp;
00738     if (mp)
00739         delete[] mp;
00740     if (tt)
00741         delete[] tt;
00742     if (work)
00743         delete[] work;
00744     if (U)
00745         delete[] U;
00747     return info;
00749 } 

Generated on Fri Oct 26 13:35:11 2007 for FEMAXX (Finite Element Maxwell Eigensolver) by  doxygen 1.4.7